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Lord of the Rings Movie Scripts


Jun 25 2023, 10:05am

Post #1 of 4 (14892 views)
Lord of the Rings Movie Scripts Can't Post

How many movie scripts of the Lord of the Rings - completed and prospective - are there? Available? Extant?
I've just come across the Boorman scrrenplay, and will be reading it over the next few weeks, trying to work out if it is at all watcher-friendly. And there are copies of transcriptions of the Peter Jackson trilogy available.
Does anyone know if the others are extant or available?


Jun 25 2023, 10:30am

Post #2 of 4 (14881 views)
Boorman script [In reply to] Can't Post

Here it is. You'll note that the people on this Reddit aren't exactly impressed:


Jun 25 2023, 3:52pm

Post #3 of 4 (14869 views)
Scripts [In reply to] Can't Post

A quick search shows these two sites at the top. Then categorical and alphabetical from there for LOTR or anything you might want. I can't vouch for their quality.



Oct 3 2023, 2:56pm

Post #4 of 4 (12397 views)
Fool's Hope [In reply to] Can't Post

I've looked off and on for different drafts of the LOTR scripts over the years, and a Google search can find you scripts for, at the very least, the extended editions of Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, and the theatrical cut of Return of the King.

But I've been slowly going crazy the past couple of years looking for the earlier drafts! Back in the 90s, there were enough script reviews of the two-film Miramax drafts that I feel like they should be out there somewhere, but I've never found it online.

And the shooting scripts for the LOTR trilogy keep popping up on different auction sites! These scripts are my Holy Grail and I'm still holding onto hope (a fool's hope?) that someone will someday get them and scan them online for everyone to read. I've always been fascinated with the idea of looking at early versions of the shooting scripts before the on-set rewrite, pickups, and reshoots.

(If anyone's curious, Google searching "The Lord of the Rings scripts Jamboree" should give you some info on them. Jamboree was the codename given to the three films, and all three of the scripts have a fake title page using that title. Apparently, the first film's script is 214 pages long, the second film is 166 pages, and the third is 165. One difference I've seen based on the few pages that have been presented on these auction sites is that ROTK began with the reforging of Narsil.)

So, fingers crossed that eventually any of those 5 scripts might one day appear online!


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