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Official Introduction & Welcome Thread
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Feb 17 2007, 8:45pm

Post #1 of 666 (261845 views)
Official Introduction & Welcome Thread Can't Post

Use this thread to introduce yourself to the boards and tell us a little about yourself, whether you're a new newbie or an old newbie, or a new oldbie, erm... oh heck, you know what I mean, lol! Laugh

Feel free to post a piccie of yourself too, if you like.

(p.s. thanks for suggesting this in Feedback all).


(This post was edited by Altaira on Mar 29 2007, 3:12pm)


Feb 17 2007, 9:19pm

Post #2 of 666 (244451 views)
OK I'll go first [In reply to] Can't Post

My name's Scott, and I live in Pittsburgh PA with my wife and three sons. I've been on TORn somewhere around 8 years. I joined back in the days when the movie project had recently been announced, yet no cast information had been revealed. This is a great community. Although I've taken extended breaks at times, I always come back Smile .

I have a degree in professional writing, and worked as a software documentation developer for a number of years (hated it). A long time friend of mine had a successful mortgage brokerage firm and gave me the opportunity to make a career change. I love what I'm doing and actually look forward to going to work every day!

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

That's about all I can think of for now. Sly

(This post was edited by FingonOfPittsburgh on Feb 17 2007, 9:21pm)

Tampa Phil

Feb 17 2007, 9:46pm

Post #3 of 666 (249490 views)
OK, I'll go second. [In reply to] Can't Post

My name is Phil, and I live in Tampa.

Registered User

Feb 17 2007, 10:12pm

Post #4 of 666 (235087 views)
Nurindel reporting in, sah! Er... ma'am... [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello, Tornadoes! What beautiful new boards- and a great opportunity to re-introduce myself.

Nurindel here, otherwise known as Kristin. Smile I've lurked around the forums almost daily since mid-2001 but rarely post. My hometown is Albuquerque, New Mexico, but I'm a junior at a college in Grand Rapids, Michigan so I spend most of the year up here (in the bitter cold!). I'm studying Information Systems and Mandarin Chinese; this summer I plan on going to China for a few weeks with my prof and some kids from class. Really looking forward to it. In my spare time I read--plenty of Tolkien, Pratchett, misc. scifi and everything in between--and when inspired I do my fair share of art stuff. When I'm back home a good chunk of my time goes towards playing with my two cats!

Saw Fellowship before I read the books, then read the Hobbit and the trilogy before Two Towers came out. Silmarillion came the next summer. Hopeless addict now... Wink

A few favorite things, not including Aragorn: pasta, Doctor Who, horsey things, cat things, and listening to a good soundtrack.

And a picture! My hair color changed recently, so I didn't have many up to date photos to choose from... still, this'll give you an idea.

Luthien Rising

Feb 17 2007, 10:46pm

Post #5 of 666 (247648 views)
"new subject line" [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm technically a Stephanie, but I really do answer to Lú. It's all your fault, TORn. I'm a TORn midbie, I suppose, having joined just after ROTK came out. I'm very fortunate to have been able to meet lots of TORnwhatevers in the flesh at conferences in Milwaukee and Toronto, at the Chicago symphony TORnmoot, and more casually as well. I hang out in the Reading Room here, except when I don't, but I always come back. Really, I do.

I live in Toronto with my husband & three kids, and work as an editor (and a bunch of other things) in book publishing, which isn't quite as glamorous/dull as it sounds. One of my editorial skills is overlooking spelling and grammar mistakes when I'm not being paid. I'm also a "cutting-edge emerging" photographer, according to the curator of my next show; I find that somewhat amusing, given my non-youth.

I last watched the movies during the Christmas holidays, all in one long day, with my family. The Not-Geeky Husband cooked hobbit food all day for us. I'm currently reading FOTR, again, and I'm supposed to be reading JRR Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator (again), for the Reading Room. But I will, I promise, in time.

<-- That's me in my avatar.

Lúthien Rising
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. / We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Tol Eressea

Feb 17 2007, 11:11pm

Post #6 of 666 (249434 views)
Well, here goes nothing: [In reply to] Can't Post

My name is Roberta. Growing up I knew very few people named Roberta and I liked being different. Now, however, you see the name everywhere. My nick is Roberta in Quenya. Since I have always loved my name, I liked being able to have my name in Elvish.

I am unofficially retired. I just quit the job I had and didn't "retire." I am a full-time homemaker, but evidently that is not politically correctEvil

I first read Tolkien when a friend gave me the books because he wanted someone to talk about them with. I absolutely fell in love with Tolkien! I have been reading them at least twice a year since the early '70s. And joy of joys my husband loves the books also. It is so nice having someone handy to talk about the books and movies with.

I started lurking on TORn before the first movie came out, but because I am "backward" (translate that Ohioism as shy), I didn't start posting until after Indymoot in October of 2005. Getting to meet TORnsibs was so nice! There don't seem to be people in our neck of the woods who are as passionate about LOTR as my husband and I are.


Feb 17 2007, 11:34pm

Post #7 of 666 (235643 views)
Re: [FingonOfPittsburgh] OK I'll go first [In reply to] Can't Post

You ever eat at Bravo Franco in town? The owner is the brother of a friend....I hear it's great.

(Pittsburgh and Italian mentioned in same post begged the question...)

In Reply To

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.


Feb 17 2007, 11:56pm

Post #8 of 666 (234132 views)
Or... [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
You ever eat at Bravo Franco in town? The owner is the brother of a friend....I hear it's great.

(Pittsburgh and Italian mentioned in same post begged the question...)

In Reply To

I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

And then of course there's Primanti Brothers where you can get your fries and slaw inside the sandwich! (I lived in Pgh for about 2 years.)

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

(This post was edited by drogo on Feb 17 2007, 11:59pm)


Feb 18 2007, 12:03am

Post #9 of 666 (235492 views)
Moi [In reply to] Can't Post

Uh, I'm David and was drogo_drogo on the old board. I started in the spring of 2002, and post quite a bit in the Reading Room. I'm a university librarian in Oklahoma and a Tolkien lover since I was 13. In a previous life I was an English professor, but I am a recovering academic! I'm originally from Texas and have lived in Lubbock, Houston, Southern California (Orange Co. and LA), Pennsylvania, and now the land of twisters (and ice storms this year!). I've always enjoyed TORN discussions and look forward to having a new, spiffier board to play with.

I'm mainly a book lover, but have a soft spot for the movies (in places where they don't make me want to shout!). I had to add that!

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

(This post was edited by drogo on Feb 18 2007, 12:06am)


Feb 18 2007, 12:20am

Post #10 of 666 (230423 views)
Hi, I'm Sandicomm [In reply to] Can't Post

I joined TORn Around five years ago (right before FOTR came out) and I've been on and off the boards ever since. I am currently a high school senior (just heard back from one college--Earlham! I got accepted! Woohoo! My first choice is Carleton, though.) I live in NYC with my family. I like some fantasy (mostly just C.S. Lewis and YA fantasy), 18th and 19th century novels, Edith Wharton and Virginia Woolf, comic books (American and Japanese), anime, and Disney movies. I draw comic books and illustrations when school gives me some breathing room. But since I'm a second semester senior, I guess I don't really need to do my homework, huh? ;)

C'est moi:

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:35am

Post #11 of 666 (231372 views)
Re: [drogo] Or... [In reply to] Can't Post

mmmmm.....Primanti Brothers.

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:37am

Post #12 of 666 (239012 views)
Re: [Alcarcalime] Well, here goes nothing: [In reply to] Can't Post

Are you from Ohio? I grew up in Akron

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows


Feb 18 2007, 12:38am

Post #13 of 666 (234623 views)
Re: [entmaiden] Or... [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
mmmmm.....Primanti Brothers.

I just found out they're actually opening one close by my house (in McCandless). I love their sardine sandwich. Seriously. Unimpressed

Forum Admin / Moderator

Feb 18 2007, 12:50am

Post #14 of 666 (235795 views)
Here's me [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm Anne in real life, and I've lived in Chicago for 20+ years after growing up in northern Ohio (Akron). I'm a certified public accountant and I work with the tax departments of large companies to help them prepare their tax returns and introduce process efficiencies so they can work smarter and provide value to the organization.

I know that sounds really boring, and one of the great things about TORN is I have the opportunity to interact with people who work in areas that are far removed from what I do. Since finding TORN over five years ago I've been able to broaden my horizons and learn from the amazing people on this site.

I'm making a big life change this spring by buying my first house and moving into the city of Chicago. Several of you have heard/been bored about me mentioning it (Entmaiden realizes she can post about her new house ad infinitum on the shiny new OT board Evil).

Each cloak was fastened about the neck with a brooch like a green leaf veined with silver.
`Are these magic cloaks?' asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
`I do not know what you mean by that,' answered the leader of the Elves.

NARF since 1974.
Balin Bows

Tampa Phil

Feb 18 2007, 1:39am

Post #15 of 666 (233236 views)
Let's try this again. [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi, my name is Tampa Phil, and I'm a Gemini.

I like long walks on the sand at sunset and the warmth of a real log fire on a cold day.

I hate cliches.

I discovered TORN during the summer of 2000, started posting in late fall, and was a semi-regular on the boards until mid-2004. For a while, I was the resident stat geek, tabulating the box office returns for each LOTR movie. And chief tormentor of the oddball posters and trolls. Drifted back briefly last year during the influx of old-timers.

Back in 2000, TORN was a fun place to anticipate the upcoming trilogy, and dissect the early trailers and promo articles. Anticipation gave way to excitement after the Cannes festival in May 2001, when some of the new footage debuted to rave reviews from movie critics. Like most long-time TORN posters, I found the movies immensely entertaining, with a strong fidelity to the spirit of the books, but not without flaws, some minor, some irritating.

I'm a Brit from Bristol, married to a New Yorker and living in West Central Florida. We have two young girls. I work for a certain TV ratings company as a software designer.

I'm partial to crab cakes, the novels of Iain M Banks, The Daily Show, winter sports, the Sunday edition of The New York Times, and the sensational new Fruit Smoothie flavored jelly beans.

Grey Havens

Feb 18 2007, 2:50am

Post #16 of 666 (254716 views)
So how does a schizoid introduce herself? [In reply to] Can't Post

Hmm... I'd draw straws, but Gollum would just swipe 'em and use 'em to make spitballs.


Okay, there's me... diedye, schizoid extraordinaire with a Sean Bean fixation and #1 B-girl (no matter what the rest of the club says Tongue)

There's Gollum... half of my pain-in-the-assets alter egos who's never coming out of the closet if I can help it.

And then there's Smeagol... the other half, who if he knows what's good for him will find my Boromir life-size pillow he supposedly misplaced.

*shoots him the evil eye*

Not much else to say, other than I have a dirty mind and 30 Gigs of Bean pics and am not afraid to use either.

Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 2:52am

Post #17 of 666 (233003 views)
Re: [entmaiden] Well, here goes nothing: [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, I live in Ohio. We live about 40 miles south of Akron. I was born in Los Angeles but lived in Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, South Dakota. No, my father was not in the military (I've been asked that question A LOT). Wink


Feb 18 2007, 3:01am

Post #18 of 666 (232304 views)
Well, here is me [In reply to] Can't Post

I am Jo, but will answer to WLE just about anytime you yell it at me, even across a crowded room at DragonCon. :)

I live in Southeast Tennessee, about 2 hours north of the many TORN-adoes in the Atlanta GA area. I have met many of you at the Atlanta Symphony moot in the summer of 2004, and more at DragonCon and IndyMoot. I hope to meet a great many more of you at the w00t-Moot in September of this year.

I have a 17 year old daughter and two cats, and a husband that just does not "get it" when it comes to the magic of the movies and the books and the Fellowship that many of us have found with one another.

And that is me dressed as Eowyn in my avatar, from this past year's DragonCon (( stuck sitting on the floor at registration when the computers crashed )).


Feb 18 2007, 3:10am

Post #19 of 666 (231908 views)
Sharing time! [In reply to] Can't Post

CAhobbit here. Real life name is Alexandra. I guess I would be considered a 3rd ager since I came along right after TT was released in the theatres (though I was a TORn, front page regular since the FOTR release). Hmmmm what else can I ramble on about? I live in southern California, my favorite food is Mexican, even I don't recall the natural color of my hair and I've had the most wonderful time of my life since coming to TORn. The wonderful people I've gotten to meet over the years has brought about some of the most rewarding moments in my life. Heart

Oh here's a pic of me (since we're sharing). It's a little outdated since I now have bangs (I'm sure everyone wanted to know that):

Do not meddle in the affairs of hobbits for we can bite your kneecaps off!


Feb 18 2007, 3:28am

Post #20 of 666 (257709 views)
Hey! [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, I did it, I changed my nick, but only a little. This one reflects where I'm at much better and still 'links' to my old nick enough to be recognizable as moi.
Moi being of course a 4th ager who'se been around TORn for about 4 years. Hey, where'd the time go?
My avatar is as close a pic of me as you'll get, only my hair's longer now and I'm no longer living in Tokyo, sniff.
But I'm in beautiful BC where my artistic tendencies have taken wing.
Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids, a dog and a chocolate habit I don't intend to break.
Love to run, read and alliterate.
All for now.
Is thisEvilsupposed to be Gandalf and his bushy eyebrows?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf


Feb 18 2007, 3:32am

Post #21 of 666 (237835 views)
How does a Sicilian get the name Scott? [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
My name's Scott,
I'm 35 years old, Roman Catholic, of mostly Italian (Sicilian) descent. I like beer, sports (football, basketball, soccer), cooking and video games.

That's about all I can think of for now. Sly

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf

The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 3:40am

Post #22 of 666 (239079 views)
*HER*self? [In reply to] Can't Post



Feb 18 2007, 3:43am

Post #23 of 666 (231405 views)
My turn [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm Joelle, and I reply to that as quickly as I do my first name. I've been around TORn since a couple months before TTT and in the last year or so I haven't been around as much but I've never really disappeared. What else, I'm finishing up my fifth semester of college, majoring in theology and next semester I'll be at a new school. Or not in school, haven't figure that out yet. I really value the friendships I've made here over the years and that's why I stick around.

...And this is me as of last summer.

"In the end the shadow is only a small and passing thing; there is light and high beauty foever beyond its reach"- J.R.R Tolkien

My pseudofiction novel

The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 3:49am

Post #24 of 666 (230284 views)
May as well [In reply to] Can't Post

I've been around TORn since just after FOTR came out but I only posted occasionally on the boards. What would usually happen is I'd get modding privileges and about two weeks later they'd vanish into the modding powers abyss. I'm firmly convinced that they're sitting in a room filled with the socks that go missing from my dryer one at a time.

I live in Southern California with my husband and son and our three dogs and seven cats.


Feb 18 2007, 3:53am

Post #25 of 666 (231139 views)
The secret about modding [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I've been around TORn since just after FOTR came out but I only posted occasionally on the boards. What would usually happen is I'd get modding privileges and about two weeks later they'd vanish into the modding powers abyss. I'm firmly convinced that they're sitting in a room filled with the socks that go missing from my dryer one at a time.

I live in Southern California with my husband and son and our three dogs and seven cats.

Stats periodically set sail on the Straight Path for Valinor so that the Valar and Maiar will always be able to mod you up or down.

One of Eru's little jokes in creation, ya know.

(Formerly drogo of the two names!)

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