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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: The Pollantir:
LotR & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Poll: LotR & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
View Results (5 votes)


Apr 30 2022, 3:35am

Post #1 of 2 (20557 views)
LotR & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Can't Post

If you're a TMNT fan, you probably know that Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird were big LotR fans, and sort of based having 4 turtles because of the 4 hobbit companions. Out of all the TMNT, who do you think would survive the longest in Middle-earth?

I personally think Donatello, not only because he is my favorite, but also because he is the most level-headed turtle who I think would be shrewd enough to get by on his intelligence and independence.


Jun 23 2023, 4:17am

Post #2 of 2 (15586 views)
Update [In reply to] Can't Post

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If you're a TMNT fan, you probably know that Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird were big LotR fans, and sort of based having 4 turtles because of the 4 hobbit companions. Out of all the TMNT, who do you think would survive the longest in Middle-earth?

I personally think Donatello, not only because he is my favorite, but also because he is the most level-headed turtle who I think would be shrewd enough to get by on his intelligence and independence.

Update, I would vote for Michelangelo. I don't think I can change my original vote, but consider it changed! He's my ultimate favorite and is a wildcard; I think he'd do especially well in the social sphere and have a cool nickname from travelers he befriends.

Hopefully there are some more TMNT fans here that will vote!


(This post was edited by Saruman on Jun 23 2023, 4:17am)


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