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Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Grey Havens, King Aragorn, and Coronation Arwen


Jan 31, 5:59am

Post #1 of 1 (6490 views)
Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Grey Havens, King Aragorn, and Coronation Arwen Can't Post

Posted on the TORn homepage by elessar:

Last Thursday our friends at Weta Workshop revealed one of their most beautiful environments, The Grey Havens is up for order. This piece captures the beauty and emotion of the Grey Havens perfectly.

Like all previous limited edition pieces, fans have a two-week window to place their order, with pre-orders closing on February 8th at 4 PM PST. The Grey Havens piece is available via pre-order for $799, and it is expected to ship at the end of this year.

Two further pieces Weta Workshop announced are for all fans of The Return of the King coronation sequence. From Weta Workshops classic series, representing that beautiful scene from the film, fans can now pre-order the awesome-looking King Aragorn and the stunning Coronation Arwen right now for $399 each.

They all look great, though the Grey Havens seems a bit too enclosed to me. Maybe it's just how WETA designed it, but it looks like the harbor opens directly into the Sea. The Gulf of Lune continues for another 200 miles before it reaches the Sea.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Jan 31, 6:02am)


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