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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:
Here are some pictures


May 7 2013, 8:23pm

Views: 5383
Here are some pictures [In reply to] Can't Post

Here's a picture that gives an idea of his size in the prologue:

And here's a picture of the Bilbo-in-gold pic from DoS, resized so the coins match the size of the coins in Smaug's end shot in AUJ. This should give you an idea of his size compared to Bilbo:

Seems like his size will make for an interesting conversation scene with BilboSmile

Subject User Time
SMAUG THE MAGNIFICENT! Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 7 2013, 7:47pm
    DoS is gonna be ...wow Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 7 2013, 8:15pm
        Come on Lusitano Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 7 2013, 8:25pm
            The good Lord Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 8 2013, 9:45pm
                Well regarding my guts Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 8 2013, 10:41pm
                    Good for you Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 12:20am
                        DOS preview (edited version anyways) Sinister71 Send a private message to Sinister71 May 9 2013, 1:06am
                            I reckons we got so little because... Eleniel Send a private message to Eleniel May 9 2013, 7:12am
                                Green screen Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 9 2013, 11:41am
                                    People complain because Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 1:32pm
                                        You said it all! Eleniel Send a private message to Eleniel May 9 2013, 3:01pm
                                            Natural depth and solidity Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 5:16pm
                                                Yes, the location was magical... Eleniel Send a private message to Eleniel May 9 2013, 9:44pm
                                        Has nothing to do with green screen Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 9 2013, 3:30pm
                                            I do have an issue with Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 5:13pm
                                                Regarding the color grading Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 9 2013, 10:15pm
                                                    I think.... Arannir Send a private message to Arannir May 10 2013, 1:13pm
                                    I agree there was green screen on LOTR Sinister71 Send a private message to Sinister71 May 9 2013, 4:48pm
                                        "Azog to me doesn't feel real at all" Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 5:21pm
                                        What you just said is a little silly Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 9 2013, 6:18pm
                                            Never said they weren't building sets Sinister71 Send a private message to Sinister71 May 10 2013, 1:05pm
                                        In agreement elaen32 Send a private message to elaen32 May 9 2013, 9:37pm
                            Haha Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano May 9 2013, 1:53pm
    Here are some pictures Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 7 2013, 8:23pm
        This is so epic Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 7 2013, 8:28pm
            It will be really difficult Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela May 7 2013, 9:29pm
        Thanks for the images TheSexyBeard Send a private message to TheSexyBeard May 7 2013, 10:33pm
            I always imagined Skaan Send a private message to Skaan May 8 2013, 11:42am
        Does it come Smaug-sized? Timdalf Send a private message to Timdalf May 11 2013, 2:32pm
            in another post Yngwulff Send a private message to Yngwulff May 12 2013, 5:56am
    150-foot wingspan (or so)? Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai May 7 2013, 11:53pm
    they changed it in the films MouthofSauron Send a private message to MouthofSauron May 8 2013, 1:56am
        how do you know that? Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 8 2013, 7:47am
    I hope, for Bilbos' sake MaeBeth Send a private message to MaeBeth May 8 2013, 4:30pm
        FIVE " thRINGs"... about MISTER Magnificent? Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil May 8 2013, 7:15pm
            About Glaurung habilities on Smaug Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 8 2013, 10:46pm
                Bilbo can listen to the unaffected dwarves talk about dragon-sickness Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai May 8 2013, 10:56pm
                    Okay letzz Settle this? with an ORC Cage Match! Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil May 9 2013, 6:39pm
    I must admit Radagast-Aiwendil Send a private message to Radagast-Aiwendil May 9 2013, 7:23pm
    That pic of Bilbo scaled down. Wauntaun Send a private message to Wauntaun May 9 2013, 11:39pm
    Hi everyone Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad May 10 2013, 1:42pm
        Hi Vangalad! Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) Send a private message to Mr. Arkenstone (isaac) May 10 2013, 9:55pm


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