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Regarding Political Discussion on TORn

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 18 2020, 7:00am

Post #1 of 1 (26098 views)
Regarding Political Discussion on TORn Can't Post

The site founders have always preferred that politics not be a feature of TORN.

We have always put a premium on courtesy among members. We don't allow personal attacks, or insults, or discriminatory remarks. We don't support making people feel unwelcome simply because they disagree. We've enjoyed the diversity of our members and welcomed other viewpoints. It's been one of the hallmarks of TORN. In recent years, it seems that political conversation has only become more divisive and to our disappointment we found it impossible for our large group to discuss such matters calmly or for our Moderators to maintain our usual standard of civil discussion when such topics arise. It produces argument rather than discussion, acrimony instead of understanding, and the bad feeling among members can last long after the conversation is over.

For this reason, we have banned political discussion from these forums. (See paragraph 11 of our Terms of Service for the details)

This is a Tolkien site. While people love to talk OT, it is not good for the site to allow an off-topic issue to create such division and such lasting resentment among members. We do not want to allow political arguments to undermine our unique fellowship, or let members be driven away because political discussion is creating an inhospitable atmosphere.

Instead, we make an effort to focus on the purpose of the site and make this a safe haven for those things we have in common, which are many. There are lots of places to vent, to lecture, to discuss politics. The news is full of it. Much of social media seems devoted to it. But there's only one TORN, and we are here to enjoy the company of others who love Tolkien.


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.


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