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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
"...but another ring was made..."
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May 28, 4:23pm

Post #26 of 32 (620 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

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As I noted in my other post, the chronology as published in The Tale of Years is:

the sequence runs like this:

c. 1500 The Elven-smiths instructed by Sauron reach the height of their skill. They begin the forging of the Rings of Power.
c. 1590 The Three Rings are completed in Eregion.
c. 1600 Sauron forges the One Ring in Orodruin. He completes the Barad-dûr. Celebrimbor perceives the designs of Sauron.

So, the Elves (with Sauron's help) begin forging the Rings of Power around 1500. Then around 90 years after that, they forge the Three, and 10 years after that Sauron forges the one.

And this is why the show has to compress time. An audience would have such a hard time perceiving the passage of a century over the course of a few episodes. And if the directors tried to portray that through aging human characters, I think you'd end up with a show even more hard to follow than the first season of The Witcher.

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May 28, 4:57pm

Post #27 of 32 (618 views)
Real History [In reply to] Can't Post

Also - similar to stories that adapt REAL history - the enormous passage of time between significant historical events is typically uninteresting and acts as an impediment to drama.

This is why even the most "historically accurate" films and shows deviate pretty wildly from the "real" timelines.

I've often thought of BRAVEHEART here - which completely distorts the historical timeline, conflating characters and creating love interests which were historically impossible.

It makes a way better movie though.

As soon as we found out they were making second age stories, we should have been prepared for a brutal approach to the timeline. Tolkien did a great job creating a super-plausible faux history. The show doesn't need to do that and shouldn't.

I think we'll follow the precedent set by Jackson and co. Go as fast as you want. Let people travel over Middle Earth as fast as they want. Conflate timelines and characters. Streamline. Simplify. Execute.

So far the show has done everything but execute.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 28, 7:34pm

Post #28 of 32 (596 views)
Dramatic License [In reply to] Can't Post

While I never wanted or expected The Rings of Power to be a documentary, Payne & McKay could at the very least respect the order in which events occur! They've already failed in this minimal expectation.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


May 28, 8:48pm

Post #29 of 32 (584 views)
Citizen... [In reply to] Can't Post

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While I never wanted or expected The Rings of Power to be a documentary...

"Citizen Sauron" could be an interesting flick.


May 28, 10:21pm

Post #30 of 32 (575 views)
That Timeline... [In reply to] Can't Post

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The Tale of Years (Appendix B to RotK) provides a better relative chronology, albeit one without precise dates until the War of the Elves and Sauron begins:
c. 1500 Elves begin forging rings in Eregion
c. 1590 Elves forge the Three (the last of the Lesser Rings)
c. 1600 Sauron forges and puts on the One. Celebrimbor (specifically) perceives his treachery.
1693 The War of the Elves and Sauron begins; the Three are Hidden.
1695 Invasion of Eriador; Gil-galad send Elrond to assist the elves of Eregion
1697 Sack of Eregion; doors of Moria shut; retreat of the Noldor & foundation of Imladris
1699 Eriador is overrun
1700 Tar-Minastir brings Numenorean armada to Lindon and defeats Sauron.
1701 Sauron driven from Eriador; "peace for a long while" in the Westlands
c. 1800 Numenorean colonization; "shadow falls on Numenor"
2251 Rebellion & division of the Numenoreans; the Nine appear for the first time as the Nazgul (presumably having received the rings much earlier, prior to withering into proper wraiths).

That timeline could perhaps be somewhat applied to the TV series if we assume a conversion rate of 1 year = 1 day.


Jun 6, 9:30pm

Post #31 of 32 (471 views)
this [In reply to] Can't Post

I’m on my first rewatch in two years, partly motivated by my desire to confirm suspicions arising from the S2 teaser. After watching the first two episodes, the following stood out to me that align with your suspicions:
1.) the poison corrupting the mallorn in Lindon is indeed the same substance as the creeping black spaghetti-monster of the teaser, indicating that this is not simply natural decay but a substance applied by said monster (Sauron), which would in turn suggest that we’re getting a Sauron-in-Lindon flashback like the Sauron-in-Forodwaith flashback hinted by the final scene in the trailer
2.) Celebrimbor is far too specific with his deadline for the completion of the forge and the proposed objects that would give the elves the power of creation…as if he were working according to another’s specifications. His envy of Feanor and imposter syndrome, although credible as character-flaws, might well have been stoked by Sauron.
3.) Every scene involving C. in Ep2 foreshadows the future collaboration with Sauron and drips with verbal irony: “I admire all who can see into the mystery of things, the plainness of what is and the beauty of what could be.” Etc. foreshadowing or a reference to a prior meeting?


Jul 9, 6:20pm

Post #32 of 32 (285 views)
And this is why they fail :) [In reply to] Can't Post

Truth be told I would have preferred time jumps or some clever play a la Cloud Atlas than what we got hahah....but more importantly...why the heck they changed so much that it no longer makes sense, the chronology of events and basic logic of it?! I mean seriously...why the heck the Three need to be made as first? Wouldn't logic dictate that first there should be experimental rings....these so called ''lesser rings" and THEN the Great Rings...why not play with the time passage exploring and showing true meaning of immortality on the basis of how the immortal characters view it...sure of course it wouldn't be possible to just do perfect depiction of timeline nobody expects...but for the love...dont' twist the basics of the logic and consistency of this world!!!! Come on!

This immediately brings up the thought about Tolkien's thoughts towards some changes regarding such probablity as he discussed in a letter about the infamous Zimmerman's script :)....this is the exact same issue :).

The biggest problem of the show....it's just a giant fanfic that DOESN'T depict any of the canonical events properly! It's just basics and they failed at basic stuff.

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