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TV Discussion: The Rings of Power
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Sticky: A Note on Spoilers (please read) Eledhwen 4130 0 Aug 31 2022, 9:21pm Jump to last post in thread (by Eledhwen)

Sticky: Admin announcement: discussions on diversity in The Rings of Power series Ataahua 5679 0 Feb 19 2022, 10:08pm Jump to last post in thread (by Ataahua)

  Sticky: Thread Locked Welcome to the Middle-earth TV Series forum! Altaira 14109 0 Nov 14 2017, 5:12am Jump to last post in thread (by AltairaGuest)

  I recently rewatched RoP for the first time in a while Noria 139 0 Thu, 9:13pm Jump to last post in thread (by Noria)

  Expand entire thread New trailer tomorrow-7/26/24 OldestDaughter 342 6 Fri, 9:46pm (TFPJump to last post in thread (by TFP)

  Expand entire thread Narvi DwellerInDale 116 1 Wed, 2:55pm (OldestDaughterJump to last post in thread (by OldestDaughter)

  Expand entire thread Regarding the mysterious wizard - Eruonen 753 8 Jul 17, 11:00pm (LissuinJump to last post in thread (by Lissuin)

  Expand entire thread Cirdan DwellerInDale 583 7 Jul 17, 3:47pm (ElthirJump to last post in thread (by Elthir)

  Expand entire thread The Rings of Power Season 2 Will Be 'Ten Times Bigger' With Multi-Episode Battle Otaku-sempai 1251 4 Jul 14, 5:33pm (DGHCaretakerJump to last post in thread (by DGHCaretaker)

  Expand entire thread Rings of Power Season 2--New Empire Magazine Covers OldestDaughter 1813 21 Wed, 6:33pm (fantasywindJump to last post in thread (by fantasywind)

  Expand entire thread Confirmation (Spoiler) DwellerInDale 541 2 Jul 9, 6:47pm (fantasywindJump to last post in thread (by fantasywind)

  Expand entire thread Estrid - Isildur's wife? AshNazg 830 7 Jun 14, 8:45am (TFPJump to last post in thread (by TFP)

  Expand entire thread No Bronwyn in Season 2 Junesong 1344 18 Jul 1, 11:43pm (Glaurung63Jump to last post in thread (by Glaurung63)

  Expand entire thread Tom Bombadil Finally Steps Forth in The Rings of Power NecromancerRising 5316 45 Jul 18, 5:07pm (DGHCaretakerJump to last post in thread (by DGHCaretaker)

  Expand entire thread "...but another ring was made..." Junesong 2256 31 Jul 9, 6:20pm (fantasywindJump to last post in thread (by fantasywind)

  Expand entire thread Is This Just A Coincidence, Or.... DwellerInDale 1278 16 Jul 9, 6:31pm (fantasywindJump to last post in thread (by fantasywind)

  Expand entire thread spoilery trailer interpretation thread Narvi 5415 9 May 22, 1:36am (EruonenJump to last post in thread (by Eruonen)

  Expand entire thread What are you most excited to see in the new season? OldestDaughter 7610 39 Jul 9, 7:17pm (fantasywindJump to last post in thread (by fantasywind)
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