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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
A Note on Spoilers (please read)

Forum Admin

Aug 31 2022, 9:21pm

Post #1 of 1 (6996 views)
A Note on Spoilers (please read) Can't Post

As we approach the release of the Rings of Power, a note on spoilers and how we should handle them - it's been a while after all!

We want to encourage lively discussion and debate about the new series, but we also don't want to spoil the experience for those who wish to view the show unspoiled. Therefore, it would be appreciated if all board members could remember the following:

a) if you're posting something which could be regarded as spoilery for the show, please mark it as such in the subject line of your post: **SPOILERS** or **SPOILER ALERT**. If you want to reiterate the spoilers in the first line of your message, even better! Make it very clear that your post, or the link you're sharing, might contain spoilers, so someone can click away if they don't want to be spoiled.

b) if you're spoiler-avoiding, be careful. Don't assume everyone will remember to mark posts as such, and bear in mind there will be plenty of places to be spoiled online other than TORN. If you really want the unspoiled experience, consider waiting until you've watched the shows before checking in here. The posts and discussion won't go away, after all, and your input will be just as welcome a few hours/days late.

Us admins will do our best to monitor posts and add spoiler tags if necessary, and do alert us in Feedback if there's a post you think we need to look at.
Let's enjoy this new Tolkien content as the broad-minded, welcoming place TORN has always been, and help each other to enjoy it too.


Storm clouds

(This post was edited by dernwyn on Sep 1 2022, 11:18am)


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