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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: The Pollantir:
Have you tried intermittent fasting?
Poll: Have you tried intermittent fasting?
alternate day fasting
one meal a day
other schedule
tried it, didn't like/it didn't work for me
no, but I'm interested
no need, I'm fine
View Results (17 votes)


Mar 2 2021, 6:30pm

Post #1 of 10 (15715 views)
Have you tried intermittent fasting? Can't Post

I'm on day 10 of 16/8 intermittent fasting and I am liking it so far. In addition to losing 2 pounds, I feel more energetic and sleep better. Will be very curious to see what this does to my blood sugar levels, which while not yet in the "prediabetic" range were sneaking up on it. It does seem to be helping the arthritis in my hands also; haven't noticed any pain this week at all.

I'm wondering if 18/6 would be even better. Curious what others do and if they tried several regimens before finding the one that worked best for them.

I should note I'm also being a lot better about cutting out the worthless carbs. Yesterday was all fruits & vegies plus some nuts and a bit of salmon. I think NOT starting out the day with a lot of carbs, which is what my breakfasts usually are, sets me up to eat better all day.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 3 2021, 3:12am

Post #2 of 10 (15654 views)
I'd be interested [In reply to] Can't Post

I did change my morning meal habit a few years ago, to protein/fat/veggies and juice, which helps me feel alert in the mornings. I'll have coffee, but caffein does not affect my alertness (as I discovered to my dismay many years ago in college).

But with others in the family - we sit down for 6:00 evening meal together - and needing to breakfast by 6:15 in the morning, and not getting home from work until 4-4:30, it's just not possible at this time.

Maybe when I've retired, and don't need to get up so dang early...

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 3 2021, 12:40pm

Post #3 of 10 (15637 views)
A question about doing fasting with set mealtimes [In reply to] Can't Post

I got to thinking: how does one do the intermittent fasting, with other family members around at mealtimes?

For example, do you have any set mealtimes with your Dad and your housemate? How do you handle them, if those are in your fasting hours?


Mar 4 2021, 5:33am

Post #4 of 10 (15569 views)
We only have dinner together. [In reply to] Can't Post

At least, that's the only meal that I cook. Dad makes his own breakfast & lunch. Housemate makes his own food as his work schedule varies - some days he's up and out by 5, other days leaves at 9 but gets home late. We do sometimes share dinner - he sits in the kitchen, we sit in the dining room; we can see each other & chat but are a good 10 feet apart. It will be easier once he gets vaccinated but he's only 29 so that's a ways off, unless they arrange it at work.

Any road, I am pretty much in control of my mealtimes. I'm trying to stretch it to 17/7 instead of 16/8.


Mar 5 2021, 9:54pm

Post #5 of 10 (15527 views)
I confess I was a "what?" [In reply to] Can't Post

I've never really looked into it, but it does sound interesting and not too far from what I'm trying to do now. I usually forget to eat until at least noon. The kicker for me is not to eat too late. If I eat a regular-sized meal before 7-8 p.m. I'm fine. If I eat a granola bar after 8 p.m. it's all over, lol. I wake up heavier. So, something like a 16/8 sounds pretty do-able. I'll try to be more aware of it and see how it works!

N.E. Brigand

Mar 6 2021, 3:02am

Post #6 of 10 (15519 views)
Also a "what". [In reply to] Can't Post

Sounds interesting. It's curious how seemingly small changes can shake up our systems. My job is long sedentary hours, and I've added a couple pounds annually for many years, but six years ago, I went for a week-long backpacking trip, the longest and hardest stretch of exercise I'd had in more than a decade, and despite returning to my regular habits immediately after that, for several months after that I lost a little weight.


Mar 17 2021, 1:12am

Post #7 of 10 (15238 views)
A little [In reply to] Can't Post

I lost 55 lbs in the last 6 months by calorie counting with an app. To hit calorie counts I would often skip breakfast (and second breakfast). It wasn't super structured intermittent fasting, buty eating was usually confined to 8 of my waking hours, sometimes 6. I had to stop eating like a Hobbit to get my health in order. Best wishes.


Apr 3 2021, 9:13am

Post #8 of 10 (14957 views)
cannot do it [In reply to] Can't Post

have serious blood sugar issues. Dips upset the whole system too much. I try to avoid to have medication for it so I rather try to space out my meals evenly. I do have to measure blood sugar levels by now though :-S

(This post was edited by Ioreth on Apr 3 2021, 9:14am)


Apr 5 2021, 3:33pm

Post #9 of 10 (14878 views)
the other thing I'm doing [In reply to] Can't Post

is walking or biking every day. I've read that exercise is the most effective way to lower blood sugar levels.


Apr 5 2021, 3:45pm

Post #10 of 10 (14876 views)
Same here. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
have serious blood sugar issues. Dips upset the whole system too much. I try to avoid to have medication for it so I rather try to space out my meals evenly. I do have to measure blood sugar levels by now though :-S

Yeah, I have Type 2 Diabetes so I don't think that this option is for me either.


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