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"How Much Unused Lord of the Rings Footage Exists? (and what to do about it)"


Sep 19 2023, 3:50am

Post #1 of 6 (11912 views)
"How Much Unused Lord of the Rings Footage Exists? (and what to do about it)" Can't Post


Literally hundreds of hours of film sitting in a vault awaiting super extended cuts and or as the author suggests a mini-series approach.


Sep 19 2023, 3:59am

Post #2 of 6 (11894 views)
Rights [In reply to] Can't Post

Maybe this April when TORn gets its rights back, they'll be able to do something about it.


Sep 19 2023, 5:01am

Post #3 of 6 (11902 views)
"Hours of extra fighting scenes" [In reply to] Can't Post

That was the line that made me turn off the YouTube feature.

Just because the footage exists, doesn't mean we should be clamoring that it be released. It was cut for a reason. We shouldn't need Jackson's outtakes and repetitive fifty takes of one scene to enjoy Tolkien's books, or to 'supplement' the New Line trilogy of films, which have already received an unnecessary 'extended edition' re-release.

What about the possibility that the supposed 7 million feet of film in that vault in Colorado is actually not very good, incredibly repetitive, or schlock? What about the idea that Jackson and his editors gave us the movie they wanted to give us, rather than simple-minded fan-illustration footage of costumed actors miming out additional scenes 'from the book' without any cinematic consequence or value?

Jackson's films have long since been released, judged, and admired as they are. To call for further treatment of his discarded footage is like demanding that Alan Lee or John Howe and Ted Nasmith publish their discarded studies and sketches of Tolkien subjects, which they felt didn't make the grade.

Didn't make the grade. 7 million feet of footage, maybe. But it didn't make the grade, and it should be ignored not released to fans for just a slight addtional cost.

squire online:
RR Discussions: The Valaquenta, A Shortcut to Mushrooms, and Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
Lights! Action! Discuss on the Movie board!: 'A Journey in the Dark'. and 'Designing The Two Towers'.
Archive: All the TORn Reading Room Book Discussions (including the 1st BotR Discussion!) and Footerama: "Tolkien would have LOVED it!"
Dr. Squire introduces the J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Reader's Diary

= Forum has no new posts. Forum needs no new posts.


Sep 19 2023, 2:43pm

Post #4 of 6 (11872 views)
Only assuming it is junk.....I prefer the extended editions for the additional character [In reply to] Can't Post

development. If there is more along those lines put it out.

https://www.archives.gov/...re-film-storage.html Film storage info.

(This post was edited by Eruonen on Sep 19 2023, 2:46pm)


Oct 9 2023, 6:16am

Post #5 of 6 (11207 views)
and my view? [In reply to] Can't Post

It's always been that an extended extended edition would be great to have, particularly if it rounded out some of the parts that were somewhat compressed and clipped in the Theatrical Edition and even the Extended Edition - which I've got BTW - didn't manage to include.I mean, I did worry about the mass of material that Christopher Tolkien put out in HoME back before I could get my hands on it, but I found that reading it brought out the complexity of the Secondary World Construction and I wound up enjoying it immensely.So yes, I would stump up the cash for an Extended Extended 25th Anniversary Edition of The Lord of the Rings the way I stumped up for the original Extended Edition.


May 9, 4:28pm

Post #6 of 6 (4066 views)
So would I…. [In reply to] Can't Post

Definitely want to see Faramir and Eown’s wedding and burying Theoden. Those, I believe, were cut for length. But I would too fast forward through those fighting scenes.

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