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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: The Arena:
Grammaboodawg vs the Balrog


Jan 26 2019, 2:18pm

Post #1 of 7 (49802 views)
Grammaboodawg vs the Balrog Can't Post

Grammaboodawg against the Balrog in a caged match with no weapons. My money's on gramma in a fourth round knockout.

"I found it is the small things.....everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay.....simple acts of kindness and love." - Gandalf (movie quote)

(This post was edited by Cygnus on Jan 26 2019, 2:19pm)


Jan 26 2019, 6:02pm

Post #2 of 7 (49773 views)
Before I decide, I have to know... [In reply to] Can't Post

does Grammaboodawg have wings?

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 26 2019, 8:42pm

Post #3 of 7 (49760 views)
Bwahahahaha! [In reply to] Can't Post

Gramma all day.Cool


Jan 26 2019, 10:32pm

Post #4 of 7 (49755 views)
Gramma FTW [In reply to] Can't Post

She'd order in ice cream and that fiery beast wouldn't know what hit him.Angelic

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 26 2019, 10:39pm

Post #5 of 7 (49756 views)
Well, she's an expert at flying tackle hugs. [In reply to] Can't Post

And since I'm firmly in the "no balrog wings" camp, that gives gramma a clear advantage.


Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.


Feb 2 2019, 2:58pm

Post #6 of 7 (49020 views)
wings [In reply to] Can't Post

I just finished that chapter. The wings surprised me a bit!

"I found it is the small things.....everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay.....simple acts of kindness and love." - Gandalf (movie quote)


Jun 28 2022, 3:05pm

Post #7 of 7 (23161 views)
I guess [In reply to] Can't Post

Gramma :)


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