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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: TORn Moots and Other Events:
Fellowship of the Ring back at Radio City Music Hall!

Sr. Staff

Sep 21 2022, 6:57pm

Post #1 of 4 (15773 views)
Fellowship of the Ring back at Radio City Music Hall! Can't Post

Hey folks! February 6 and 7 2023 Fellowship of the Ring will screen again in NYC, at Radio City - with live orchestra.

The good folks behind Lordoftheringsinconcert.com have asked us to let you all know about it! Tickets go on sale Friday 23rd Sept; BUT you can get them now with this special code:

Fan presale code is RCMH

And you can find out details here:

We hope to have a TORn party, probably on the Tuesday evening - so if you can go either night, pick Tuesday 7th! Hope to see folks there - 21 years on, let's celebrate together!

'There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of my fridge...'

'You never know what will happen next, when once you get mixed up with TORnsibs and their friends.'

Tol Eressea

Sep 24 2022, 1:53am

Post #2 of 4 (15685 views)
Fond memories [In reply to] Can't Post

of the pre-party and the concert.

This year I'm a student so probably can't come, but I urge everyone who can to make it.

"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."

Sr. Staff

Feb 1 2023, 4:36pm

Post #3 of 4 (13981 views)
MOOT Monday 6th Feb (NEXT WEEK!) for any going to Radio City to see FotR! [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi everyone! Next week sees the return of - not the King, but FotR at Radio City, with performances with live orchestra Feb 6, 7, and added dates 8 and 9! Just announced - the orchestra playing will be the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine!

We've arranged a very informal pub moot on Monday 6th! McCarthy's pub at 46th and 6th have agreed to host fans. They're very near Radio City; you can meet beforehand, 6.30-7.30, and/or go along after the show. The kitchen stays open until 2am, so you can get food there after the screening. We've reserved the 2nd floor of the bar, so head upstairs, and you'll see a sign welcoming you - and hopefully meet some fellow fans! Not sure if any TORn staff will be there - but who needs TORn staff when you have excellent and admirable fellow fans?! Monday is the only night we've arranged an official (but very informal!) gathering - but there's nothing to stop you going along to McCarthy's another night, if you're going to one of the other Radio City performances.

Have fun! Wish I were able to go!

'There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of my fridge...'

'You never know what will happen next, when once you get mixed up with TORnsibs and their friends.'


Feb 1 2023, 6:46pm

Post #4 of 4 (13974 views)
How fun! [In reply to] Can't Post

Have a blast, to those who go!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


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