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**TORn 10th Anniversary Tributes to our Founders from VIP FRIENDS OF TORn!!** Note--> VIP Posts have hearts next to them :-)
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May 31 2009, 3:46pm

Post #326 of 327 (55290 views)
Oh! [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks hobbithearted it's great to see how they've grown! Smile

*big hug*
Kel xHeart

Warning: Tigers not colour-fast! Wash separately.

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~10th Anniversary Thank You Cards to VIP's~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play


Apr 26 2015, 5:46pm

Post #327 of 327 (39504 views)
A veritable blast from the past. [In reply to] Can't Post

So nice to see so many dearly missed souls here!

Happy Founders' Day to one and all. Heart

(This post was edited by SirDennisC on Apr 26 2015, 5:46pm)

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