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Dom and Billy discuss live theater and making LOTR

The Shire

Mar 18, 3:25am

Post #1 of 6 (6259 views)
Dom and Billy discuss live theater and making LOTR Can't Post

Here's a great interview with Dom and Billy where they talk about their recent roles in a Canadian production of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead". (I know, how perfect is that?)

It's so great to see how their friendship hasn't dimmed one iota. They're still joined at the hip. :)

May I speak candidly, fleshling, one conscious entity to another, myself a book and you a reader?
-- James Morrow, The Last Witchfinder

Email me at elvenforest8 at yahoo dot com


Mar 18, 1:53pm

Post #2 of 6 (6228 views)
SCORE!!!!! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

THANK YOU for sharing this!!! They are SO PERFECT for this play and in these roles! But now my face hurts from smiling so much and watching this interview and hanging out with the boys again :D Aren't they a treasure? And the way they banter on about LotR... it's just so much a part of them as they are part of each other... brothers!

"We need each other. You know, if you don't hug a monkey for 3 weeks, it'll die," says Billy Boyd... who continues after being asked if it's true! "I don't think that's completely true *quietly grins*"

I could just listen to these guys talk with those wonderful voices forever!


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Ethel Duath

Mar 18, 5:06pm

Post #3 of 6 (6218 views)
Hanging out [In reply to] Can't Post

on Treebeard! The perfect place for them both.
I think when they retire, they should open a pub, name it Treebeard, and hang out there until Elbereth comes for them. Smile

Ethel Duath

Mar 18, 5:07pm

Post #4 of 6 (6220 views)
Wonderful. [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you!


Mar 19, 4:23pm

Post #5 of 6 (5600 views)
Excellent! [In reply to] Can't Post

Does Dom smoke? His voice is more gravelly. Billy seems the same.

The Shire

Mar 22, 7:15pm

Post #6 of 6 (4107 views)
Don't know. [In reply to] Can't Post

I have no idea what's up with Dom's voice. It's been getting rougher and rougher as the years go on. I suppose it could be smoking, but I don't know. Does he smoke that much?

May I speak candidly, fleshling, one conscious entity to another, myself a book and you a reader?
-- James Morrow, The Last Witchfinder

Email me at elvenforest8 at yahoo dot com


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