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Here is a Hollywood Reporter article on the milestone.

Tol Eressea

Mar 3 2013, 8:04pm

Views: 8211
Here is a Hollywood Reporter article on the milestone. [In reply to] Can't Post


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Subject User Time
IT's OFFICIAL: THE HOBBIT BREAKS 1 BILLION macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Mar 3 2013, 6:21pm
    Link: macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Mar 3 2013, 6:22pm
        Awesome! Ham_Sammy Send a private message to Ham_Sammy Mar 3 2013, 6:56pm
    Woo Hoo!! ArwenU Send a private message to ArwenU Mar 3 2013, 6:23pm
    Yay! sauget.diblosio Send a private message to sauget.diblosio Mar 3 2013, 6:25pm
    Terrific! Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela Mar 3 2013, 6:31pm
    Yay! Carne Send a private message to Carne Mar 3 2013, 6:44pm
    Flop! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Mar 3 2013, 6:51pm
        or according to New Line bookkeepers ... ArwenU Send a private message to ArwenU Mar 3 2013, 11:46pm
            I know, right? totoro Send a private message to totoro Mar 3 2013, 11:50pm
    Nice! Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Mar 3 2013, 6:54pm
        Of course i meant to write "It made it this weekend" // Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Mar 3 2013, 7:15pm
            Yeah ha ha... sauget.diblosio Send a private message to sauget.diblosio Mar 3 2013, 7:18pm
                Haha, agree Carne Send a private message to Carne Mar 3 2013, 7:19pm
    Congrats!!.. Jim Send a private message to Jim Mar 3 2013, 6:57pm
    FINALLY!!!!! congrats to pj and co. Silmaril Mar 3 2013, 7:05pm
    It was bound to eventually SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Mar 3 2013, 7:06pm
        I suspect macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Mar 3 2013, 7:09pm
    Finally! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Mar 3 2013, 7:34pm
    Great to see! // Owain Send a private message to Owain Mar 3 2013, 7:35pm
    Here is a Hollywood Reporter article on the milestone. Owain Send a private message to Owain Mar 3 2013, 8:04pm
    Now that I've fixed my posting problem Ham_Sammy Send a private message to Ham_Sammy Mar 3 2013, 8:06pm
        Three cheers from me too! ShireHorse Send a private message to ShireHorse Mar 3 2013, 8:22pm
        Bazinga! and ***applause*** all around for making the mark Brethil Send a private message to Brethil Mar 3 2013, 10:25pm
            Let's just say Ham_Sammy Send a private message to Ham_Sammy Mar 3 2013, 10:29pm
        Watch it, you… Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela Mar 3 2013, 11:13pm
            Hehe Ham_Sammy Send a private message to Ham_Sammy Mar 3 2013, 11:16pm
    Where I'm from that's known as a thousand million, not a billion. ;) // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Mar 3 2013, 8:26pm
        Well what every you call it, ryouko Send a private message to ryouko Mar 3 2013, 8:29pm
    Finally! painjoiker Send a private message to painjoiker Mar 3 2013, 8:53pm
        Sounds like you are looking for an excuse... totoro Send a private message to totoro Mar 3 2013, 11:35pm
            Not to take anything away from the billion (or thousand million)... totoro Send a private message to totoro Mar 3 2013, 11:40pm
                It's possible, I guess macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Mar 4 2013, 7:05am
                Not even a valid comparison... bborchar Send a private message to bborchar Mar 4 2013, 4:35pm
                    Still not a valid comparison Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Mar 4 2013, 5:12pm
                        The re-release of Phantom Menace was in 3D macfalk Send a private message to macfalk Mar 4 2013, 5:29pm
                            But that was a rerelease Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Mar 4 2013, 5:42pm
    Ding! Lio Send a private message to Lio Mar 3 2013, 9:35pm
        They just got more of my $$ added to the pot! Kimtc Send a private message to Kimtc Mar 4 2013, 3:45am
    two thumbs up Elessar Send a private message to Elessar Mar 3 2013, 9:42pm
    I had JUST seen that on their site, and made a facebook post about it! AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Mar 3 2013, 10:12pm
        Bravo Bravo!!! *Wild applause* Old Toby Send a private message to Old Toby Mar 3 2013, 11:52pm
    A bit of strategy? sauget.diblosio Send a private message to sauget.diblosio Mar 3 2013, 10:38pm
    Not an Unexpected Journey... MasterOrc Send a private message to MasterOrc Mar 3 2013, 11:47pm
    KLF ringme Send a private message to ringme Mar 3 2013, 11:55pm
        Rock On Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Mar 4 2013, 2:18am
            Opps! WRONG Clip? Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil May 20 2013, 11:34pm
    Yay Rostron2 Send a private message to Rostron2 Mar 4 2013, 4:00pm
    Well done AUJ imin Send a private message to imin Mar 4 2013, 5:53pm
    There you have it, well deserved and... Marionette Send a private message to Marionette Mar 4 2013, 6:07pm
    Well there we go Radagast-Aiwendil Send a private message to Radagast-Aiwendil Mar 4 2013, 6:52pm
        I saw no advertising in the UK Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela Mar 4 2013, 11:24pm
            Not to be argumentative... tolktolk Send a private message to tolktolk Mar 5 2013, 12:38am
                There was a lot of coverage once the film was released DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Mar 5 2013, 7:33am
            The marketing Ham_Sammy Send a private message to Ham_Sammy Mar 5 2013, 3:06pm
                Well, like you, Ham Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela Mar 5 2013, 5:31pm
                    No it wasn't all on the net tolktolk Send a private message to tolktolk Mar 5 2013, 6:30pm
                        Empire magazine is aimed at moviegoers anyway. DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Mar 5 2013, 6:41pm
                        Empire magazine Glorfindela Send a private message to Glorfindela Mar 5 2013, 6:42pm


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