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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:
An open letter to the Hobbit forum
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Mar 4 2016, 10:48am

Post #26 of 35 (86977 views)
Welcome back! // [In reply to] Can't Post


Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Mar 5 2016, 6:16am

Post #27 of 35 (86937 views)
Well said, Silverlode, and may I say... [In reply to] Can't Post

...that I continue to be utterly impressed with how well you and the other moderators keep this ship sailing smoothly. Even what passes for anger or fighting on here pales in comparison to what I see on other boards (some of which I cautiously belong to). It gets to the point that even the moderators in those places (that shall not be named Evil) get involved in the down and dirty behavior. In contrast to that, you guys are the very image of professionalism, and you inspire the rest of us to follow suit.

I'm not exactly squeaky clean on the matter of the things you've discussed here Tongue, but I do try my best, as do many others here. TORN has been, and continues to be, the most pleasant and inviting community on the net. Heart

"The danger with any movie that does as well as this one does is that the amount of money it's making and the number of awards that it's got becomes almost more important than the movie itself in people's minds. I look at that as, in a sense, being very much like the Ring, and its effect on people. You know, you can kind of forget what we were doing, if you get too wrapped up in that."
- Viggo Mortensen

(This post was edited by Aragorn the Elfstone on Mar 5 2016, 6:17am)


Mar 6 2016, 3:07am

Post #28 of 35 (86900 views)
Brava, my dear Silverlode! [In reply to] Can't Post

This was amazing!

I haven't been a frequent on TH boards lately (or TORn for that matter) due to illness, but I occasionally pop back in here even for a quick peek when my headaches aren't too bad (I hate sinus infections Pirate). But I feel the same as you- TH board has gotten really, well....boring, unless one enjoys constant bickering that's been resounded so often one could recite it in their sleep.

I do not want to see TH board disappear because people aren't bothering to post anything of substantiation on it (this one excepting, obviously). It's sad that after three and a half years, give or take, the SAME arguments still abound Unsure

Thank you and the other mods for your dedication and commitment to TORn. I was going to do a mod appreciation post in Feedback the other day before my headache got the best of me, but it seems I no longer need to. You guys are so amazing! I'm humbled by all the work you do to keep these boards a place where lovers of Middle-earth can converse and debate (respectfully) even though many of you hold full time jobs and don't get paid a cent for it.

So here's a standing ovation for you all! Heart

(This post was edited by Cirashala on Mar 6 2016, 3:08am)


Mar 6 2016, 3:17am

Post #29 of 35 (86891 views)
Can we sticky this? [In reply to] Can't Post

I think these words have been quite applicable for a long time, and that it is something that should be considered required reading up top before one ventures onto TH boards Smile

Michelle Johnston

Apr 3 2016, 12:04pm

Post #30 of 35 (86454 views)
Thank you for your dedication to the site. [In reply to] Can't Post

I have been thinking for several months I must return to the site and thank those guys that run One Ring and this thread seems ideal.

However just about a week ago I found the one other discussion board I have contributed to making exactly the same points you have made so elequently and so well in your post.

I am older than most posters and take a more systemic view of internet behaviour. One of the things I have learned for myself is do not come to these boards looking for relaxation after a busy day. I am probably more careful and thoughtful about what I write on these two boards than when dealing with my business interests. Thats because I am determined to explain whatever point I make properly. On both sites I find if you are going to be critical you have to have the highest standard of care in your observations because both sites include a number of personalities who have taken it upon themselves the role of "defender of the faith". If, because I operate on a case by case basis, I say some thing positive I find the alternative responses much less overbearing. For example in 2013 I really encouraged people to take a wait and see approach with the films and offered open ended support and lets see what transpires operating on a half full rather than half empty approach. I had some very nice exchanges with people who decided one film gave them all they needed to know and disappeared.

When the full picture emerged for me I realised my open mindedness was not rewarded and the films have got steadly worse in my mind. Your Green Dragons's review of the final film sits just about where I sit. But I did find when I tried to explain my concerns the "defenders of the faith" either minimised, dismissed or argued the facts. If people want to share their disappointment why not, it isn't compulsory for people to try and minimise and neutralise an opposing view. I do appreciate of course that argument can work both ways but for me I do not find people who take an opposing view in the negative an issue indeed I like to listen and understand why and most of them are decent thoughtful people who make a good case from their perspective.

In summary I find those that really enjoy the films and think they are on the whole great are much less willing to listen and I think I know why, this second trilogy has not captured the imagination of the public like the first. I noticed, having spent the winter in New Zealand, it was never mentioned in the many locations I spent time at and when I took a helicopter to treble cones as part of a themed afternoon either people were disinterested or unenthusiastic and that was the staff volunteering their views I said not a word. For me its the silence that tells me what I think the reaction is.

As a task orientated person the task is now complete and I have learned even at my age what I am looking for from a film and deepened my appreciation for Tolkien as a result of following the making of these movies.

But to finish I really do want to say i for one am pleased I had the chance in 2012 to 2014 to share Tolkien with others. My entire Tolkien experience since I left school has been in a vacuum of one so it has been good to meet others.

I am most grateful and when I, tired, have become more difficult myself I appreciated the quiet and sensitive input from your team.

My Dear Bilbo something is the matter with you! you are not the same hobbit that you were.

(This post was edited by Michelle Johnston on Apr 3 2016, 12:09pm)

Ugly Troll

Apr 17 2016, 7:02pm

Post #31 of 35 (86366 views)
Such is the world we live in [In reply to] Can't Post

here and everyday. At least the Nazgul are only in their own minds.

You and all your fellow mods/admins are amazing. I don't know how you've done this for so long, but your love for JRRT is amazing.

Thank you (all)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 17 2016, 11:31pm

Post #32 of 35 (86347 views)
Ugly Troll! [In reply to] Can't Post

Long time no see, old timer! I hope all is well with you and GalTX. Cool


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Apr 17 2016, 11:57pm

Post #33 of 35 (86343 views)
UT? [In reply to] Can't Post

Long time since we've last seen your delightful avatar! Do come by more often! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Sep 4 2016, 10:44pm

Post #34 of 35 (84729 views)
I agree with your post, Silverlode... [In reply to] Can't Post

and there is really nothing I can add to it! Cool

Mari D.

Aug 18 2018, 10:20am

Post #35 of 35 (73803 views)
Wow [In reply to] Can't Post

Reading your two long posts, Silverlode, I was amazed and delighted at all the insights. As I like psychological stuff, very interesting how you describe both sides in a dispute and how they interact. And then to analyze myself and spot where maybe I'm still prone to a certain behaviour described.
Want to read the texts more often to get that balanced attitude myself Blush

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