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May 14, 7:50pm

Post #26 of 46 (1639 views)
I think it would be better if it [In reply to] Can't Post

went to a huge Tolkien fan, then they would try to put their heart and soul into.

Like PJ was a good choice for the Original Trilogy because he lived and breathed the lord of the rings.

"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."


May 14, 7:59pm

Post #27 of 46 (1632 views)
An example of your point...look at how Amazon trashed Wheel of Time [In reply to] Can't Post

and they have FULL rights to the books.

Amazon's show runners and writers think they know better.


May 14, 8:07pm

Post #28 of 46 (1629 views)
That is true [In reply to] Can't Post

It seems like the one thing good that amazon is doing for their shows is Fallout, (I am a fan of the Fallout 4 video game) but that is also a video game and not a book.

As much as I love Rings of Power, I would prefer a different company or director taking over if there is another Middle-earth. That's why I'm having faith in Andy Serkis.

That being sad, I really like the Rings of Power, lore wise it's not great, but I enjoy it for what it is lol

"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."


May 14, 8:13pm

Post #29 of 46 (1629 views)
(Not) Adapting The Silmarillion [In reply to] Can't Post

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if the people who own the rights to the books want to make more movies or shows, they should do the Children of Hurin (Not the whole Silmarillion because I don't think that could be done unless divided by individual chapters) but I would love to see the Children of Hurin as it was one of my favorite books, but that is one I would rather be very close to the source, much like the Fellowship of the Ring.

Like with the new news that Andy Serkis is directing more LOTR films, I'm excited because I think Andy is a very capable actor and director, but I would much rather see something unfamiliar, maybe even a Tolkien source that isn't Middle-Earth. Farmer Giles of Hamm and the Father Christmas Letters are two of my favorite non-Middle-earth stories by Tolkien that would be fun to see and not straining the Middle-earth legendarium.

The problem with that is that the rights to The Silmarillion and The Childen of Hurin are held by the Tolkien Estate and they are not filmmakers.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


May 14, 8:19pm

Post #30 of 46 (1623 views)
The end of all things [In reply to] Can't Post

One of the best parts of this whole fiasco is that the Tolkien Estate has NOT optioned The Silmarillion. That book is proper special - even with its unorthodox creation/collaboration with Christopher. I don't want anyone to touch it, ever.

Even if someone gave ME the rights, and billions of dollars to spend I would end up ruining it. It can't be improved upon. Film will add nothing to its beauty. Keeping it off the table is a godsend - make money off the Professor if you must, but I'm glad those stories are off limits.

Seriously - if I made those adaptations (and I'm a huge fan who would crave fidelity and who weeps when I read it etc) would disappoint myself.

Let's leave it safely in our imaginations where it belongs.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

(This post was edited by Junesong on May 14, 8:19pm)

Grey Havens

May 14, 8:32pm

Post #31 of 46 (1626 views)
Zombie king? [In reply to] Can't Post

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Some sort of zombie king flashes up briefly at 2:27 ?

And who is the character at 1:06?


May 14, 9:50pm

Post #32 of 46 (1587 views)
Mysteries [In reply to] Can't Post

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Some sort of zombie king flashes up briefly at 2:27 ?

And who is the character at 1:06?

It does not seem as though the creature could be a Nazgul. Even if Sauron distributes the Nine Rings during this season, it should take time for the Ring-bearers to become that corrupted. Maybe it is a Wight, long before the Witch-king summons the Barrow-wights to Arthedain.

The grey Elf? I don't know but I hope that is not Cirdan. There is also a mysterious woman reaching out with her arms (not here, but in the trailer). She is possibly one of the Mystics or another of their kind. Or has one of the Blue Wizards been gender-swapped?

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on May 14, 9:57pm)

Intergalactic Lawman

May 14, 11:41pm

Post #33 of 46 (1566 views)
It's here... [In reply to] Can't Post

...and it looks dreadful! With the announcement of more ME films, they should stick a fork in this show before more damage is done. Any appetite fans have for ME will be diminished (further) by this shows very existence.


May 15, 11:45am

Post #34 of 46 (1392 views)
Star Wars [In reply to] Can't Post

I felt the same way about the various Star Wars shows that have been produced. Saw the trailers and thought they looked like trash. Haven't watched any of them or thought of any of them since. It feels great. A few friends have gotten into them and I'm happy for them - but it's just not for me.

We live in a world full of mediocre media. IP is routinely scraped over too much bread to the point of absurdity.

In such an environment it's nice to be able to just shrug some things off and walk away.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

Registered User

May 15, 6:26pm

Post #35 of 46 (1350 views)
Hmm [In reply to] Can't Post

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...and it looks dreadful! With the announcement of more ME films, they should stick a fork in this show before more damage is done. Any appetite fans have for ME will be diminished (further) by this shows very existence.

Well, there's no guarantee of the new WB movies being any good so you might want to hold your horses on that front...

Personally, I'm excited for S2 of RoP. S1 wasn't perfect by any means and it had its flaws, but the people who hate the show made their feelings known two years ago. No need to exhaust any more energy in lecturing others on what is "pure" Tolkien and what isn't.


May 16, 1:25pm

Post #36 of 46 (1287 views)
Naz"gals" [In reply to] Can't Post

Nerd of the Rings used that term in his video and it made me laugh into my juice. Not sure if he coined it.

I loved the three mysterious witches in Season One - I was hoping the show was going to dive into Morgoth and Sauron being worshipped like a religious cult - something that should already have been well established - and probably would've strengthened the pretty weak "Southlands" storyline.

I'm hoping season two really leans into this religious side of the Dark Lord.

Perhaps this mystery man from the trailer could be a high priest. Or a corrupted Blue Wizard?

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 16, 1:37pm

Post #37 of 46 (1284 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

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Nerd of the Rings used that term in his video and it made me laugh into my juice. Not sure if he coined it.

I loved the three mysterious witches in Season One - I was hoping the show was going to dive into Morgoth and Sauron being worshipped like a religious cult - something that should already have been well established - and probably would've strengthened the pretty weak "Southlands" storyline.

I'm hoping season two really leans into this religious side of the Dark Lord.

Perhaps this mystery man from the trailer could be a high priest. Or a corrupted Blue Wizard?

I enjoyed the symbolism around the three witches too. They were the classic weird sisters archetype. I don't get the association with moths or butterflies or whatever. From my experience with Tolkien, I associate the butterflies with Bilbo in Mirkwood and then of course, with PJ's movies I associate moths with eagles. So I don't see what the show runners are going for.

None-the-less, since very little of what we've seen in the past touches on religion, I hope they develop it more this season. It would make sense too if the weird sisters end up on Numenor to start the Melkor cult there. Although, I bet they change it to a Sauron cult instead for the show.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.


May 16, 2:01pm

Post #38 of 46 (1280 views)
The Grey Man [In reply to] Can't Post

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Nerd of the Rings used that term in his video and it made me laugh into my juice. Not sure if he coined it.

I loved the three mysterious witches in Season One - I was hoping the show was going to dive into Morgoth and Sauron being worshipped like a religious cult - something that should already have been well established - and probably would've strengthened the pretty weak "Southlands" storyline.

I'm hoping season two really leans into this religious side of the Dark Lord.

Perhaps this mystery man from the trailer could be a high priest. Or a corrupted Blue Wizard?

One YouTube analysis concludes that the Man in Grey is our new Adar, possibly in a flashback. I'm still on the fence.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella

Grey Havens

May 20, 10:18pm

Post #39 of 46 (1184 views)
#1 trending on YouTube [In reply to] Can't Post

In films category The Rings of Power is top trending with 12M views

Below that is Wicked with 4.5M

And #3 is House of Dragon with 4.1M

I'm not good at maths, maybe someone better with numbers can get more interesting info on statistics? But this at least seems to show there is still plenty of interest in this series, despite falling viewer counts.

However, I've also noticed content creators are getting lots of views for producing videos about RoP (mostly negative). So is this a sign that the series is actually popular or are people just enjoying criticising it that much? Will it matter to Amazon if they still get the views?


May 23, 8:09pm

Post #40 of 46 (1077 views)
Interesting [In reply to] Can't Post

S01 definitely generated a lot of hate content and even now a lot of YT content creators live off from it and create mocking teaser reactions and breakdowns. It's become a bit of a sport, the comment section is the playground for them and it seems these people won't just let it be. However, I'm not sure that alone could be responsible for such a high number of views of the teaser itself, especially given the huge gap between RoP and HotD, I didn't expect that at all. The teaser generated a lot of re-watches on Prime and the show is suddenly really popular on IMDB in terms of searches. The teaser is well done, the haters are mocking Wicker's wig but other than that, there's nothing much substantial for them to point out. So I feel like the controversy is definitely helping Amazon at the moment.


May 23, 8:13pm

Post #41 of 46 (1077 views)
Online vs Reality [In reply to] Can't Post

I think - as per usual - the online noise is much louder than the actual lived reality. In fact - a lot of the haters are watching the show right along with the rest of us. Sometimes more than once.

If season two does improve and the show becomes an actual success - both artistically, and financially - nothing will change. They'll just hate it even more.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 23, 9:43pm

Post #42 of 46 (1068 views)
it is strange [In reply to] Can't Post

I noticed that the teaser's release was immediately (as in minutes after the fact) picked up by most major entertainment news outlets. The stories all shared essentially the same descriptive prose. I imagine that they were given advance warning/a sneak peek. I don't know if House of the Dragon got the same kind of instant amplification across news outlets. That said, I feel like it would be weird if it hadn't--this type of thing seems like a standard marketing strategy these days. Perhaps it really was just a difference in the level of enthusiasm (both positive and negative) that catalyzed the rapid view-count.


May 23, 10:16pm

Post #43 of 46 (1065 views)
Bash Parties [In reply to] Can't Post

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"these people"... "the haters"... the controversy is definitely helping Amazon at the moment.

Despite my criticisms of the show and the show's attacks against fans via Access Media, the online Bash Parties bother me too. It's distasteful, embarrassing. It's excessive, mobbish, and not in the spirit of making things better. They could do a better job of it than just snicker at everything. It ruins their credibility for the legitimate issues they raise.

But you should listen to yourselves when using words that marginalize "the others" in the same manner; let's laugh at the silly critics. I'm watching closely for how the production itself handles the fans this time around.

And yes, it helps Amazon metrics more than just ignoring the whole thing.

(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on May 23, 10:16pm)


May 24, 12:56am

Post #44 of 46 (1056 views)
You extrapolate something from my comment that wasn't there [In reply to] Can't Post

I definitely hope Amazon avoids marketing blunders like superfan videos and suggesting people are racist. In fact, based on the teaser views, they don't really need to do anything and perhaps could even save some marketing money. Just release one sneak peek and an official trailer in a month time and let the momentum roll. What they have revealed so far is more than enough to keep people speculating until August.

I have little understanding for the hate content and I have no other word for it, yet my main point was that the fact it probably contributed to generating 3times the views of the HotD teaser, when the only really questionable thing in the teaser is the wig (as pretty much everything else can end up being good or bad depending on the final context), is bizarre.


May 24, 5:28pm

Post #45 of 46 (1035 views)
Wig Jabs [In reply to] Can't Post

I expected, as I think many did, a different actor to portray Sauron in angelic form. Going with the same actor in a pretty bad wig makes everyone look dumb from the production to the writers to the character to the other characters in the fiction who can't see through a simple wig.

And in the real world, it occurs to me as a jab, intentional or not, with the wig now a symbol of evil, at those who complained about the development choices of doing without the standard hair styles from the movies and the lore.

(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on May 24, 5:31pm)


Jul 9, 7:10pm

Post #46 of 46 (447 views)
I am fully in agreement! [In reply to] Can't Post

I hate that they try to spin this show as anything connected to Tolkien at all! Since this is a simple trash tier fanfic average generic fantasy story wearing Tolkien world as skin suit!!!! It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with his creative vision when it actually cannot even tell simple events that he envisioned! So why the heck anyone would try to compare this to Tolkien...really?! There's no comparison I mean seriously if Tolkien fans want fanfics,...they will find much better written stories on the net :). Thank goodness I'm done with this show..I will not support it nor watch it because it's simply put lame fic pale imitation...hell when they cannot even do basic worldbuilding rihgt...you know you are in the realm of fanfic writers who make the most amateurish stuff out there hehe.

I mean someone can enjoy this pile of crap...there's no accounting for taste I guess...but damn it shouldn't have anything to do with Tolkien so to not marr his name...and it certainly doesn't have anything to do with his vision when it tells entirely different story......I am disappointed that so many just accept it....hell the one case of similar show House of the Dragon..based similarly on the brief historical summary of events....just like the Amazon show supposedly was to be....and the HBO did so much better job...sure they invented new things changed or altered or tweaked here and there....but damn there at least the basic lore was used and events as in book Fire and Blood and still managed to build something.....Amazon attempt in comparison is......woah....bad. Funnily enough the House of the Dragon is more faithful to it's source than the first season of Amazon primal rings )....at least the events were accurate hahahah. The story beats in the Amazon show were entirely made up and contradicted Tolkien left and right!

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