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It's the 25th Anniversary of TheOneRing.net & 15th of Founders Day


Apr 27, 2:34am

Post #1 of 3 (32431 views)
It's the 25th Anniversary of TheOneRing.net & 15th of Founders Day Can't Post

On April 26, 1999, TheOneRing.net (TORn) was born and quickly became the place to go to find news, pictures or discussion about J.R.R. Tolkien and all things about Peter Jackson's film version of The Lord of the Rings and eventually The Hobbit in 2012. Created by our Founders Xoanon (Michael Regina-Canada); Calisuri (Chris Piortta-U.S.); Erica Challis (Tehanu-NZ); and William Thomas (Corvar-U.S.), TORn is still going strong 25 years later!

On April 26, 2009, TheOneRing.net's very own holiday was created by TORnsibling, weaver. Her idea was to have an annual event "where everyone could post things about TORn and the Boards they really like, or which have made a difference to them." She shared her inspired quest with all of us. After many discussions and suggestions, it was agreed the date of the event should be April 26 and that we would celebrate our Founders. So because of weaver's inspiration, we have our very own holiday and place to express how much TORn means to us… thanks to our Founders and everyone behind the scenes who keep this place going with the highest standards.

Our TORn and Founders Day Anniversary (TORniversary) is a great day to reminisce, tell war stories, and reflect on all the adventures and friendships that have been forged over the years. *raises glass* Here's to the next 25 years!

TORn "Valaquenta"

The Lore of the TORnstaff Creatures by dernwyn


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 3, 2:57pm

Post #2 of 3 (31192 views)
Praise them with great (belated) praise! // [In reply to] Can't Post


Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville

Na Vedui

May 4, 4:07pm

Post #3 of 3 (29400 views)
Thank you! [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you, TORN and individual posters on TORN, for many happy hours over the years. XXX


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