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Wheel of Time poll
Poll: Wheel of Time poll
I have never read The Wheel of Time
I gave up reading The Wheel of Time before the 4th book
I gave up reading The Wheel of Time before Brandon took over
I read all of the Wheel of Time
I have read the Wheel of Time multiple times
View Results (30 votes)


Oct 28 2021, 11:57pm

Post #1 of 16 (29618 views)
Wheel of Time poll Can't Post



Oct 29 2021, 12:02am

Post #2 of 16 (29582 views)
I have been intending to read at least the first book. [In reply to] Can't Post

We'll see how it goes from there.


Oct 29 2021, 12:47am

Post #3 of 16 (29576 views)
I enjoyed the series but the middle books did drag quite a bit but the ending volumes [In reply to] Can't Post

by Brandon Sanderson who finished the series made up for it. He did a great job of writing in place of the deceased Robert Jordan, but improved the writing with leaner style. Robert Jordan left quite a bit of material for him to work from but it was a daunting task to complete.

It is a huge series....14 volumes and each 1,000 pages or so.

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2021, 1:54am

Post #4 of 16 (29490 views)
Never read them but [In reply to] Can't Post

Brandon Sanderson might encourage me to read them IF the blasted library ever reopens at a time and day I can get to them.

NO weekend days at any branch currently. The closes to my house is only open Mondays and Tuesdays and close at 5 Pm which doesn't work with me working across town and those being my meeting days.

The only unsed bookstore is NOT currently open.... and I'm too miserly to actually pay full price for books.... when I know there's Wheel of Time books at the blasted library and the library book sales.... but I just can't get to them.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 7 2021, 2:59am

Post #5 of 16 (29187 views)
Can you get the books [In reply to] Can't Post

through online lending, and pick them up when you can?

When Covid hit, the libraries in my area (even school ibraries) immediately went to online lending only, placing the checked-out books outside their doors in labelled bags. (We're back to sort-of-normal now, but many wary folks still use this method.)


Nov 12 2021, 2:53am

Post #6 of 16 (28984 views)
never read [In reply to] Can't Post

back in the day I was put off by what I heard about how it just went on and on with no end in sight AND people were afraid Jordan would die before finishing it. Why start, I figured?

And now . . . I've gone off a bit on the formula of the prophesied Chosen One who is going to save the world from being taken over by the ultimate evil in an all-out final battle. So many fantasy series follow that plot that I've become very picky about which ones I'll read. P.C. Hodgell's "Kencyrath" series continues to play fast & loose with the concept in a most provocative way, so I'm sticking with her - and she promises that she's actually at work on the LAST BOOK in the series, yay!


Nov 12 2021, 5:42am

Post #7 of 16 (28972 views)
Robert Jordan, R.I.P. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
back in the day I was put off by what I heard about how it just went on and on with no end in sight AND people were afraid Jordan would die before finishing it. Why start, I figured?

Well, that concern turned out to be wholly justified, didn't it?


Nov 12 2021, 6:07pm

Post #8 of 16 (28947 views)
It is a beast of a series but in the end it was worth reading [In reply to] Can't Post

I hope Amazon does a good job of adapting this giant series knowing there will have to be changes...as with any book to film. So far, what I have seen is encouraging.



For a sense of each book.


Nov 12 2021, 6:10pm

Post #9 of 16 (28946 views)
THE WHEEL OF TIME BOOKS RANKED! Daniel Greene [In reply to] Can't Post


Thor 'n' Oakenshield

Feb 21 2022, 6:34pm

Post #10 of 16 (27028 views)
I read nearly the entire series... [In reply to] Can't Post

I stopped reading partway through The Gathering Storm. At that point, I was so (relatively) close to the end of the series that I've often wondered if I should go back and finish, but something about Sanderson's writing style wasn't really clicking for me, and from Lord Of Chaos onwards the books became so complex that I was having a hard time keeping up with the story, and then worrying that if I missed a single detail or forgot something I would be completely lost. But I do like Jordan's writing style, the overarching story and themes are fascinating, and the Amazon series compelled me to learn a lot more about the lore at least so that I'll be better prepared for a reread. I think I'd appreciate the books more the second time around.


Feb 21 2022, 6:59pm

Post #11 of 16 (27025 views)
I can say that for me the last books made sticking it out worthwhile. [In reply to] Can't Post

I liked that Sanderson eliminated some of the excessive descriptions that often Jordan used. He made reading through easier for me and did a great job finishing the works.

Celandine Brandybuck
The Shire

Nov 8 2022, 8:07pm

Post #12 of 16 (23536 views)
The whole thing twice [In reply to] Can't Post

I've read all of it twice, if my memory is correct; possibly three times but I don't think so The earlier volumes I have read many more times, since my modus operandi with an ongoing series is usually to re-read all earlier volumes before reading the new one.


Nov 9 2022, 2:20am

Post #13 of 16 (23528 views)
I could not manage a 2nd reading as the first took too long. [In reply to] Can't Post

Great you had time to do so.....there are so many other books to read I will probably never get back to it.

Celandine Brandybuck
The Shire

Nov 9 2022, 11:09pm

Post #14 of 16 (23480 views)
It took a long time [In reply to] Can't Post

(Re)reading the entire series (plus prequel volume) took me about a month, without reading much of anything else during that time. It was definitely a commitment!


Nov 9 2022, 11:18pm

Post #15 of 16 (23474 views)
I could never do that......speed reader? [In reply to] Can't Post

It would take me over a year to plow through them if I read daily.

Celandine Brandybuck
The Shire

Nov 10 2022, 6:58pm

Post #16 of 16 (23436 views)
Not exactly a speed reader [In reply to] Can't Post

But I do read quickly, it helps to have read them before (and some of them quite a few times), and I usually can manage to spend at least a couple of hours a day reading--I watch almost no television, which makes a difference.


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