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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:
The Courtesy of our Halls (Discussion Guidelines)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Oct 12 2014, 9:41pm

Post #1 of 12 (834768 views)
The Courtesy of our Halls (Discussion Guidelines) Can't Post

Welcome to TORN's Hobbit movie discussion board.

We expect that everyone who posts here has read our Terms of Service. If you have not, please do so before you post as violations of the TOS will result in being warned or banned. You will notice that we place a very high value on treating fellow members with courtesy. However, different sites have different standards of what is considered acceptable behavior so we thought some detailed explanations of our expectations might be helpful.

This is what good TORNetiquette looks like:

1. Remember that these boards are a community, not anyone's personal playground. We frequently find that those we call out for poor behavior try to justify it by citing free speech or personal rights. Your rights stop where others' rights begin, and personal attacks are never allowed. On all such questions the moderators have the final word. If you don't agree with or understand a moderator's decision, you can PM them to ask for more information.

2. Treat others with respect and find ways to express your opinions or disagree without tearing others down. Discuss issues, not personalities, and do not attempt to tell others what they do think or how they should think. Blanket phrases like "you people", "you all think", "you don't care if" or "anyone who thinks that...." show disrespect for the individuals you are addressing. Instead, speak for yourself. "I think", "In my opinion", "____ strikes me this way" are all much better gambits for discussion. Some examples:

OK: I think [Person/character] is awesome/terrible because [reasons]. I loved/hated [topic].
NOT OK: [Person/character] is [personal insult/remark] and should [suffer harm].

OK: [Topic] is well/poorly done, and does/doesn't capture the spirit of Tolkien because [reasons]. I'm so [personal reaction]!
NOT OK: Everyone who made/likes/dislikes [topic] is [insult] and everyone who agrees with them is also [disparaging remark].

OK: I love/hate [topic] and these movies are the BEST/WORST EVAH!
NOT OK: People who can't see that [topic] is awesome/terrible are [derogatory statement] and probably [personal criticism].

OK: I disagree completely, I think [opinion about topic].
NOT OK: If you don't agree with me about [personal opinion] you are not a real fan/shouldn't be on this site.

3. Give the benefit of the doubt. A huge number of arguments and flame wars arise over simple misunderstandings or different usage of words. We have people here from many different countries and cultures within those countries. Do not assume that your reading of a statement or perspective on an issue is the only possible one. If you did not mean to offend but someone is offended anyway, do not justify yourself and tell them how wrong they are to be upset. Explain what you did mean more clearly. If you are offended by someone else, ask for clarification before assuming they meant to be offensive. They may not be aware of how they sound to you.

4. Agree to Disagree. Part of respecting others' opinions is not always needing to have the last word. If the same point has been made three times by the same people in the same thread and no one is changing their minds, walk away. In all the history of these boards we have never seen anyone suddenly change their mind at this point in a conversation and there is no gain in continuing to try all the other members' patience with endless repetition. You cannot "win" on a matter of personal opinion and nearly all of our conversations are based on exactly that. If the debate is only between two people and both wish to continue it, take it to Private Message.

5. You don't own the threads you start. When you start a thread, you are providing a topic for discussion among all members. You do not get to control what is said after that. Everyone's opinions and perspectives are welcome in all threads here as long as they are stated without personal attacks, insults, or lewd/offensive language or content. Opinions will differ on nearly everything, and we do not encourage the forming of "sides" against one's fellow fans.

6. If you have nothing to say on a topic...don't. Feel free to check out and join in any discussion if you have something to say about it. But if it doesn't interest you, you don't need to post just to say so. That comes across as deliberately provocative. Just move on to another discussion or begin one that does interest you. Likewise, don't start a thread just to comment on another thread.

7. We are not a soapbox. Do not use these forums to campaign, try to raise awareness, or recruit people to a personal cause, even if it's a worthy one.

8. If you're not a Mod, don't try to act like one. By and large, TORN members are very helpful and like to jump in when they see a need. We are very happy about that. But we are not happy when we see people trying to lecture or enforce the rules against others. If you see someone violating the rules, or think the Mods have missed something, bring it to our attention via Private Message or on the Feedback board and let us deal with it. This goes double for trolls. Do not feed them.

9. Try to preserve a sense of humor. In the midst of so much speculation and with so many differing views on every topic causing friction between members, a sense of humor about oneself and the topic is a wonderful calming agent. We all love these stories, and we are all here because we have found enjoyment in them, by whatever means. Taking things too seriously turns what should be our common ground into a battle zone and defeats the purpose of gathering together as fans. Our differences can broaden our horizons rather than dividing us into little factions, if we lighten up a little and let them.

10. Detachment is the best preservation of sanity.
Fandom is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun, go do something else that is. If you find yourself getting too emotionally involved in debate, take a break and come back when you can be civil. We'll still be here.


Sep 18 2016, 10:36am

Post #2 of 12 (777518 views)
Silverlode, [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
Fandom is supposed to be fun.

What does the word ''fandom'' means? I am serious, btw. Wink

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 18 2016, 11:40am

Post #3 of 12 (777512 views)
It's a combination word [In reply to] Can't Post

made up of "fan" and "kingdom", and means the subculture of fans of a particular thing or the state of being an active fan. It covers all the different ways that people express their love for a thing. Collecting, costuming, making fanart, or simply coming here to discuss Tolkien with other people who love the books and movies are all ways of engaging in fandom.

Does that explain it?


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.


Sep 18 2016, 1:19pm

Post #4 of 12 (777507 views)
Fandom [In reply to] Can't Post

fandom noun a collective body of fans, enthusiasts, etc.

"He who lies artistically, treads closer to the truth than ever he knows." -- Favorite proverb of the wizard Ningauble of the Seven Eyes

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Sep 18 2016, 1:21pm)


Sep 23 2016, 12:43pm

Post #5 of 12 (776918 views)
Not sure... [In reply to] Can't Post

To make my question more specific: does fandom means the COMMUNITY OF FANS of something, or the state of being a fan of something?


Sep 24 2016, 11:54pm

Post #6 of 12 (776785 views)
Since Silverlode did not answer... [In reply to] Can't Post

perhaps you could do the favor, Otaku-sempai? This is an actual/serious doubt I have.


Sep 24 2016, 11:57pm

Post #7 of 12 (776781 views)
He did it [In reply to] Can't Post

Fandom is a group of fans.

"Se mais pessoas valorizassem o lar acima do ouro, o mundo seria muito mais feliz."




Sep 24 2016, 11:57pm

Post #8 of 12 (776783 views)
By the way... [In reply to] Can't Post

I am referring to this post:

In Reply To
To make my question more specific: does fandom means the COMMUNITY OF FANS of something, or the state of being a fan of something?


Sep 24 2016, 11:58pm

Post #9 of 12 (776777 views)
Wow, quick reply! [In reply to] Can't Post

Read my previous post and you will see that my question is a little more specific than that.


Sep 24 2016, 11:59pm

Post #10 of 12 (776774 views)
Oh yeah sorry [In reply to] Can't Post


"Se mais pessoas valorizassem o lar acima do ouro, o mundo seria muito mais feliz."




Sep 25 2016, 12:34am

Post #11 of 12 (776771 views)
I already replied. [In reply to] Can't Post

But, to clarify: Yes, fandom as used here refers to a community of fans.

"He who lies artistically, treads closer to the truth than ever he knows." -- Favorite proverb of the wizard Ningauble of the Seven Eyes

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Sep 25 2016, 12:35am)


Oct 26 2016, 7:59am

Post #12 of 12 (773524 views)
Thanks. // [In reply to] Can't Post



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