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Any Doctor Who fans care to comment on new episodes?
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Jun 1, 8:13pm

Post #26 of 29 (1109 views)
OMG, Ep 4 [In reply to] Can't Post

My brain is fried. In a good way. The tension got so bad I had to stop and play with the cat. Is this what they mean by "classic Doctor Who"? I missed the first 20 years or so. Evil


Jun 1, 11:20pm

Post #27 of 29 (1089 views)
Classic Who was more for kids [In reply to] Can't Post

and never that intense. And I know what you mean! Lordie, that was so intense towards the end, I found I had unconsciously moved forward to the edge of my seat. Millie Gibson is amazing for being only 20 years old and carrying an episode by herself like that with the doctor mysteriously absent.

Of course it raises many more questions than it provides answers for, leading me to scour the internet for solutions, or at least speculation. I'm reasonably sure that the growing list of questions about her will be answered in the finale, which isn't far off.


Jun 23, 11:04pm

Post #28 of 29 (789 views)
S1 finale - No Spoilers [In reply to] Can't Post

I can't remember ever feeling that I was still reeling the next day at the finale of any season of any show. Wow. One gut punch after another, and it left me in little puddles of happy and sad tears.

For those of you who were waiting to binge watch this, I recommend having your menus well-planned so you don't have far to go from the tv.
For binge watchers in Aotearoa, there's a three-day weekend this week, right?! And it's Matariki, very appropriate for trips around the cosmos. Have fun in time and space! Happy star gazing! (no clouds no clouds no clouds). For our friends outside NZ: https://teara.govt.nz/...as%20the%20Pleiades.


Jun 24, 5:25pm

Post #29 of 29 (740 views)
The finale was a rollercoaster [In reply to] Can't Post

I wish I'd had the self-discipline to not watch the 7th ep, and then watch 7-8 together as a proper 2-parter, but it was still good anyway. Kate plays the "Brigadier" role so well!

And that little gem we got that someone described as "woman we don't know who couldn't remember her own name or planet who only had 5 minutes on the show and somehow made us care about her fate"--that was almost enchanting.

*sigh* A long wait for the next season, and I wish this one had more than 8 episodes, but I'm glad the series continues.

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