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Expand entire thread Sticky: How Best to Contact an Admin for Help Kyriel 300719 3 Jun 18 2015, 10:06am (deena900Jump to last post in thread (by deena900)

  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to Main Altaira 269835 0 Dec 28 2006, 3:02am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  Interview with Dean O'Gorman (Fili) - actor, photographer, painter and new director Ataahua 1588 0 Sep 29, 10:34pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Expand entire thread Is Tolkien's influence wanning? ArathornJax 951 1 Sep 27, 3:08pm (Silvered-glassJump to last post in thread (by Silvered-glass)

  Expand entire thread PARTY GAME: Help create a delicious party name-salad! Ethel Duath 914 8 Sep 25, 10:53pm (Ethel DuathJump to last post in thread (by Ethel Duath)

Expand entire thread PARTY GAME: Hobbit Forming! dernwyn 1016 3 Sep 24, 8:50pm (dernwynJump to last post in thread (by dernwyn)

Expand entire thread PARTY GAME: Trivia Game for Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday grammaboodawg 1426 6 Sep 24, 4:48am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Heads Up! It's a BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! grammaboodawg 595 0 Sep 20, 1:30pm Jump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Three Is Company Eruonen 529 0 Sep 17, 7:06pm Jump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread Ring-wights of Moria Otaku-sempai 835 5 Sep 22, 12:31pm (FelagundJump to last post in thread (by Felagund)

Expand entire thread TIME - September 13 grammaboodawg 10728 24 Fri, 3:27pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread And in a move that surprises no-one: The Hunt for Gollum might be two movies. Ataahua 1395 10 Sep 18, 5:40pm (sphdle1Jump to last post in thread (by sphdle1)

Expand entire thread Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond!! September 2 grammaboodawg 2278 3 Sat, 1:39am (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread hugo weaving interview with the guardian, ruminating on LOTR Maciliel 907 2 Sep 2, 3:18pm (MacilielJump to last post in thread (by Maciliel)

  Expand entire thread Ian McKellan still in pain after his fall from a stage Ataahua 920 1 Aug 21, 1:06pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

Expand entire thread TIME - August 15 grammaboodawg 5044 33 Sep 12, 2:04pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)

  Expand entire thread Cate Blanchett: "No one got paid anything to do that movie (LOTR).” Ataahua 1214 1 Aug 14, 1:55pm (grammaboodawgJump to last post in thread (by grammaboodawg)
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