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Has anyone ever drawn up a map of the INSIDE of Thranduil's Halls from the Hobbit trilogy?


Jul 29 2022, 11:05pm

Post #1 of 11 (44213 views)
Has anyone ever drawn up a map of the INSIDE of Thranduil's Halls from the Hobbit trilogy? Can't Post

The filmmakers did an amazing job with the halls of the elvenking. They are so beautiful, intricate, filled with light, and delightfully elven Laugh

But I've scoured the 'net, and for the life of me, I can't seem to find a map/floorplan/general layout of his halls from the movie. I've found plenty from the books, but I'm curious if someone's done a movie version.

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

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You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!

(This post was edited by Cirashala on Jul 29 2022, 11:06pm)


Jul 30 2022, 1:50pm

Post #2 of 11 (44143 views)
You'll find one in "The Atlas of M.-E." [In reply to] Can't Post

There is a layout in the atlas by Karen Wynn Fonstad, in the chapter "Thranduil's Caverns".


Jul 30 2022, 1:56pm

Post #3 of 11 (44142 views)
Movie-specific [In reply to] Can't Post

Cirashala is seeking a layout that is specific to the Peter Jackson films. I haven't checked to see if there is anything in the Weta books I have for The Desolation of Smaug.



Aug 2 2022, 2:24am

Post #4 of 11 (43963 views)
THIS [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes, thanks Otaku! I do have Fonstad's Atlas (who doesn't on here? Wink), but, with all due respect to our dear professor, his cavern drawings were abysmally sparse, and resemble more of a very basic anthill, not so much a thriving elven palace Evil

PJ&Co did SUCH an amazing job with making his underground caverns well-lit through ventilation holes, and beautifully elven, with "trees" carved out of stone, paths on "tree roots", and the underground river and waterfalls, complete with mossy rocks (an absolute must underground. I've been in an old gold mine in the area on a tour (converted for tourism) in the area that is located right next to a mountain river, and it was indeed quite mossy and humid under there).

It looked like how LothLorien would, if LL were underground, instead of above ground Smile And, instead of ladders, there's stairs, instead of rope bridges, stone ramps between "trees", but very similar...and yet, different. Definitely subterranean, but so different from the dwarves' Erebor, far more well-lit, but still enclosed enough that poor Bilbo had a whale of a time finding an escape door that wasn't the main gate, just like in the books.

I'm actually undertaking a very ambitious project. I'm not a gamer by any means (though I can kill it at Pipe Dream LOL...I'm so dating myself here Laugh), but I've watched my kiddos play Minecraft (very much parental controls applied) over their shoulders as they sat in my lap for a while now, and, while I still barely understand the game, it reminded me of old Facebook games like Farm Town, Frontierville, Farmville, etc, and I enjoyed those immensely. Definitely sticking to creative mode, though- I do NOT need to be constantly watching out for "orcs" (zombies) and giant spiders!

So my first creative build in Minecraft? Wait for it...

Yup, Thranduil's caverns. Yeah, I know...I'm crazy. ROFL Laugh

I'm doing it as I imagined the elves did- starting with the path in the forest (partway, not all 200 miles of it...yet), the bridge, and the main gate, the entrance hall, and working my way in from there. One area where PJ&co failed, IMHO, was not showing more shots of Bilbo wandering the halls, and not showing more shots of the Woodland Realm elves during their daily lives within those halls. We got those shots in Rivendell, which was lovely, but...I think it would've made more sense for them to do them in Thranduil's Halls, where he actually DID wander, in a desperate effort to find a way to help the dwarves escape.

All we got in the films was Thranduil's private bath chamber, the cellars, the dungeons, the entrance hall (briefly), and the audience throne (I imagine there's an actual throne room somewhere with an actual floor for state events that involve a lot of people, and this one is just for foreigners, and individual audiences with the king. And interrogations, of course. It's well-suited to that, with the narrow bridge and the steep drops on all sides- very defensible. Not well suited for state events).

It was a missed opportunity, I think, to really showcase an elven realm we haven't seen before, and a unique subterranean one at that! We've already seen Rivendell...though it was nice, it was superfluous. We haven't seen the Woodland Realm, and what we saw in the films made it seem as though the only people in the entire realm are a) the patrols, b) the guards, c) Thranduil, d) Legolas, his son, e) Tauriel, the drunk butler and keeper of the keys, and a few wandering elves who look very lost and aimless in the background. And Frerin, the king's herald and messenger, and the army. We HEAR them, during the feast, but we do not SEE them.

There are so many cute little mentions in TH...Bilbo stealing food and wine, Bilbo sleeping in a hall and nearly getting stepped on for his trouble, Bilbo barely dodging elves as they nearly plow him over, not realizing he's there, and the only time we see the elves completely baffled because THEY SWEAR THEY HEARD SOMETHING BUT NOTHING WAS THERE WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! Was when Thranduil heard him in the bath chamber. I suppose our dear hobbit should be grateful he wasn't in there twenty minutes earlier, when the elvenking was actually IN the bath! BlushLaughShocked

The point is, I feel that there was so much to that kingdom that wasn't shown, and it looks ornate and beautiful, and I decided to take it upon myself, since I could not find a movie map of his halls, to create his halls in Minecraft so I can explore them. REALLY explore them. I'm an artist, but a limited one when it comes to 2D art (sketching and painting I'm definitely a beginner. Other forms of art, mostly 3D forms, I'm very good at).

But I was still curious if anyone had done a map of his halls. We hear (though do not see) in the films that the ENTIRE POPULATION of the Woodland Realm was currently dwelling in these halls, making it a very large, subterranean elven city (not quite to the books, but one could feasibly argue that, because the spider problem was so bad, he temporarily removed the civilians into his fortress for safety, until the borders could be better secured). And we're only shown a couple of areas within it, and even fewer citizens that aren't armed. I was quite saddened by this, because I think it would've been fascinating to see more of it! To see a thriving elven city, and underground at that!

So that's why I'm looking. I'm also writing The Hobbit fan fiction (well, it's a series, and I've been working on it for the past 9 years, and have a long way to go still), and being able to navigate his halls will be very helpful in some upcoming descriptions I have in my story.

Plus, I'm just plain curious!

Anyway, hopefully I can either find a map of his halls that's much more comprehensive than Tolkien's, or create it myself, or both. It'll be fun :) Cool

And it will give me something to do while my grandma recovers from a major cancer surgery, as I'll have nothing to do in between taking care of her (basically, I help her, then we sit in her living room for a while, until she needs help again, and this is going to go on for six weeks or so (mastectomy for BC)). I can't work on my farmer's market vendor business products (I'm slamming them out prior to surgery, as my husband is covering my market stand for me during recovery), and we're taking a homeschooling break and resuming in October, and we can't work on our house build, so that leaves whatever I can do while chilling in her living room, which is pretty much read, watch tv, putter on the laptop, write, or play Minecraft on my phone. I have to be available to provide assistance 24/7, and to be able to put down whatever I'm working on (so no soap, which has to be finished once started, same with candles and bath bombs) to help her with personal care and daily living tasks.

But if you can find anything in your movie guides, I'm all ears! Smile

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!


Aug 3 2022, 2:42am

Post #5 of 11 (43908 views)
Sorry! [In reply to] Can't Post

The Hobbit Chronicles books aren't much help. There's lots of pre-production art and production photos, but nothing that provides the kind of layout that you're looking for.

The closest things that I can find are a pair of tabletop game resources, both sadly out of print. The first is Northern Mirkwood: The Wood-Elves Realm (1983; Iron Crown Enterprises) for Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP). The other set of maps of Thranduil's Halls is in The Heart of the Wild (2013; Cubicle 7) for the first edition of The One Ring Roleplaying Game. Of the two, I would recommend The Heart of the Wild, but you might be able to find the MERP maps reproduced online with a search (thranduil's halls merp).

You might also want to look for resources connected to Decipher's (also out-of-print) The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game.


(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Aug 3 2022, 2:47am)


Aug 3 2022, 2:47am

Post #6 of 11 (43904 views)
Thanks for checking! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm doing great with my build :) Too bad I can't do curves, but oh well :) I guess I'll just have to create something of my own :)

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!


Aug 5 2022, 6:13pm

Post #7 of 11 (43810 views)
I would very much like to see your finished map. [In reply to] Can't Post

I’ m a schtickler for maps, got maybe a hundred copied M-E maps besides my copy of Fonsteads, which is read to shreds, and I have drawn maybe a dozen or two myself, mainly for my fan-fiction novel I’ve been writing since 1986.

"Don't take life seriously, it ain't nohow permanent!" Pogo


Aug 5 2022, 10:35pm

Post #8 of 11 (43795 views)
I haven't the foggiest clue how to share it... [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll try to figure something out. I'm doing it on my phone, and it's gonna take a long, long time to do, I think. But I shall try :) I may attempt (feebly) to draw it out on paper, in which case I will be able to scan it in, and share it that way...

I'm not the most tech-savvy person lol Evil

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!


Aug 6 2022, 10:55am

Post #9 of 11 (43755 views)
My son Nikolaj is on Minecraft [In reply to] Can't Post

And he found this for me:
https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-hobbit- - -thranduils-halls-mirkwood/
I hope the link is good, I’m no tech myself and don’t even no how to copypaste on my tablet, even if my daughter showed me several timesWink

"Don't take life seriously, it ain't nohow permanent!" Pogo


Aug 6 2022, 3:57pm

Post #10 of 11 (43735 views)
The link did not work [In reply to] Can't Post

I copy/pasted. It almost looks as though the link was truncated in your post?

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!

Tol Eressea

Aug 6 2022, 9:30pm

Post #11 of 11 (43709 views)
Corrected link [In reply to] Can't Post



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