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Best hobbit film edit?

Longbottom Leaf

Nov 5 2021, 9:15pm

Post #1 of 3 (37554 views)
Best hobbit film edit? Can't Post

Hello all! Hope everyone is well. It’s been an age since I’ve been around here. I was just looking for some feedback on any really good film edits of the hobbit trilogy. I recently rewatched them all and I must admit that I want to enjoy them much more than I actually do. There are lots of parts that I absolutely love! However there are many that I can do without and I’ve heard of several of these edits. It’s just that I have no real desire to sit through these movies from start to finish with exception to maybe the first one. I feel like I would enjoy them more if some of the fat was trimmed. Having said that, I actually quite enjoy much of the extended version scenes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly.

The finest weed in the southfarthing!


Nov 5 2021, 9:49pm

Post #2 of 3 (37545 views)
I have several of my own [In reply to] Can't Post

They're not online at all, and I would never pass them along to anyone, but I'm not even sure how many hobbit fan edits I've made. They practically beg for structural editing surgery. Here's some.

The Hobbit (1 film) 2 hrs, 50 min
Just about Bilbo, no frame narrative, cuts out Rivendell, wargs + trees sequence, and Beorn.

The Hobbit: White Council Edition (1 film) 4 hr
Same edit, but restores the White Council subplot. Regain Rivendell and Beorn, but not the wargs + tree sequence.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey & There and Back Again (2 film) (3 hr + 3hr, 15 min)
An attempted restoration of the original plan when principal photography started. First film ends on a cliffhanger with Bard and the reveal of Sauron at Dol Guldor. Wargs + trees still gone.
Second film opens with Gandalf and Thorin in Bree before moving into Laketown. Smaug attack is the fulcrum of this narrative.

The Hobbit trilogy (3 film) (2.66 hr, 3 hr, 2.25 hr)
Attempts to improve pacing and remove problematic CG elements. Smaug attack becomes the climax of the second film, while the White Council at Dol Goldur opens film 3. Frame narrative restored, but Bilbo + Frodo sequence is at the end of Film 3.

The Hobbit quadrilogy (4 film)
An experiment in restructuring the narrative to accommodate all the moving parts.
An Unexpected Journey: Bilbo-centric. No frame narrative. Mystery of warg attack culminates in cliffhanger revealing Azog.

Into the Wilderland: Balin's Azog flashback acts as the prologue before moving directly into the wargs + trees sequence as an opening action sequence. Move directly from eagles to Beorn. Culminates in the barrels sequence, the reveal of Bard, and Gandalf captured by Sauron at Dol Goldur. Tonally, this film is about expanding Bilbo's story to a broader geo-political conflict.

The Desolation of Smaug: Gandalf + Thorin at Bree, moves into Laketown, ends with the death of Smaug and Azog's army marching on the mountain.

The Battle of the Five Armies: Opens with a newly created montage revolving around Thorin's descending madness juxtaposed with the fallout of the dragon attack + the reveal of Bilbo with the arkenstone. Otherwise essentially structurally the same, but the White Council sequence was moved to film 3.

(This post was edited by skyofcoffeebeans on Nov 5 2021, 9:49pm)


Feb 22 2023, 4:23am

Post #3 of 3 (30420 views)
Goodbye, Dear Radagast [In reply to] Can't Post

My buddy edited out every single scene that Radagast was in, and the movie flows beautifully. You just don't need a man with bird droppings in his hat calling himself a wizard; Maia label be damned. Sly

"I have seen it..."


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