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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:
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Jul 18 2011, 1:45am

Views: 46803
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below! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

"It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?"
-Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915

Subject User Time
TheOneRing.net Exclusive: Behold! Thorin Oakenshield and Orcrist! News From Bree Send a private message to News From Bree Jul 17 2011, 8:55am
    A day of high honour for TORn! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 17 2011, 4:04pm
        Great! Compa_Mighty Jul 18 2011, 8:52am
        Congratulations! TORn...Wow! the world is a better place with you all... Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 18 2011, 1:13pm
        Indeed Bow&Helm Send a private message to Bow&Helm Jul 18 2011, 8:09pm
    Yes! Awesome, this is so great little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 17 2011, 4:05pm
    Sorry Boromir... Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 4:08pm
        And Kili is the Dwarf that... Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
            No prosthetics needed... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:13pm
                It's the *length* of the beard that impinges on hotness ;-P Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 6:27pm
                    Untidy Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:44pm
                        Surely you're not implying that I'm a teenager? ;-P Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 7:11pm
                    Too much maitenance Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 9:04pm
                    Thanks Kyriel Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:19pm
                        Happy to oblige ;-P // Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 19 2011, 11:00am
        Can we discuss the hobbit without these types of comments... fifa15m Send a private message to fifa15m Jul 17 2011, 7:30pm
            Welcome fifa! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 7:35pm
            What's wrong with it? Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 7:38pm
            You do realize you're a newbie on a board with 6724 registered users? Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 7:57pm
                Yes, I do realize that. (Thanks for the welcome Altaira!) fifa15m Send a private message to fifa15m Jul 17 2011, 8:10pm
                    It's cool Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 8:13pm
                    I guess we have different ideas of what's tasteful, then, but sorry if I bit your head off ;-) Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 12:50am
                *mods up!* Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 17 2011, 8:36pm
                    Thorin looks like a Klingon. Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron Jul 17 2011, 9:25pm
                        John Howe's redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 9:32pm
                How about the "bearded men = ugly" prejudice? Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 17 2011, 9:39pm
                    Just a touch of hyperbole Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:00pm
            nope Annael Send a private message to Annael Jul 17 2011, 8:22pm
    Fantastic! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
    This is a great, hale and hardy Thorin! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
        I do think this is rather outside the box Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 4:19pm
            He's not the only Dwarf who had years of hardship Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
                Seems about right. Proudfoot Send a private message to Proudfoot Jul 19 2011, 2:08am
            I reckon a lot of it will come in the performance Eledhwen Send a private message to Eledhwen Jul 17 2011, 4:41pm
                Great point about Smith. Proudfoot Send a private message to Proudfoot Jul 19 2011, 1:39am
    Now thats a warrior! Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
    What a wonderful costume! Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 4:13pm
    An intriguing take... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:14pm
        The OneRing gets to reveal Thorin Hanzkaz Jul 17 2011, 4:23pm
        Thorin's brother Gorin? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:34pm
            LoL, Captain Salt Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:36pm
                Thanks Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:39pm
            PMSL Ravenry Send a private message to Ravenry Jul 17 2011, 4:42pm
            LMFAO! thats exactly what went through my head the moment I first saw him, LOL! Bullroarer Send a private message to Bullroarer Jul 17 2011, 5:09pm
            Haaaaahahahaha! Thanks, perfect! :) // Ethel Duath Send a private message to Ethel Duath Jul 17 2011, 7:35pm
        Gowron indeed Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 6:49pm
            Maybe they said to each other "Nah, nobody is going to guess, are they? Nah!" ;) Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 18 2011, 7:34pm
                Maybe Gowron looks like Thorin? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:50pm
                    A long-lost ancestor...? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 18 2011, 8:19pm
    Yes, Orcrist is the perfect sister-weapon to Sting! // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 4:16pm
        Orcrist Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 6:15pm
            Hope this link works... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 9:59pm
                Thank you QT Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:15am
                    I'd also like an explanation to the obvious issue... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 19 2011, 10:38am
    Well, i gotta get used to the fact that some dwarfs in The Hobbit look just like humans... Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 17 2011, 4:18pm
    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 17 2011, 4:19pm
    Re: Runk Snusgrop Send a private message to Runk Snusgrop Jul 17 2011, 4:22pm
        LMAO dwarf_girl Send a private message to dwarf_girl Jul 17 2011, 4:57pm
    He looks so amazing! Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 17 2011, 4:22pm
    Dwarf Perfection Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
        Thorin flodwyns Send a private message to flodwyns Jul 17 2011, 4:31pm
    I detect a bit of grey around the edges, and in the beard... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
        Not surprised marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 3:50am
    Oh my goodness Marionette Send a private message to Marionette Jul 17 2011, 4:26pm
    Since i was already expecting a young looking Thorin rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Jul 17 2011, 4:27pm
    Sup with his fingers? They all have really fake ears and Banana hands :( // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 4:29pm
        Small, slender human fingers is what you want? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:50pm
            I'm just being observant, I'm not complaining ;) // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 10:00pm
    "Young dwarf prince" duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 4:32pm
        Richard Armitage is kingly Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:54pm
        But...but...Thorin was a dwarf prince when Smaug attacked Erebor. Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 2:23am
            You know, I am not certain Dwarves have princes. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 18 2011, 2:50am
    Awesome Ref Send a private message to Ref Jul 17 2011, 4:33pm
    He looks absolutely fantastic. Ainu Laire Send a private message to Ainu Laire Jul 17 2011, 4:35pm
    Maegwen is so excited that ... Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:38pm
        Mistakes? No no... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 5:05pm
    Thorin Black Breathalizer Send a private message to Black Breathalizer Jul 17 2011, 4:42pm
        Yes, Theoden too looks too young Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:57pm
            Nonsense on Galadriel Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:12pm
                Agreed. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 17 2011, 6:34pm
                Yes, I've heard people say she isn't pretty enough Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 7:33pm
            I agree.... GwyraWhitfoot Send a private message to GwyraWhitfoot Jul 18 2011, 1:29am
    I want to see more of Thorin! dwarf_girl Send a private message to dwarf_girl Jul 17 2011, 4:43pm
    Thorin DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 4:45pm
        Thorin Oakenshield aifeme Send a private message to aifeme Jul 17 2011, 4:48pm
        Same here. Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:50pm
        Pretty much duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 4:55pm
        Prosthetics Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 5:59pm
    I do like the look in his eyes Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 17 2011, 4:46pm
        That's an interesting question, because... Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 6:07pm
    Congratulations TheOneRing.net! dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 4:47pm
        I agree bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 5:23pm
        Yeap, I join the congratulations! Eruthurin Send a private message to Eruthurin Jul 18 2011, 5:04pm
        Me too Vellamo Send a private message to Vellamo Jul 19 2011, 12:43am
    OMG, he looks awesome! Bullroarer Send a private message to Bullroarer Jul 17 2011, 5:01pm
    I love it... Nesse Send a private message to Nesse Jul 17 2011, 5:06pm
        Now this Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 18 2011, 1:05am
    Congratulations to TORn on the exclusive reveal !!! TheWhiteRider Send a private message to TheWhiteRider Jul 17 2011, 5:06pm
    The perfect place to reveal Thorin! eralkfang Send a private message to eralkfang Jul 17 2011, 5:07pm
        I don't think it's a goatee Marillë by the Sea Send a private message to Marillë by the Sea Jul 17 2011, 7:29pm
    PERFECTION! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 5:07pm
    Unforgettable Tolkien fan moments. Hamfast Send a private message to Hamfast Jul 17 2011, 5:11pm
    Congratulations to TORn, for getting this major scoop! Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 17 2011, 5:12pm
    I like it Carne Send a private message to Carne Jul 17 2011, 5:18pm
    'the great serpent, Smaug' Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 5:18pm
        Oooh! Good pick on that bit of detail... Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 17 2011, 5:20pm
        Offtopic but ... Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 5:25pm
        That's what I got out of it duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 5:29pm
    I take it all back... holydiver Send a private message to holydiver Jul 17 2011, 5:19pm
        We knew you'd come through, Holydiver! Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 5:20pm
    Congrats TORN for the exclusive :-D namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 5:27pm
    Looks great! Elfhelm Send a private message to Elfhelm Jul 17 2011, 5:28pm
        Just the highlights DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 5:30pm
        Re: namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 5:52pm
            Precisely in the high-res pic (zoomed to full inside the browser window) those doesn't look like reflections... so I'm still not quite convinced. =) n/t Elfhelm Send a private message to Elfhelm Jul 17 2011, 6:17pm
                You made me double-check again namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 6:21pm
        I think it is just a lighting artifact bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
            Teeth lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 6:51pm
                teeth Ravenry Send a private message to Ravenry Jul 17 2011, 7:07pm
                    Funny Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 7:11pm
                LOL, redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 7:08pm
    WOW! Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 17 2011, 5:29pm
    A full body shot woulda killed the studios? // Arwen's daughter Send a private message to Arwen's daughter Jul 17 2011, 5:39pm
    Thank you for honoring TORn, PJ! Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:41pm
    I want a full body shot! RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 5:48pm
        Oh come on- he's hardly ancient DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 5:54pm
            I think he looks wonderfully dwarven... Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
                I dont see it either Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 6:13pm
                    It's not meant to disparage him particularly DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 6:22pm
            One more reason I wish they had made TH before LotR Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 6:07pm
                Gimli was not the only dwarf in LotR DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 6:16pm
                    Proportions architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 17 2011, 7:54pm
                    Basically, I wanted to provoke you. Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 7:55pm
                        The Gimli purists DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:09pm
                            Sorry if this oversteps the mark but... Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 1:36pm
                                It does a bit DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:43pm
                                And there are plenty of people... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:56pm
                                This forum welcomes all Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 18 2011, 2:00pm
                                    Amen... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:04pm
                                    Just to clarify Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 7:26pm
                                        Armitage's supporters repeat their opinions just as much as his detractors. // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:37pm
                                        Perhaps it was just your tone? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:39pm
                                            haha... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 18 2011, 7:48pm
                                                I'm not even involved. Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:52pm
                                                    well nothing like a bit of humour... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 18 2011, 7:56pm
                                            Indeed! Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 8:43pm
                            I think... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:50pm
                                Balin maybe DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:53pm
                                    I'm not sure I understand... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:03pm
                                        Yes, this, 100 % Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 4:28pm
                                            Proportions Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 6:09pm
                                            Even Gimli doesn't maintain continuity with the Gimli look. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone Jul 18 2011, 7:47pm
                                                Ha... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:25pm
                                                    Probably should know this... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 19 2011, 12:49am
                                                        "Flet" is Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:31am
                                        There could be a problem, though... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 11:06pm
                Not just Gimli Alientraveller Send a private message to Alientraveller Jul 17 2011, 6:17pm
                    I got into Tolkien via PJ too :) Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 8:09pm
                        Congrats to TORN and what a lordly reveal! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Jul 17 2011, 8:55pm
            We're not starting this argument again, are we? RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 7:43pm
    Woohoo Rosie-with-the-ribbons Send a private message to Rosie-with-the-ribbons Jul 17 2011, 5:49pm
    Utterly awesome Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 17 2011, 5:55pm
    *hyperventilates* Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 17 2011, 5:57pm
    Conrats to ToRN and... AWESOME... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 17 2011, 5:59pm
    Wow! Congratulations... ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 17 2011, 6:00pm
        Welcome to the discussion boards ByThorinsBeard Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 6:30pm
            thank you Altiara ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 17 2011, 6:58pm
    Orcrist--another fine work of art! / Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 17 2011, 6:01pm
        And the runes on the guard spell "ORKHRIST". dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 6:08pm
            *awards dernwyn double geek points* Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 18 2011, 1:07am
                Watch out... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 1:45am
            Amazing! Though I'm wondering why the writing is in runes Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:08am
                Because he personalized it?// Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth Jul 18 2011, 7:35am
                Back gate of Moria Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
    Freaking cool LoremIpsum Send a private message to LoremIpsum Jul 17 2011, 6:12pm
    his voice...... ilovekili Send a private message to ilovekili Jul 17 2011, 6:14pm
    Mr. Eruvande thinks he looks like a Klingon. Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 17 2011, 6:16pm
    GUYS, Guys, Guys, guys... sushiking Send a private message to sushiking Jul 17 2011, 6:20pm
    Thorin Oakenshield... willowing Send a private message to willowing Jul 17 2011, 6:24pm
    Are those dwarven runes... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:25pm
        They are Elvish. dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 6:35pm
            Beat me to it Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 6:50pm
                That's an interesting point! dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 1:41am
            You are brilliant :o) Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:19am
                Heh! dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:14am
            Runes and Ring mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 9:17am
                What is curious about THAT rune... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:22am
                    Ring rune mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 10:45am
                        Of "T" and "TH"... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 11:32am
                            Off to .. mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 11:46am
        Anyone notice the scabbard on his back? redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 6:41pm
            Nice! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 6:47pm
            It looks like the pommel is only half a curve... Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:21am
                Do you mean the hilt? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 10:02am
    Not quite the way I've imagined Thorin... sharpened_graphite Send a private message to sharpened_graphite Jul 17 2011, 6:39pm
    Sweeeeeet! Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 17 2011, 6:41pm
    Cool Thorin xy Jul 17 2011, 6:46pm
    Oops!!! Ermanatar Send a private message to Ermanatar Jul 17 2011, 7:17pm
    human, all too human... Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 17 2011, 7:24pm
        I'm in the "too human" camp. arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 17 2011, 9:13pm
            I have a hunch... Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 17 2011, 9:26pm
                Balin and Dwalin Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:45pm
                    Fair enough! arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 18 2011, 12:17am
                That's just an urban myth duats Send a private message to duats Jul 18 2011, 3:36am
                    With regards to the beards... arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 18 2011, 4:33am
                    Can I ask you something? Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 18 2011, 7:19am
                        No duats Send a private message to duats Jul 18 2011, 9:14am
                        The elves joking about Thorin... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:36pm
                    well said ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 18 2011, 1:04pm
                        Perhaps they have Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 18 2011, 1:10pm
                            A stroke of genius, Hengist! Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 18 2011, 1:24pm
                            Great idea Hengist! ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 18 2011, 6:31pm
            Dain's army redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 9:27pm
                IMO Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:46pm
            Honestly... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:41pm
                Completely agree lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 9:49pm
                Agreed Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 9:55pm
                    Likewise. Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 12:23am
            They have certainly varied the 'dwarf look' dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 10:01pm
            You said it brother R11 Send a private message to R11 Jul 18 2011, 8:37pm
    I´m quite surprised in a positive way... Ruijor Send a private message to Ruijor Jul 17 2011, 7:31pm
        Thorin looks so stunning! Daisy Gold Send a private message to Daisy Gold Jul 17 2011, 7:37pm
            Thorin looks OLDER than I thought they would make him, LOL! ShireHorse Send a private message to ShireHorse Jul 17 2011, 7:45pm
                I agree dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 7:51pm
                    I've never imagined Thorin any older than that picture... painjoiker Send a private message to painjoiker Jul 17 2011, 8:26pm
                I agree he does look older Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 17 2011, 9:00pm
                    Different looks lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 9:15pm
                    Actors really are chameleons Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 8:31pm
                        Are you being sarcastic? Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 8:39pm
                            NO, I was being serious Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 9:05pm
                                thanks Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 9:10pm
                A perfect compromise Vellamo Send a private message to Vellamo Jul 18 2011, 12:57pm
    Thorin looks fine Radagast_the_Brown Send a private message to Radagast_the_Brown Jul 17 2011, 7:45pm
    You guys missed your golden opportunity! dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Jul 17 2011, 7:50pm
        +1! RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 8:25pm
    Jewelry Rosie-with-the-ribbons Send a private message to Rosie-with-the-ribbons Jul 17 2011, 8:21pm
    TORn is honoured, yes, but why 'humbled'? kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 17 2011, 8:36pm
        Lol, kiwifan! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 8:59pm
            Altaira, I stand corrected kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 18 2011, 2:35pm
                Not at all Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 3:52pm
        Honoured and humbled bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 9:04pm
            I don't understand Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:36pm
                Wrong presumption on my part bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 18 2011, 12:01am
        To use the modern phrase... Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 12:07am
            why aren't we worthy? kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 18 2011, 11:23pm
                Only because Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:28am
    No supprises Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 17 2011, 8:53pm
        Nor disappointment. Delrond Send a private message to Delrond Jul 18 2011, 2:17am
            A bit more gray would not have hurt. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 18 2011, 2:58am
                Kangi, you voice my feelings exactly. Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 18 2011, 8:46am
                    Gray Delrond Send a private message to Delrond Jul 18 2011, 10:05am
    Richard Armitage Symbelmine Send a private message to Symbelmine Jul 17 2011, 8:55pm
    Fantastic! mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 17 2011, 9:10pm
    Wow! Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 17 2011, 11:57pm
    looks good lurtz2010 Send a private message to lurtz2010 Jul 18 2011, 12:05am
        Oh yeah I had forgotten that GwyraWhitfoot Send a private message to GwyraWhitfoot Jul 18 2011, 1:48am
    Can't wait to see Thorin flip out of Bilbo Rodu Send a private message to Rodu Jul 18 2011, 12:12am
    Suggestion: The Combined Wallpaper... Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 12:41am
        Correct me if I'm wrong but Marillë by the Sea Send a private message to Marillë by the Sea Jul 18 2011, 7:20pm
    Finally getting a chance to comment.... Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 12:46am
        *Mods Up!* // Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 12:58am
        ^ This // Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 2:35am
    I couldn't resist a roto test. Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 12:54am
    Overdressed dwarves Hooded Justice Send a private message to Hooded Justice Jul 18 2011, 12:55am
        Klingon... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 1:16am
            Bwah ha ha ha ha! taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 2:27am
    Oh! In all my excitement... Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 1:04am
    he looks amazing LordElrond Send a private message to LordElrond Jul 18 2011, 1:39am
    Wonderful. Telerian Send a private message to Telerian Jul 18 2011, 2:31am
    Not as bad as I was expecting... Bergil'sEagle Send a private message to Bergil'sEagle Jul 18 2011, 2:37am
    Klingon anyone? Groppe Send a private message to Groppe Jul 18 2011, 2:41am
    I knew it marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 3:20am
    Oh...my....Goodness... grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jul 18 2011, 3:29am
        Bwhahaha! Gramma, that pic is perfect! // dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:24am
    So... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 3:46am
        Yeah sure! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:37am
        David Bowie would have made a great Thranduil. // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:02pm
    Orcrist's detailing does resemble that of Sting SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:08am
        I'm curious about how a Dwarf will be able to wield a sword made for an Elf Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 4:17am
            Was thinking that as well SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:25am
            Re:I'm curious about how a Dwarf will be able to wield a sword made for an Elf by Faenoriel Briza Send a private message to Briza Jul 18 2011, 7:09am
                If as light as you suggest, which SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 7:21pm
        Hmmm.... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:29am
            The scabbard and cross guard too SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:34am
    All of them rock// Wraith Buster Send a private message to Wraith Buster Jul 18 2011, 4:19am
    Group Photo With Thorin Mythopoeia Send a private message to Mythopoeia Jul 18 2011, 5:52am
        *Very* nice! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 11:11am
        Very Nice! Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 3:37pm
    Is it sad Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 7:09am
        Sad? No... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 7:16am
        Thorin in the cold light of morning...*eyes glaze over* Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 18 2011, 2:08pm
    Congrats! vigshane Send a private message to vigshane Jul 18 2011, 7:29am
        As you should! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:42am
            TORned already! vigshane Send a private message to vigshane Jul 18 2011, 7:51am
    Hail Thorin, King Under the Mountain! stormcrow20 Send a private message to stormcrow20 Jul 18 2011, 9:37am
        I can't imagine that some business won't step in... Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 18 2011, 9:47am
        Thorin action figure edinlin Send a private message to edinlin Jul 18 2011, 10:15am
    Thorin or Richard(in disguise)... willowing Send a private message to willowing Jul 18 2011, 10:28am
        Gah, I wish you hadn't said that! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 11:16am
    Actually, you know who he kind of reminds me of? Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 10:36am
    Ian McShane as Thorin Oakenshield (photoshop) Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 11:58am
        Hey that's a pretty decent Photo-chop job! reags Send a private message to reags Jul 18 2011, 12:03pm
        Woah! Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 12:06pm
            Well, it should Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:11pm
        That's hideous, Flagg dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 1:11pm
            That's because he happened to be frowning and I couldn't find a better picture. Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 1:29pm
                I'm afraid there wouldn't have been a picture dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 1:49pm
                    I agree edinlin Send a private message to edinlin Jul 18 2011, 2:08pm
                    All right Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 5:41pm
                        Well Richard Armitage is more than capable of... marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 5:58pm
                            So it's OK for Armitage to look like he's about to burst into tears, but not McShane? // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:12pm
                                let it rest Flagg nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 18 2011, 6:20pm
                                    Please do not say that Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:30pm
                                        Wait, wait, wait Arwen's daughter Send a private message to Arwen's daughter Jul 18 2011, 6:48pm
                                            No, you misunderstand me Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:00pm
                                                Flagg, for the love of pete...trust Pete! Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
                                                I think you might Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:22am
                                huh? marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 6:31pm
                                    You seem to have taken my post out of context Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:43pm
                                        *Sigh* dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 6:52pm
                                        Armitage casting Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 7:03pm
                                            Well in a sense that's what the controversy was about from the start DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 8:05pm
                                                "We"? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 8:29pm
                                                    I have to say that Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 8:53pm
                                                    Me too marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 9:22pm
                                                        I also... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:30pm
                                                    I find that it helps to not have a idea of what a character should look like Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 19 2011, 1:10am
                                                    Well i was replying to someone who was in broad agreement DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 19 2011, 9:12am
                        I am not convinced Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 5:59pm
                            Well that's up to the costume designers Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:36pm
                                Perhaps we should agree to differ Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 6:53pm
                                    This is true marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 8:50pm
                                        Thank you! taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 3:08am
                                        Good point bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 19 2011, 8:44am
                        Now, Flagg, that's not fair... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 6:10pm
                            That's not what I meant Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:23pm
                            Looking at Armitage now SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 7:33pm
        Looks like we had better start preparing the casket for this guy Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 1:31pm
            He is an heirless 195-year-old Dwarven monarch struggling to reclaim his kingdom before he dies. Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 1:41pm
                Ah, yes, but will PJ show him as 195? ShireHorse Send a private message to ShireHorse Jul 18 2011, 2:05pm
        It's nice but DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:40pm
        His eyes remind me of Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 3:49pm
        You're pretty good at image editing! mykonos Send a private message to mykonos Jul 18 2011, 6:50pm
            Oh I'm used to it all right Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
                So do all who live to see such casting... Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 7:09pm
                    awesome Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:14pm
                    LOL!!! Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 7:20pm
                    Beautiful! // Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 8:10pm
                    Looks like... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:23pm
                        Haha! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 1:05am
                            After all, the dwarves did sing... Gandalf'sMother Jul 19 2011, 3:32am
                                Oh yes... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 19 2011, 4:52am
                                    *snert* Plan B. :-D // Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 5:02am
                                Lol! Brilliant! // Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 5:01am
                    Bravo! That was priceless Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 1:03am
                    *mods up* dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 19 2011, 1:20am
                I understand mykonos Send a private message to mykonos Jul 18 2011, 9:59pm
                I have to say, as much as I find myself having different opinions from yours... taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 3:22am
        you forgot to put more white hair :P // namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 19 2011, 12:28pm
    My updated photoshop of all dwarves plus bilbo and gandalf chrismortega Send a private message to chrismortega Jul 18 2011, 12:13pm
        Fantastic! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 12:49pm
        Great Job! Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 1:02pm
        Great job, I really like that. // Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 6:24pm
        Great attempt mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 19 2011, 12:32am
    Cheer up Dlanor da Great Send a private message to Dlanor da Great Jul 18 2011, 1:46pm
        I'm afraid that's not much consolation Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 5:17pm
    Aragorn did not look old either.. architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:18pm
        Question... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:19pm
            I didn't say he wasn't old architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:21pm
                Perhaps... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 2:39pm
                    I think it's certainly possible.. architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:54pm
        Well with Aragorn DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 3:09pm
            I think your going to find architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 3:33pm
            I don't think it was fitness and experience Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 4:15pm
    now we know who might be Tauriel`s love interest little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 18 2011, 3:27pm
        Ouch! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 18 2011, 3:40pm
            ha ha ha, I know little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 18 2011, 4:17pm
    I'm kind of surprised by how negative the front-page comments are kzer_za Send a private message to kzer_za Jul 18 2011, 3:57pm
        I noticed that as well Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 4:25pm
            I'm betting... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:29pm
        They seem mostly positive to me Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 5:26pm
        I look at it this way: Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 19 2011, 1:56am
    Well I'm happy with the dwarves Ref Send a private message to Ref Jul 18 2011, 4:27pm
        Good Point architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 4:37pm
            I agree Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 6:58pm
                Yes Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 7:38pm
    Hi-res Balin and Dwalin Zloy Send a private message to Zloy Jul 18 2011, 6:54pm
        My hero! // Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 6:59pm
    Now that its sunk in Jettorex Send a private message to Jettorex Jul 18 2011, 8:10pm
    Generally very happy Bran Send a private message to Bran Jul 18 2011, 8:39pm
    Here comes the full body and full Complement of Dwarves Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 9:09pm
        Isn't it a photoshop job? Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 9:15pm
    Thorin and Company Wallpaper (my version) Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 19 2011, 12:27am
        Wow. Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 19 2011, 12:33am
        I like your version. Very nice. It looks official. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 19 2011, 12:47am
        Excellent work Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 19 2011, 12:51am
            It's Kinda MY STYLE to sit back...Smoke alittle Longbottom Leaf and.... Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 19 2011, 1:45am
        That's excellent, Richie Rich dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 19 2011, 7:43am
        Richie Rich you never fail to amaze Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 19 2011, 1:06pm
    undecided hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 19 2011, 2:20am
    I've just realised where I've seen Balin before Bran Send a private message to Bran Jul 19 2011, 10:29am


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