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The shape of your Middle-earth
Poll: The shape of your Middle-earth
My Middle-earth is just what Tolkien wrote
My Middle-earth has some elements from other people eg films, fanfictions
My Middle-earth has bits I have invented myself
View Results (45 votes)

Na Vedui

Sep 8 2021, 11:36pm

Post #1 of 9 (19517 views)
The shape of your Middle-earth Can't Post

So - how is your Middle-earth?

Does it contain only what the Professor put there?

Have characters or events or places added by others (e.g. film-makers or writers of fan-fiction or creators of LOTR-related games) also won your heart and found a place in your personal canon?

Have you invented parts of Middle-earth yourself? It could be anything from writing places and characters for published online games, or writing extensive and detailed fanfictions, to just imagining a few extra odds and ends that aren't in the books.

If all or more than one of the above are true, you should be able to tick more than one option (cross fingers - this is my first poll!) - Yes, it seems to work ok.

(This post was edited by Na Vedui on Sep 8 2021, 11:38pm)


Sep 9 2021, 1:52pm

Post #2 of 9 (19432 views)
Head Canon [In reply to] Can't Post

My head-canon is informed by my hobby of tabletop gaming. I've created home-brewed content for The One Ring Roleplaying Game, doing such things as placing a Dwarven city in the southern Blue Mountains in the late Third Age and devising names for a number of geographical features that Tolkien left unnamed.


Sep 10 2021, 1:19am

Post #3 of 9 (19422 views)
I enjoyed some parts of the films [In reply to] Can't Post

others were just awful (coughcough***TAURIEL*KILI*LEGOLAS*LOVE*TRIANGLE***coughcough) Pirate

I also love the books Heart

So I started writing fan fiction (partly as a personal authorial challenge...I gave myself a prompt, and went with it), for TH and beyond, filling in what I did like about the films, omitting what I didn't, intertwining it with the magical words of Tolkien in the books, and added my own twist to it Smile

I feel that there is so, so much of the story unsaid, so many little scenes- like what was said over the campfires (or absence of them, like in Mirkwood), the bonding of the characters beyond what we see in the books and film (esp TH...Tolkien's first person POV on Bilbo was fun, but leaves SO many parts of the story unsaid. I think PJ and Co helped flesh out some of those parts well, and others were, again, just wretched), the growth of characters like Legolas and Gimli, to which we see but a mere glimpse.

Tolkien's story, to me, is the tip of a vastly submerged iceberg, and I'm thoroughly enjoying a) fleshing it out more, and b) adding my own spin to it, according to my writer's prompt.

His world is so rich, so vivid, so ANCIENT, that one could devise an entire story, with a completely original character (or many), and, if they sought it, that character need not cross the paths of real book characters, and still have an amazing tale to tell by the end of it all Smile

(No, that's not my prompt. The real characters are involved, as well as many side-characters I've invented to flesh it out).

Sometimes my brain has been cooperative. Other times, there's months between updates (posting fan fiction is very serialized in format), as real life hits, and the brain is distracted by such (or the novels I write. I'm a published author, with one out so far. My original novels are historical fiction-19th century America).

I started my main fan fiction in 2013 (the prompt one), and it's still going (I'm doing a multi-part series, and am probably about 1/3 of the way through part two. Over a million words so far, and still going). To Look Beyond the Mask on fanfiction.net, if anyone's interested Smile

I've also done a couple of one-shots. One serious, chronicling TH from Dis's point of view. A lament. The other is Legolas explaining to Pippin how he developed such fast reflexes (hint- it involves his first time on patrol, and it doesn't end well for, erm, his adolescent pride Wink). You can also find both of those on fanfiction.net, under my username Tweetzone86.

(For purists...the Dis one doesn't contradict any text by Tolkien, so I would think it would be acceptable for book purists. Just the events of TH from her POV. Not long).

The Legolas one is just fun (well, not for him Tongue).

I don't think I'll ever stop playing in Tolkien's sandbox Smile The way he designed it, even HE ran out of time to do so...and I absolutely love it Smile

Tol Eressea

Sep 11 2021, 3:24pm

Post #4 of 9 (19369 views)
Ten intense years of fanfic writing has left several blurred lines [In reply to] Can't Post

....really blurred in some places.... as the semi redeemable orcs and the ex-slaves of Nurn will definitely attest to.


Oct 2 2021, 7:04pm

Post #5 of 9 (18879 views)
as others have said, writing fan fiction has influenced me [In reply to] Can't Post

I just wrote a few pieces, mostly to fill in the blanks (Frodo greets Sam in Valinor; Gimli and Legolas arrive in Valinor but of course only Gandalf/Olorin, Elrond, and Galadriel are there anymore; Arwen's death/reunion with Aragorn, etc.). I also wrote a piece making the argument that Radagast stayed on in Middle-earth and eventually became the wizard we call Merlin - the T.H. White version, with all the shapeshifting and animals - partly in atonement for not taking a more active role against Sauron. In my version Nimue was really Varda come to take Radagast home. Can't find it now, alas. I like my additions.

Otherwise it's all the books. I can't think of a Jackson addition that I liked. I started reading LOTR in the 60s and re-read it many times and pretty much took the films as the same story told from a different angle, but not the angle I prefer. (I was not nearly as into "The Hobbit," but I HATED those films. Jackson went right off the rails with them, and not in a good way. His need to amp up the tension in every possible moment backfired big-time for me.)

(This post was edited by Annael on Oct 2 2021, 7:05pm)


Jan 3 2022, 3:03pm

Post #6 of 9 (17179 views)
The latter two [In reply to] Can't Post

Both because there ARE some scenes in the movies or in the BBC version from the radio which DO improve the feelings from the book.

But especially since I am a member of two Tolkien Societies here in Sweden and invented my own character for that merging lots of me into an elf of the first age born under the stars playing her flute by the waters of Beleriand.
Which now forever will be part of it too for me :)

Aunt Dora Baggins

Sep 25 2022, 1:56am

Post #7 of 9 (15674 views)
Pretty much as Tolkien wrote it. [In reply to] Can't Post

When I've had actual nighttime dreams about it, the map often influences the landscape I actually see.


Oct 9 2023, 2:53am

Post #8 of 9 (12199 views)
Definitely invented some things like what happens to the characters after Tolkien's Quest [In reply to] Can't Post

in the Fourth age and also explicating things that he didn't explain. Like how characters felt in certain instances. He liked his description of his environment but how the characters felt in certain instances is interesting to observe.
I would not deviate too much and try to be respectful of canon in whichever i write.


Jan 3, 3:53pm

Post #9 of 9 (8509 views)
"My Middle-earth is just what Tolkien wrote " - except not really [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm finding the answers to this fascinating.

"My Middle-earth is just what Tolkien wrote" is the nearest one for me. But of course that is not really true. I strongly suspect that everyone's perception of 'just the text' is different. What we each get is more like "My Middle-earth is the bits of what Tolkien wrote that I have been able to absorb, interpreted through my own knowledge, assumptions, experiences and interests." That package can also change over time - conciously or unconciously affected by personal changes, other fans one has talked to, or things absorbed from adaptations.

This comes out very clearly in many Reading Room discussions.


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