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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
Rings of Power: Tolkien's European Mythology Subverted!


Jan 24, 5:37pm

Post #1 of 2 (1281 views)
Rings of Power: Tolkien's European Mythology Subverted! Can't Post



"In order to subvert Lord of the Rings, serious changes would have to be made and so we now have “Rings of Power”, which has the feeling of some kind of SJW fan fiction rather than a serious and respectable contribution to an epic fantasy series. To subvert Lord of the Rings, it has to first be brought out of the category of “mythology" and pulled down into the category of mere “story”.


Jul 9, 7:14pm

Post #2 of 2 (142 views)
It's scary how accurate this feels! [In reply to] Can't Post

Yeah...one could potentially say exaggeration...but damn it checks out! The story of the show is just so bad that it's a garbage tier fanfic basically! And that insults some fanfic writers...sure majority of the fanfics are trash...but sometimes rarely but still there are fanfics that are better written than this...show!


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