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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:
Good diggin'

Kangi Ska

Jun 4 2010, 3:06am

Views: 66019
Good diggin' [In reply to] Can't Post

I think your evaluation is spot on. You know "throwing numbers off the tops of their heads".

Kangi Ska

At night one cannot tell if crows are black or white.

Subject User Time
hobbit movie GDT pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 8:48pm
    pasi: I think that we need to wait to hear from GDT. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 3 2010, 8:58pm
        The explanation pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 9:04pm
            I know it is GDTs explaination but it is a good place to start. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 3 2010, 9:12pm
                -Most Likely Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jun 3 2010, 11:34pm
                    hobbit movie GDT pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 11:43pm
                    Eucatastrophy...my secret wish also...// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 3 2010, 11:53pm
                        maybe we just need to post it on the Eucatastrophy thread Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 4 2010, 12:30am
            "we have to wait so many days" Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 3 2010, 11:01pm
                He did say this week...// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 3 2010, 11:22pm
                    yes, I know he did Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 3 2010, 11:26pm
                hobbit movie GDT pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 11:54pm
        The situation is hardly as simple duats Send a private message to duats Jun 3 2010, 9:11pm
            GDT versus Hobbit pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 9:21pm
                I understand duats Send a private message to duats Jun 3 2010, 9:24pm
    2- The Hobbit is not so important to GDT to wait a little more? Woodyend Send a private message to Woodyend Jun 3 2010, 9:13pm
    RE your issues: Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth Jun 3 2010, 9:56pm
        I'm confused about the three years versus six years Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 3 2010, 10:33pm
            I assume PJ was speaking off-hand and not being precise. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 3 2010, 10:47pm
                Not being precise is one thing, Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 3 2010, 10:55pm
                    Its that Hobbit years versus Human years thingy.// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 4 2010, 12:29am
                    Just speculation, but perhaps Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jun 4 2010, 1:19am
                        This seems well thought out and reasonable Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 4 2010, 1:25am
                        That's exactly what the TORn press release said Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jun 4 2010, 10:35am
                        I'm still asking myself: Theodred Send a private message to Theodred Jun 4 2010, 8:50pm
                            Hobbit project in trouble pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 4 2010, 9:11pm
                                A few days ago I've read again the interview in the June 2009 Empire's edition, Theodred Send a private message to Theodred Jun 4 2010, 9:48pm
                                    Thanks for posting those scans R11 Send a private message to R11 Jun 4 2010, 10:13pm
                            Because shadowdog Send a private message to shadowdog Jun 4 2010, 10:29pm
                        That really is the truth of it grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 6 2010, 2:25pm
                            As promised... Guillermo Jun 6 2010, 7:34pm
                                Thank you dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jun 6 2010, 7:58pm
                                I do hope this is not the last we hear from you. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 6 2010, 8:14pm
                                Thanks, Guillermo. Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jun 6 2010, 8:30pm
                                As another convert macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Jun 6 2010, 8:39pm
                                All the best to you, Guillermo! Patty Send a private message to Patty Jun 6 2010, 8:45pm
                                You leave footprints Magpie Send a private message to Magpie Jun 6 2010, 9:00pm
                                Best of luck to you, Guillermo! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jun 6 2010, 9:01pm
                                While there is likely to be much that we will never know, Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 6 2010, 9:07pm
                                Thank you for taking the time to post here--Wishing you and yours good health and uninterrupted prosperity. // 7777777 Send a private message to 7777777 Jun 6 2010, 9:22pm
                                Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 6 2010, 9:27pm
                                Thanks sharku Send a private message to sharku Jun 6 2010, 9:32pm
                                All the best, Guillermo Eledhwen Send a private message to Eledhwen Jun 6 2010, 10:00pm
                                Thanks for all your work and family sacrifice.. jschomburg Send a private message to jschomburg Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
                                Good Luck! Alex Maglor Send a private message to Alex Maglor Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
                                Thank you, Guillermo. dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
                                Thank your for your care and passion for this project Starling Send a private message to Starling Jun 6 2010, 10:15pm
                                So sorry.... Mishka Send a private message to Mishka Jun 6 2010, 10:15pm
                                Thank you for your post and for the aknowledgement Compa_Mighty Jun 6 2010, 10:16pm
                                    GDT in cameo phredegar Send a private message to phredegar Jun 8 2010, 7:26am
                                        Oh Yes!! I'd love him to pop up in the story! *high five* // grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 8 2010, 2:37pm
                                Thanks ... Oscarilbo Send a private message to Oscarilbo Jun 6 2010, 10:23pm
                                you sound like you need some chocolate Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 6 2010, 10:31pm
                                    Just as... Oscarilbo Send a private message to Oscarilbo Jun 6 2010, 10:37pm
                                        what kind of supernatural thing did you have in mind? Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 6 2010, 10:48pm
                                Thankyou Guillermo ... Elven Send a private message to Elven Jun 6 2010, 10:46pm
                                Look forward to seeing you at SDCC deej Send a private message to deej Jun 6 2010, 10:47pm
                                Thank you aranelthehobbit22 Send a private message to aranelthehobbit22 Jun 6 2010, 11:26pm
                                As I've said before duats Send a private message to duats Jun 6 2010, 11:44pm
                                Guillermo, to have such a talented director... Huan71 Send a private message to Huan71 Jun 6 2010, 11:48pm
                                With best wishes for the future and much respect... AranNZ Send a private message to AranNZ Jun 7 2010, 12:01am
                                I'm not saying 'goodbye' Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jun 7 2010, 12:14am
                                All the Best to you Memo rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Jun 7 2010, 12:43am
                                Thank you, and all the best to you, sir Ainu Laire Send a private message to Ainu Laire Jun 7 2010, 1:19am
                                I wish you all the best, and entmaiden Send a private message to entmaiden Jun 7 2010, 1:27am
                                *flying tackle-hug* You're a joy grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 7 2010, 2:23am
                                You've been wonderful Eldameldo Send a private message to Eldameldo Jun 7 2010, 2:49am
                                Thanks for everything. erugalathon1 Send a private message to erugalathon1 Jun 7 2010, 2:50am
                                (J.R.R.Tolkien: ROTK): "Go in peace! I will not say : 'do not weep' for not all tears are evil." Ethel Duath Send a private message to Ethel Duath Jun 7 2010, 3:33am
                                Hail and well met, dear friend Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jun 7 2010, 5:12am
                                It is a little bit of community agony MrCere Send a private message to MrCere Jun 7 2010, 6:30am
                                    *raises mug* Hear, hear! *mods up* /// grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 7 2010, 9:30am
                                Goodbye for now Doriath Send a private message to Doriath Jun 7 2010, 7:21am
                                Sorry To See You Go MartyB Send a private message to MartyB Jun 7 2010, 10:05am
                                Special thanks to your family as well ElanorTX Send a private message to ElanorTX Jun 7 2010, 10:40am
                                This is the end of a chapter, not of a book, the story will go on... Earl Send a private message to Earl Jun 7 2010, 11:04am
                                Thanks Guillermo, for all of your input Jazmine Send a private message to Jazmine Jun 7 2010, 11:51am
                                Thank you, Guillermo - best of luck to you! // NottaSackville Send a private message to NottaSackville Jun 7 2010, 12:09pm
                                Thank you and best wishes! hamlet Send a private message to hamlet Jun 7 2010, 2:31pm
                                Thanks for everything! Idril Celebrindal Send a private message to Idril Celebrindal Jun 7 2010, 3:18pm
                                thank you Glaurung63 Send a private message to Glaurung63 Jun 7 2010, 5:12pm
                                Your reputation is intact Rivendweller Send a private message to Rivendweller Jun 7 2010, 5:33pm
                                Many Thanks Oden Send a private message to Oden Jun 7 2010, 6:55pm
                                thank you very much! Galadriel's ring Send a private message to Galadriel's ring Jun 7 2010, 7:16pm
                                ... SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jun 7 2010, 9:32pm
                                A sad farewell... galadriel Send a private message to galadriel Jun 7 2010, 10:26pm
                                    Your connection Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Jun 7 2010, 11:20pm
                                Many toasts in your honor to be found here! weaver Send a private message to weaver Jun 8 2010, 12:19am
                                Thank you, Guillermo, Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jun 8 2010, 12:58am
                                Thank you Guillermo Kelvarhin Send a private message to Kelvarhin Jun 8 2010, 2:32am
                                Thank you, Guillermo Finding Frodo Send a private message to Finding Frodo Jun 8 2010, 3:06am
                                Thanks for all you've given to this project, Guillermo. Kimi Send a private message to Kimi Jun 8 2010, 3:26am
                                The Road goes ever on and on.... stormcrow20 Send a private message to stormcrow20 Jun 8 2010, 3:27am
                                GdT silneldor Send a private message to silneldor Jun 8 2010, 4:35am
                                A simple thank you Amandil Send a private message to Amandil Jun 8 2010, 5:46am
                                Thanks Donry Send a private message to Donry Jun 8 2010, 6:30am
                                Farewell in all you do! greendragon Send a private message to greendragon Jun 8 2010, 8:47am
                                May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks _V_ Send a private message to _V_ Jun 8 2010, 3:41pm
                                Comments on del Toro's post Mark Sommer Send a private message to Mark Sommer Jun 8 2010, 3:55pm
                                    My thought has been grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 8 2010, 4:34pm
                                        Thanks! Mark Sommer Send a private message to Mark Sommer Jun 8 2010, 5:02pm
                                        my thoughts as well.... Glaurung63 Send a private message to Glaurung63 Jun 8 2010, 11:37pm
                                Thank you Guillermo! Buchanicus Send a private message to Buchanicus Jun 8 2010, 6:10pm
                                Fare-Thee-Well willowgreylock Send a private message to willowgreylock Jun 8 2010, 8:30pm
                                *Tears* Thanks for everything Guillermo, it's all I can say.... *hugs* Eruthurin Send a private message to Eruthurin Jun 8 2010, 9:50pm
                                thanks for everything you have done and we appreciated the respect you have for us here best wishes always// tennie75 Send a private message to tennie75 Jun 8 2010, 10:49pm
                                Sad jedihillis Send a private message to jedihillis Jun 9 2010, 12:31am
                                Deepest thanks, and may I add Tintallë Send a private message to Tintallë Jun 9 2010, 5:12am
                                *tears up* I totally understand your decision, and I think most or all of us here do. Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jun 9 2010, 10:28am
                                GdT a gentleman pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 9 2010, 3:51pm
                                Suggestion for GDT & Peter Jackson future "Middle-earth" projects: Numenor & Gondor ? Jai Send a private message to Jai Jun 9 2010, 6:16pm
                                    Christopher Tolkien is unlikely to assist. N.E. Brigand Send a private message to N.E. Brigand Jun 9 2010, 9:06pm
                                        He might like opera, though squire Send a private message to squire Jun 9 2010, 10:52pm
                                            Doubtful. N.E. Brigand Send a private message to N.E. Brigand Jun 10 2010, 12:08am
                                                Here you go Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 10 2010, 8:55pm
                                                    Wait.. where's the fat lady? squire Send a private message to squire Jun 10 2010, 9:28pm
                                                        Well quibbled! Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 10 2010, 9:45pm
                                                            Alternative scriptwriters for GDT/Jackson Numenor & Gondor movies ? Jai Send a private message to Jai Jun 13 2010, 11:23am
                                Thank you for all that you've done! // Eventides Send a private message to Eventides Jun 11 2010, 4:58pm
                                Good Luck, Guillermo... M&M Send a private message to M&M Jun 12 2010, 3:57pm
                                Thank you ... aragons girl Send a private message to aragons girl Aug 25 2010, 1:22am
            hobbit movie GDT pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 11:39pm
            Three, four, six, ... Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth Jun 4 2010, 3:01am
                Good diggin' Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 4 2010, 3:06am
                In my experience as an attorney Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 4 2010, 4:25am
                    It's the open-endedness that's the problem. Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth Jun 4 2010, 7:06am
                    Pssst VtF ... Elven Send a private message to Elven Jun 6 2010, 12:00am
                        I'm afraid I'm not sure what point you are trying to make Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 6 2010, 12:13am
                            I thought it was shadowdog Send a private message to shadowdog Jun 6 2010, 2:29am
                                No one questions that MGM's finances are a mess Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 6 2010, 3:02am
                                    No your not ... Elven Send a private message to Elven Jun 6 2010, 9:13am
                                        You still can Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 6 2010, 1:55pm
                Excellent, Elizabeth Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jun 4 2010, 10:40am
                    It's not the six years that I think is a stretch, its the three years Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 4 2010, 2:36pm
                        If Universal was starting to put the heat on about GdT's commitment to them Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 4 2010, 2:49pm
                            That's possible Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 4 2010, 2:54pm
                                Passion for Tolkien pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 4 2010, 3:57pm
                                    Thank you for your kind words Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 4 2010, 4:24pm
                                        GdT a great direct pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 4 2010, 4:32pm
                        Aha. I see where you're coming from now Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jun 4 2010, 3:10pm
                            It just boils down to one big (insert expletive of choice) mess! // Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jun 4 2010, 7:20pm
                            I feel like the tracks were lost long ago Oiotári Send a private message to Oiotári Jun 4 2010, 7:34pm
                We also don't know entmaiden Send a private message to entmaiden Jun 4 2010, 1:33pm
                    That's not correct Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 4 2010, 2:30pm
                        Regardless, we still don't know entmaiden Send a private message to entmaiden Jun 4 2010, 9:06pm
                    It was always going to be two movies squire Send a private message to squire Jun 4 2010, 9:18pm
                AND, seeing how things grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jun 8 2010, 2:41pm
                    While that does make sense Voronwë_the_Faithful Send a private message to Voronwë_the_Faithful Jun 8 2010, 3:37pm
        hobbit movie GDT pasi Send a private message to pasi Jun 3 2010, 11:31pm
    Fingers Crossed he changes his mind.. hobbiton28 Send a private message to hobbiton28 Jun 8 2010, 5:53am
    strike 2 for peter jackson nelson forero Send a private message to nelson forero Jun 13 2010, 11:07pm


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