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Legolas vs wargs (LOTR Legolas)


Dec 3 2018, 11:26pm

Post #1 of 4 (37248 views)
Legolas vs wargs (LOTR Legolas) Can't Post

How many wargs and warg riders do you think he could take on single-handedly and win? Assume they are charging him and he is alone and has his bow of the Galadhrim and his white knives.

Note- I'm talking LOTR Legolas (aka the "excellent warrior but not invulnerable" version, not TH "only my nose can bleed otherwise I defy gravity and twinkle toe on dwarf heads" version).

In other words, realistically (in terms of what we know of Sindarin elf capabilities and Legolas's skill in battle) how many could he expect to take on before he is overwhelmed and either killed or taken captive?

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Thor 'n' Oakenshield

Dec 4 2018, 1:24am

Post #2 of 4 (37235 views)
His incredible eyesight gives him the immediate advantage [In reply to] Can't Post

because long before the warg-riders reach him (assuming they're not armed with bows), he can probably take out, let's say, ten riders and maybe five wargs - I'd say he wounds maybe three other wargs, but not enough to kill them, leaving them still in the battle. Even in LOTR, he's still possessed of incredible speed and agility, so I'd predict he can hold his own for a good couple of minutes, picking them off one by one. Honestly I think he has the advantage when he's on foot - he never showed any real prowess fighting from horseback that I can remember; he's more of a close-quarters fighter, very skilled at intricate maneuvers. If we were talking TH Legolas, he would probably hijack a warg and use it to attack the others, but LOTR Legolas is more practical - I think, if we have an army of maybe thirty warg-riders, I predict he can kill maybe fifteen to twenty riders and ten wargs. He doesn't ever seem to feel the need to wear armor in LOTR, which implies to me that he is very confident in his speed and quick reflexes to get him out safely, but as you mentioned in another post, he did almost seem afraid of those wargs. I think those would prove to be his downfall, if it came to that. He can run from orcs, but not from the wargs: the Wargs of Isengard seem, to my mind, faster and more relentless than those of the Misty Mountains. If he's up against Isengard wargs, I think he's a goner; when fighting those wargs in TT, he seems to be at his weakest. (though, if he's up against Isengard wargs, then is he also up against Uruk-Hai warg-riders? Because if so, that's even worse for him. Uruk-Hai are much stronger and they don't fear the light of day - however, they don't seem to be as skilled with the bow, as we rarely see them use those weapons, and when they do it's almost exclusively crossbows, I think? The longbow of the Galadhrim is a much more powerful weapon.)
Now if you give him Orcrist, things get really interesting. That thing is an incredible weapon, strikes fear in the hearts of orcs, and is a great throwing-weapon too, apparently. Though, armed with his father's sword, he could probably do just as much damage as he could with the blade of Gondolin - Thranduil's sword was awesome. (Or, that might have just been Thranduil's skill; he seems to have had reflexes that were even greater than his son's - and he was an expert fighter on elk-back, so if he was going up against the wargs on that elk, I think he would win. Legolas always relies too much on quick footwork and daring-do, but Thranduil is just aggressive - he charges into battle, and even when he's forcibly thrown from his elk, he rolls over his antlers and comes up on his feet like a cat. Incredible. But afterwards, dismounted, he showed less skill, in my opinion, than Legolas.)

Haha, I'm just having so much fun coming up with this stuff! Laugh

"Torment in the dark was the danger that I feared, and it did not hold me back. But I would not have come, had I known the danger of light and joy. Now I have taken my worst wound in this parting, even if I were to go this night straight to the Dark Lord."

Tol Eressea

Jan 2 2019, 11:42pm

Post #3 of 4 (36889 views)
Any warrior can be defeated by even the worst competitor [In reply to] Can't Post

under the right conditions. However.... Legolas... simply based on his athletic ability to mount a horse in a backwards gymnastic flip (that has my horse loving daughter screaming/cringing every time) could on 99 out of 100 days defeat any wargs... or giving his Hobbit abilities to dance on falling masonry ... at least run happily away yelling.... Can't catch me.

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(Found in Mathoms, LOTR Tales Untold)


Jan 3 2019, 2:29am

Post #4 of 4 (36880 views)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Your response has me in stitches! Good thing I haven't had surgery yet!

I agree with what you said about any warrior can be defeated under the right conditions (I would say a good example would simply being too outnumbered. We know that orcs' power lies in sheer numbers, and on wargs even more so).

The horse thing has me do a facepalm too. Every time I see it I can't stop thinking, "Legolas, you totally should have kicked Gimli smack in the side of the head and off that horse!" I've ridden my aunt's horse every time I've visited her since I was 5 and yeah, he seriously would have kicked Gimli off. The look on his face when he did so (had they been more realistic about it) would have been epic:

"Gimli, I'm gonna jump up!"
"Legolas, wai--AARGH!"
(Legolas looks behind him in confusion)
"Gimli? Gimli, where did you go?"
"I'm down here, you fool! You kicked me off the dang horse, you elvish half-wit!"

The masonry stunt was just stupid- though surprisingly entertaining when you add MarioKart music to it Sly

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You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!


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