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TheOneRing.net Exclusive: Behold! Thorin Oakenshield and Orcrist!

News From Bree

Jul 17 2011, 8:55am

Views: 217107
TheOneRing.net Exclusive: Behold! Thorin Oakenshield and Orcrist! Can't Post

For a week or so, we have been treated to an unprecedented look at the Dwarves from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit. Today, TheOneRing.net is both honored and humbled to be given the worldwide exclusive reveal of Thorin Oakenshield! (and Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver!)

As a young Dwarf prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire-breathing Dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. After slaughtering many of Thorin's kin, the great serpent, Smaug, entered The Lonely Mountain and took possession of its vast store of gold and jewels. No-one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarves, and thus, a once proud and noble race was forced into exile. Through long years of hardship, Thorin grew to be a strong and fearless fighter and revered leader. In his heart a fierce desire grew; a desire to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that had brought such misery upon his people. So when fate offers him an unusual ally, he seizes the chance for revenge.

We'd like to whole-heartedly thank the production for giving the Tolkien fan community this final reveal! And now, we have seen the full representation of Thorin and Company! After the break you'll see a great compilation photo of the rest of the dwarves. This particular compilation is from our friend Paul (Thanks to all the Ringers sending in their masterpieces!) TheOneRing.net staff got together and offered some feedback for each and every member of the quest (as they appear on Bilbo's doorstep). Click 'continue reading' to read those comments and view a high resolution picture of each dwarf. Please share your thoughts and opinions in our comments, forum and Facebook! We also took the liberty to make some Thorin/The Hobbit themed wallpaper for your computer. Just Thorin: 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 2048x1536. Thorin and Company: 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x1024,1600x1200, 2048x1536

(First revealed by TIME - click here)

Quickbeam - Coolest head-tattoos that I've just about ever seen. I'm dying to know what the designs really are. I'm dying to know where he got all those battle scars from! Perhaps we will be treated to some good old Battle of Dwarves & Orcs flashbacks...

Arwen - No blue beard - although Tolkien probably meant greyish blue... I can't figure out the exact color of his hood from the picture, but it might be dark green. Truly impressive figure indeed. Muscular arms!

Altaira - Dwalin has the look of a true dwarf warrior; strong, serious and ready for anything! I can't wait to see him in battle.

Elessar - This Dwarf looks like he knows how to handle himself in a fight. The gashes on his arms look great and the tattoo on the top of his head is equally as cool. I would love to see him smashing that Dward hammer on an orc head to represent this character in statue form.

Demosthenes - Dwalin is Balin's younger brother, and almost undoubtedly fought in the dwarf-orc wars that culminated in the Battle of Azanulbizar despite his then extreme youth. At that point he was a very youthful 27 (for a dwarf!), but consider that Dain Ironfoot, the slayer of Azog, was only five years older.

It is likely that the scars we see on Dwalin's face were acquired in this brutal battle. The shaven-headed Dwalin also possesses two rows of tattooed markings on his skull. These may or may not be Cirth Angerthas, the long row runes of Moria that Durin's line used for writing. Unfortunately, at this resolution it is impossible to be definitive either way.

Garfeimao - He is all kinds of awesome. First off, he''s bald, he's much taller than most of the others, he's got tattoos on his head and some definite scarring on his bare forearms. He looks like he's the bruiser in the group, or the bodyguard, or bouncer, or the enforcer, he's the Bull in the China shop. He's got on big, square toed boots that are fur-lined, and he also has a quilted tunic or surcoat on, but of a duller brown or grey color, like many of the others. He is wielding one heck of a War Hammer, that thing is just going to be awesome in battle. Behind that, it looks like he's got a very thick belt on and that he is wearing at least one layer of an animal pelt under the cloak. On his shoulders I see the hint of two leather straps, which are either helping to hold the cloak on, or a sign he's got another weapon strapped on his back. Rather than wearing full bracers, he's got the fingerless glove and wrist guards on, with definite enhancements. On the right hand there are two butterfly shaped metallic attachments, and on the left hand it appears to be possibly 4 or 5 bones or claws or teeth, acting as armor for the hand. And while he is bald, he does still have a nice beard and mustache, and rather than put a metal bead into the beard, he's got an ear cuff. The message is clearly "Don't mess with me or mine."

Earl - Everything about him says "weathered warrior". Looks like a giant among Dwarves, and little wonder therefore that he's on this journey.

MrCere - Brother to Balin, this guy looks like he could ride a Harley to The Lonely Mountain and just might have "bad ass" inscribed on his wallet. Body language and sharp clothing and skull tats are all fierce.
(First revealed by TIME - click here)

Quickbeam - I can instantly see the close relationship between Bilbo and Balin already -- it's easy to imagine just from this photo. With this character in particular handled memorably, audiences will forever have a fresh understanding of Gimli's grief in "FOTR" upon discovering that particular tomb in Moria...

Arwen - White beard, scarlet hood... very old-looking... He seems to truly resemble Tolkien's description. I like the pointed boots!

Altaira - Hooray that Balin looks so dignified. It's a great look for such an important dwarf in Tolkien's legendarium.

Elessar - It's great to see this Dwarf because of how much Gimli seemed to care about him. I'm excited to get a statue of this character to place alongside one of my Gimli statues.

Demosthenes - Tolkien's Balin is the eldest of the dwarves after Thorin. He takes charge of the group in Thorin's absence. After Fili and Kili, and the as yet uncast Dain Ironfoot, he is the next in line to inherit Durin's crown. As a character he must have gravitas and dignity. Here, Balin's white beard backs and rich red outfit backs this up.

The biography that the production people have provided is interesting, and, significantly, hints at a diversion from the Hobbit: "An old warrior, Balin has lived through hard times and fought many battles, yet he harbors doubts about the wisdom of the Quest to retake the Lonely Mountain."

I suspect that, in the name, of the great cinematic god Dramatic Tension (whom all scriptwriters worship), we will see several non-canon moments of conflict between Balin and Thorin.

Garfeimao - He has a Father Christmas vibe about him, which will help endear him to Bilbo, I'm sure. He has very white hair and a long beard, turned up at the edges. His surcoat is burgundy and it's quilted for warmth. He's got a very elaborate trim around the collar, down the front, on the sleeve edges and the bottom hem of the coat, where the trim is actually wider. His boots are pointed and up-turned and his pants come down over the boots, rather than tucked in like so many of the others. He's got a nice, wide belt of burgundy with black trim on it and a squared buckled and what looks like a triangular ring hanging from the belt. He's wearing what looks to be a fairly long sword with a long pommel tipped with a metallic tip. The blade is wide, and near the bottom it flares out. Not sure how he draws a sword like that, can't wait to see what the weapon looks like in action. Balin definitely looks like he comes from money and nobility.

Earl - My first reaction was, Father Christmas. But I can actually see why he and Bilbo become close friends. He seems to be a very grandfatherly figure; someone who Bilbo might look up to.

MrCere - Obviously the elder statesman of the group (in look but not quite in fact) I think we can see that he was created to be sympathetic to audiences. He does remind me a bit of Disney's "Snow White," characters. He looks like a senior citizen and who doesn't love a grandpa? His name is so linked to the LOTR films that Jackson is going to try to give us every reason to cry along with Gimli at his tomb in FOTR. And, appropriately, I can't read the name without thinking of TORn's own dear friend, the late "Balin."
(first revealed by MSN - click here)

Quickbeam - I predict Aidan Turner is going to receive the most comment (and salacious attention) from our fans, or my name isn't Quickbeam. Kili's overall look seems to be the first significant departure from Dwarven commonality, based on the books. His beard certainly hasn't grown in, so we can expect pointed comments in the film's dialogue about Kili being "too young and perhaps not ready" -- which may indeed be a clue to this character's story arc. I'm very curious about the *bow and arrow* as well.

Arwen - No yellow beard... but he looks fierce. Some find him hot, I just find him fierce looking. I like the look of those weapons. Pretty cool. Is he supposed to be Orlando Bloom in The Hobbit?

Altaira - I have a theory about the stubble instead of a beard, and the bow and arrow instead of an axe: Kili is young and has a very defiant look on his face. I believe he may have shaved his beard as a sign of rebellion and is also carrying a bow and arrow (much like a *gasp* elf) to further defy his elders. We shall see!

Elessar - Again, I like the look of the young Dwarf. He will add a bit of youth to the group as they make the journey on screen. A double maquette or statue with Fili would be pretty sweet to have in ones collection.

Demosthenes - Kili is obviously some weird dwarf-elf crossbreed. I call these creatures Dwelves. It certainly explains the very elf-like bow and quiver slung over one shoulder. He probably shield-surfs, too. The sword Kili wields may be inscribed with runes, but as with Dwalin's tattooed skull, even at the highest resolution currently available it's impossible to be certain.

Garfeimao - Like his brother, Fili, he looks clean and like he comes from money. He is wearing a gorgeous leather duster that is fur-lined at the bottom hem and at the bottom of the half-sleeve. The hem of the sleeves has the same embossed design as Fili's outfit and appears to be tooled right into the leather. He has a dark quilted tunic on under the leather surcoat, with blue lacing up the front and what appears to be a bit of a blue hood lying on his shoulders under his hair. The neck line of the leather surcoat has metal studs along the collar, which is echoed in the larger metal studs of his vambrace. The vambrace and fingerless gloves appear to be of one piece, but the glove portion has braided leather woven into it. He is carrying a fairly basic sword, which happens to have a rather unique Dwarven design to it. There is a nicely designed leather strap over his shoulder with metal studs and tooled leather, all holding a sturdy quiver of thick arrows and a heavy looking bow. His boots look more like suede than leather, and buckle on the side. And yes, he has no beard to speak of at the moment, and his hair is wild and free, a little too free. But heck, someone had to be a rebel.

Earl - He doesn't look like a Dwarf at all. In fact, both he and his brother look like Elves. I wonder if they just come from a family of "ugly Dwarves" (if you get my meaning) :D He's sure to be the Legolas of this group, what with his lithe frame, straight locks, good looks, and a bow with a quiver full of arrows.

MrCere - Women will (have) swoon over this Dwarf while I raise my eyebrows in skepticism. This handsome lad grows up to have the thick features of his relatives and the facial hair of a werewolf? It just seems too obviously designed to look "different". I don't think "different story" is what was intended. Collectively I am in awe of the character designs but this feels like Dwarves have gone Hollywood.
(first revealed by MSN - click here)

Quickbeam - Okay here come the young ones in our cabal of Dwarven comrades -- the first trace of Malibu surfer blond hair ever seen on a Dwarf (and I love it!) -- and a very sharp sword the belies the smile on his face.

Arwen - At least he has a yellow beard, although still quite short. Mostly yellow hair. I like those swords, they look fantastic. He looks like he may like to party! :)

Altaira - Absolutely love his expression. He seems to have that "bullet-proof" attitude and love of life of the young. It will be interesting seeing him and Kili 'come of age' alongside our innocent Bilbo.

Elessar - I like the young look of Fili. Its nice to see what a young Dwarf might look like. Him having duel swords should make for great action in the movie and equally great action in any collectible we might see.

Demosthenes - Fili is dwarven royalty. Sister-son and heir of Thorin and all that. The glint in his eye also makes him look like a massive troublemaker. In some ways, Fili and his brother Kili ought to be as naive as Bilbo: born after the dwarf-orc wars, they've never been outside their home-in-exile in the Blue Mountains. Until now.

Garfeimao - He's got that twinkle in his eye like he just can't wait for his first fight. He has lovely braiding in his hair and short beard, complete with metal beads like many of the others. His grey surcoat is completely fur-lined, with the neck and chest portion turned out, as well as the bottom of the sleeves. The whole coat has a wonderful Dwarfish design embossed all along the bottom hem, down the front and even on his sleeves. In fact, his pants appear to have the same embossed design on them as well. He's got a lovely wide belt with scale maille, where each scale is cut in a similar design to what is on Gloin's pauldron. He is wearing a bracer on his left arm that has an outer sheath for a small dagger, and like the others, he's wearing fingerless gloves. He carries two swords, both with that flat, angular squareness about them. I do not see a sheath on his belt, but since he is wearing a strap down his chest, I think he carries the swords on his back. His books have at least 3 leather straps buckled up the sides. He looks cleaner than the others, both a sign of his youth and possibly that he comes from money.

Earl - The Merry-Pippin of The Hobbit. I anticipate much of the lightness of the story coming from this fellow. And if Balin is someone Bilbo looks up to, Fili will probably be someone Bilbo relates to because of his youthful tolerance.

MrCere - Can you have an Elvish Dwarf? I know he and Kili are the youngest in the group but I am not sure I buy this one. He looks more likely to grow up to be Orlando Bloom than to be the others in the group of Dwarves. A smile is welcome but this design, for me, is going to need to work in context of the film because the still image isn't. I love the design but more for Richard and Wendy Pini's "Elfquest". (Which Weta ought to design BTW!)
(first revealed on The Hobbit Facebook Page - click here)

Quickbeam - Senior member of this Dwarven set, obviously, Dori exudes a real sense of royalty in this image. The rich layers to his costume, the chain, the sword, all of it suggests a "lordly" presence.

Arwen - Very impressive and lordly indeed. But don't mess with him!

Altaira - All of the costumes are fabulous, but Dori's is my favorite the 13. The rich, dark red of his robes and gauntlets is stunning.

Elessar - Looks like a very wise Dwarf to me. Just someone you could ask for guidance and would give you a solid answer. The short sword looks great and should in an action pose make for a great collectible.

Demosthenes - Has anyone told Mark Hadlow he's going to have to haul a slightly pudgy, unfit Hobbit around on his back at a few points? It's a good casting: Hadlow's shoulders look plenty broad.

Garfeimao - Dori has a bit more color to his clothing that many of the others, and it may well be that is either because he's the Head of the Household, as it were, being the oldest brother, or that he's a well off Dwarf. Either way, he has a red velvet over-coat over a red tunic, and matching red leather bracers with some wonderful leather work that appears very Dwarven in fashion. Like some of the others, he's got that blocky wide sword and a low slung sheath. In addition, he has what appears to be a heavy chained bolo to throwing hanging from his belt, so he's ready for close in action and for distance fighting. The caplet on his shoulders is adorned with leather and laces up in the front and my guess is that it is actually his hood, in a well tailored outfit. His boots look sturdy and lace up as well. And he's well coiffed, full of braiding and a big metal bead in his beard. I think it's safe to assume Dori has some money.

Earl - Perhaps the most refined-looking of all the Dwarves. Looks very gentlemanly, and it's hard to draw anything from his costume.

MrCere - I am in "The Wizard of Oz," here with the hair but I love the rich color theme and his wicked weapon and scabbard. This is a weapon of strength and damage, a sword that is half an ax; there isn't finesse here. And advanced in age there is no feeling of softness or anything feeble about him. This is a vet of Dwarven wars and a goblin killer.
(first revealed on The Hobbit Facebook Page - click here)

Quickbeam - Is it me or is it the EARS? I know Jed Brophy doesn't have ears like that. Thoroughly alien-looking Nori has cornered the market on avant-garde hairstyles. Love his belt buckle too.

Arwen - Interesting hairstyle. And what is this he's carrying? A staff? A spear? He seems ready for battle.

Altaira - There's got to be a good story behind his hair-do: family tradition with maybe a little dwarven vanity thrown into the mix? I can't wait to learn what it is.

Elessar - His hair rocks! I really dig how they did that and the look of it in the picture we saw. He looks like a bit of a goofball but probably can handle himself with that giant stick. I don't know how he'll be represented in any statue made but he'll stand out with how unique he looks.

Demosthenes - I have no idea what's going on with Nori's hair except that I suspect that someone in the costuming department has been watching too much Japanese anime. The mace on the other hand, is brilliantly intimidating.

Garfeimao - Ok, let's get this out of the way right off. The Starfish look was a bit of a surprise, but I do like how the braiding ties into it, and how there are three spikes above, and three braids in the beard below, so Nori is very symmetrical looking. And two of the braids look to be his eyebrows, awesome. He's got leather bracers and fingerless gloves with leather braided into the woolen knitting. He's wearing several layers of wool tunics and coats, with the top layer trimmed with a nice Dwarven design. He's got a wicked cool belt with a very cool geometric belt buckle. His weapon is like a cross between a quarterstaff and a club, with that large metal block on top and then a fairly sharp metal tip on the bottom. Oh, and he's got fur-lined boots that lace up, he looks very warm.

Earl - I still don't know what to make of his hair., although, given his overall look, he seems to be a little crazy... like some sort of "medicine man". He might actually be the "healer" in the group, the one who knows how to fix wounds and find herbs/leaves that aid the healing process.

MrCere - Carl's Jr. star logo is actually an homage to an ancient Middle-earth Dwarven war hero. Who knew? Eccentric and elaborate, he still has a menace to him, which is probably the only way you can walk Middle-earth with that hair. He does carry a big stick.
(first revealed on The Hobbit Facebook Page - click here)

Quickbeam - I really like Ori right away -- the lost child look on his face coupled with the curious volume he carries makes me wonder about his gentler nature. Dwarves are not known for any such gentle nature, but it's nice to imagine Ori and Bilbo will have some scholarly interests in common.

Arwen - Looks a little bit lost, maybe he's one of the more gentle dwarves. Seems overwhelmed to be in this adventure.

Altaira - Ori gives the impression that he's one of the quieter, gentler dwarves, but I bet you don't want to see him when he's mad!

Elessar - Looks very shy and translates well in what we see in the pics. As has been said I think when we see a collectible of Ori it will have a lot of power coming from it.

Demosthenes - I like Ori's book. In Lord of the Rings, while the Fellowship is reading of the grim fate of Balin's ill-fated expedition into Moria, Gimli tells Gandalf that Ori "could write well and speedily, and often used the Elvish characters."

Garfeimao - They have set Ori up as the scholar right from the start, with that book tucked under his arm. He does have a weapon, what looks like a dagger, on his left side along with a small pouch. But the bulk of his clothing does not appear to have any kind of armor or protective devices at all. He's got sweater like fingerless gloves, laced up boots, a woolen tunic and a bit, knitted cowl-like hood, complete with puffy balls at the end of the drawstrings. Not quite the warrior some of the other dwarves definitely are, but also not quite the miner or working class many some of the others are either.

Earl - With that book in his hand, it's pretty clear he's the scribe in the group. The Dwarves have had a history of unsuccessful and tragic journeyings, and it's probably no wonder they're bringing along someone to chronicle their attempt to reclaim their ancestral home. Given that fans have also already drawn the parallel to him being the one whose writing Gandalf reads in the Book of Mazarbul, it seems like the design department has hit the ball out the part with this one. Looks-wise, I wonder what his hair looks like - he seems to have a fringe.

MrCere - Scarves and hoods and a book? I think we have a scholar here who looks less intimidating and ready for battle than any of his companions. Can an image really tell us of a mild-mannered Dwarf? Yes, and his reading and writing is true to Tolkien cannon.
(first revealed by Yahoo! Movies - click here)

Quickbeam - Better eyebrows than even the first prototype eyebrows that Gandalf struggled with in FOTR! What a grumpy looking Dwarf, I must say. I'm glad he's on our side.

Arwen - He means business, I'm sure. Beautiful belt (on all of them).

Altaira - I love that he has that "I dare you" look on his face. No one is going to mess with this dwarf!

Elessar - Looks a bit cranky but one that won't take grief from any Orc out there. He's got a simple outfit but translated into a collectible should look quite nice.

Demosthenes - Oin has the look of someone who would pick a fight with a sibling. In the hobbit the brothers Oin and Gloin are famously combative, and bicker and fight repeatedly over the smallest things. Most usually over lighting fires for the company after they've stopped to camp. Extrapolating from the bio keyword "doughty", I expect Oin and Gloin will be quite formidable in battle.

Garfeimao - There is definitely a family resemblance to both is brother, Gloin, and to his nephew, Gimli. He's got a nice, full beard with lovely decorative braiding, and his coloring is mostly grey, both in hair and clothing. His overcoat is a heavy knit grey over other layers, and he's got a nice, wide belt made of braided leather. His boots are leather with a fur lining folded down and then a leather strap over that. His weapon simply looks like a big, long metal rod with a knob on top. It looks square, rather than an edged weapon, so no idea what it truly is.

Earl - His look is a throwback to the great Dwarf-Lords of old. I can see why PJ and co. decided not to follow similar designs for all of the Dwarves, but I wish they did for more than just Oin, as something about this look exudes a sense of mythic history... like a Dwarf out of a bygone age.

MrCere - Wisely, this looks like Gimli's uncle and his dour expression seems made for the conflict he and his brother Gloin spark in Tolkien's tale. Again I am impressed with the amount of character packed into each single image.
(first revealed by Yahoo! Movies - click here)

Quickbeam - Excellent similarities between father and son shown here. That might indeed be the same battle-axe to be passed down to the Gimli character. I'm really keen on all these beard-braiding designs. Wonderful.

Arwen - I love it that he does look like Gimli, the same burning flame in his eyes. Awesome costume.

Altaira - There's definitely a family resemblance to Gimli, yet they avoided making him too similar. Well done, PJ & crew!

Elessar - I love that he looks like Gimli and its cool to see his Dad now get some time on screen. Him weilding an axe in a statue would make for a great statue to go with Balin and any Gimli one might have.

Demosthenes - Gloin's really going to need to do a lot of greying over the next 78 years. His hair and beard are completely white when we see him with his son Gimli at the Council of Elrond during the events of The Lord of the Rings.

There's another hint of discontinuity to Gloin: the production team bio describes him and his brother as "doughty Northern Dwarves". It could be a reference to Dain Ironfoot's realm in the Iron Hills, except Tolkien reveals in Appendix A that after Azanulbizar "Thrain and Thorin with what remained of their following (among whom were Balin and Gloin) ... wandered in Eriador, until at last they made their home in exile in the east of the Ered Luin beyond the Lune." What gives?

Garfeimao - You can definitely see Gimli in daddy dearest. He's wearing a black and burgundy surcoat over a burgundy tunic, and what looks like a leather and metal pauldron on the shoulders. The pauldron has braided and tooled leather and then the same metallic shapes seen on Gimli's costume around the upper arm. His bracers are also tooled leather with braiding around the edges. His beard is magnificently braided and beaded in a very decorative manner. He's carry the same Walking Axe Gimli used, and he has a smaller axe tucked into his belt on the right side. He is wearing a wide belt with a big, squared buckle and at least two small pouches hang from the belt. His boots are straight leather and lace up the calf, but have buckles at the ankles.

Earl - I can already hear Gimli's voice in my head when I imagine him speaking. He looks as grumpy and grouchy as his son. He'll probably be the one tie to our idea of Dwarves in the Lord of the Rings.

MrCere - If you put all the usual Dwarven suspects in a police line-up and tried to pick out Gimli's father, most would mark this guy easily, which is excellent, as is the ax, obviously. But this whole adventure must be pretty hard on him if he is going to be properly aged by the time the counsel of Elrond gets recorded on film where he shows up quite gray.
(First revealed by IGN - click here)

Quickbeam - Fascinating contrast in his braided salt & pepper mustache and beard. This is one Dwarf I can see Thorin trusting as an excellent companion for the long hard quest. I wonder about the distribution of weight in his spear (which is superb).

Arwen - I love all of those costumes, and the braids. The salt & pepper beard contrasts nicely with his dark hair. Another impressive figure.

Altaira - What a fabulous head of hair and salt-and-pepper-beard. Very dignified looking.

Elessar - I love the beard on him. Something about the mix of black and grey just looks awesome. That weapon though is quite impressive and should look great with a statue from The Hobbit.

Demosthenes - For mine, Bifur looks like the coal miner and ironmonger his bio declares him to be, right down to the mattock he carries over his shoulder. This would accord with him coming from the gold-poor Blue Mountains in the far west of Middle-earth, where Thorin had eventually settled after the dwarf-orc wars.

Indeed, the production team's bio says that he, as well as Bombur and Bofur are "born and bred in the west". Or as, Tolkien puts it the LoTR appendices: "Bifur, Bofur and Bombur were descended from the dwarves of Moria, but were not of Durin's line."

Garfeimao - There is all kinds of crazy going on with Bifur, not even sure where to start. First off, he's a lefty, and I don't say that just because h's holding his spear with the left, but because the dagger on his belt is set to be drawn by the left hand. His cloak appears to be oiled leather, which would make it weather-proofed, while his boots have and interesting lacing design with what looks like animal teeth to lace around. He does have sturdy looking leather bracers on his wrists, and like the others, another layer underneath that is like a cut off glove. Everything about Bifur is angles, from the belt hanging at an angle, the dagger appears to be rather squared and sits at an angle, his jerkin has angular seams, and his spear has more than a standard pointed shaft, it also has the extra blade on the left. And then there is the hair and beard. Aside from the obvious skunk look, like some of the other dwarves, he's got braiding and beads woven into the braids. And in what appears to be a rather large lump on his forehead, he has what looks to be a section of an axe blade. How friggin' cool is that?

Earl - If that thing lodged in his skull is supposed to be the remnant of some weapon from an old battle that he's survived, he's surely a warrior. For some reason, his image brings to mind Gimli's line "He's got my axe embedded in his nervous system". Dwarves may actually have some advanced knowledge of medicine :)

MrCere - At first brush, this was a warrior for me but careful examination (and some cheating with the character description) I think we see a Dwarf hardened by years of labor including a first-class industrial accident that remains stuck in his skull. I imagine this hard labor has motivated this hard fellow into wanting his kingdom back. I see "revenge" written in this character's features and costume details.
(First revealed by IGN - click here)

Quickbeam - My first impression was of a Mongolian horse-herder, but that's just because of his hat. Then I thought of Sally Field as "The Flying Nun." The blunt trauma of that weapon would leave the neatest 4-square imprint on a Goblin's skull...

Arwen - Malice in the eyes... Carrying a very scary weapon...

Altaira - Love the 'cat who ate the canary' expression on his face! He looks like a 'beer stein half full' personality to me. Then again, who would have any worries carrying a weapon like that half-hammer, half-axe on his shoulder.

Elessar - He looks a little like someone you would see from Russia on the Discovery channel. I like the look though. His weapon looks very much like someone who would be doing some mining. I'll be curious to see how a statue of him might come out with the particular weapon he has.

Demosthenes - Bofur is Bombur's brother, and the cousin of Bifur. Big, but not nearly as big as his brother, he's obviously the one going to be lumbered with Bombur-carrying duties. Possibly along with the impressively menacing Dwalin. I just can't work out what's sticking out of his forehead, though. Leftovers of an orc-ish attempt at brain surgery, perhaps?

Garfeimao - Bofur was the first smirking dwarf, which bodes well for personality. As a miner, he's got a rather mean, hammer/pick axe that looks like it can cleave heads almost as well as it does rocks. He looks like he's dressed for warmth, with several layers of tunic and coat, combining cottons, wools and leather trim. His pants almost appear to be fur, and it's clear his boots are fur-lined. Everything is topped off with a fur-lined cap, and there appears to be one braid flying rather loose from the left side of his cap. He looks like he'd be a hoot to be around in a pub.

Earl - Seems like a cheeky character. Look at his smile and his dimples. Another chap who doesn't look too much like a fighter. He looks more like a miner, and again, I'm wondering if Thorin brings him along keeping in mind they may need an expert in digging/mining before the end of their journey.

MrCere - Save for the smile, his costume could be that of a Mongolian war lord. His potato masher is impressive and he is fur-lined and dressed for cold winters. That couldn't be a mithril belt could it? He seems a warrior ready to leave an impression - in goblin skulls.
(First revealed by IGN -Â click here)

Quickbeam - We always thought Dwarves were stocky, but as Tolkien thoroughly warned us, Bombur is positively *fat* and there's no two ways about it. Even his magnificent hair braid is the fattest in the land. No such thing as a low-carb South Beach diet when you're living in Exile in the Blue Mountains...

Arwen - He's supposed to be immensely fat and heavy, and so he is! Kind of reminds me of the French comic book character Obelix...

Altaira - It looks like Bombur is carrying a large ladle instead of a weapon! I wonder if he'll fight goblins with it a la Sam and his frying pan.

Elessar - This is the on Dwarf that looks exactly as I would have thought based on my on mental picture. Collecting wise a statue of Bombur is gonna be large and in charge just for the sheer girth of the character.

Demosthenes - Bombur resembles the essence of his description: "immensely fat and heavy". The fact he carries a ladle also indicates a dwarf more interested in the source of his next meal than anything else.

Expect to see this ladle used for hilarious effect in battles against the goblins in the Mountains of Moria. Bombur will surely be one of our designated comic relief dwarves: there to eat a lot, take pratfalls (think of the Enchanted River) and to be complained about when the other dwarves have to lug about his heavy frame. However, he can put a good fight: while the rest of the Company goes down meekly to the trolls, he, Bifur and Thorin fight like mad to escape capture.

He actually reminds me very much of Barliman Butterbur, to be honest.

Garfeimao - Bombur has always been described as fat, and they did not disappoint on that score. I can't even imagine how they are going to show him climbing a tree, let alone being carried by the other Dwarves once he falls into that enchanted sleep. The beard braid is fascinating, I wonder if it survives the whole film. And is he carrying a weapon, or a soup ladle? I'm quite sure his jacket hasn't closed over his belly in years, but those loose knit pants look comfy. He also doesn't appear to be wearing boots, but rather they look like lace up penny loafers to me. They are probably closer to "work shoes" like Red Wings or something, but a Middle-earth version.

Earl - From a character perspective, he looks like a cook... not a fighter at all, and I wonder if part of the reason (in the movies) Thorin brings him along is to have someone resourceful in the food department. As far as his look is concerned, he's quite adorable once you get used to him - though I'm not too sure about his hair necklace, it wouldn't be wise to have something like that when going on a perilous journey, he's liable to hang himself or get his scalp injured, but I guess that's part of the quirkiness of the chap.

MrCere - That is a formidable hair necklace, likely to drive the Dwarven women, nay even Elven women mad with envy. He looks as though he can out-eat a table of Hobbits and evokes the stereotypical well fed English lord of the late 19th century if only he had a monocle. Woolen trousers? I guess so in the age before elastic waistbands.


Altaira - Wow! Just wow! I always pictured Thorin as a bit older. Thorin was 195 years old when he went on the journey to Erebor, which suggest he was about 60 in man years. However, a closer examination of Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings suggests that Dwarves were hale and hardy right up until their death, (which was more often than not in battle). Durin VI died in battle at age 249, Thorin's grandfather Thror died in battle at age 248, and Dain Ironfoot who joins the Battle of the Five Armies was 252. So a younger looking, hale Thorin isn't that far out of the box. Age aside, Armitage captures the look of a fierce, exiled king, determined to regain his kingdom well. Orcrist is spectacular. All in all; another win for PJ and Weta Workshop! Hats off to the costume and make-up people too. They've done a fabulous job with all the dwarves and we'd be remiss not to mention them.

Elessar - Looks like someone who is dead set on getting something done. In other words don't cross him or he'll run ya through. Collectibles wise I can't wait to see a statue that expresses that power with that sword.

Earl - YAY! A million times YAY! I'm so excited about this.
And what's more... I'm excited that I'm IN LOVE with Thorin. Well, with how he looks anyway. He's perfect. He's not too old, yet not too young either. He looks fierce yet venerable, a person whom one would both follow into battle were he to lead them, and a person whom one would honour were he to be seated upon a throne.
And his sword? That's Orcrist for sure. It has a resemblance to Bilbo's Sting. Look at the shape of the pommel with the writing on it, and the "Elvish" curve-design upon the blade (both similar to what Sting has).
If anyone had any qualms about Armitage being "too young" portray Thorin, well then let them put all doubt aside. We're gonna get a character more memorable that ever we've imagined! :o)

MrCere - I am looking into the face of the man who drives a group of Dwarves to attempt to take back a mountain from a dragon. Not only must he convince me, he must convince a group of Dwarves that their small band can overcome Smaug the Magnificent. I believe he will be a major source of conflict with Bilbo and obviously with other races and will be the thrust behind much of what happens. While his armor and leathers look great, and so does his ring, I am all about that sword. I want more details of course but I can believe that is one of the most storied weapons in all of Middle-earth.

Maegwen - Fierce, intense, fantastic-looking. I'm a bit concerned that he does not look older than any of the other dwarves. But there is no doubt that this is the guy who is the leader, who has the arrogance and single-mindedness to push through at all costs. Even to his own eventual downfall. I like it.

(This post was edited by Altaira on Jul 17 2011, 6:00pm)

Subject User Time
TheOneRing.net Exclusive: Behold! Thorin Oakenshield and Orcrist! News From Bree Send a private message to News From Bree Jul 17 2011, 8:55am
    A day of high honour for TORn! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 17 2011, 4:04pm
        Great! Compa_Mighty Jul 18 2011, 8:52am
        Congratulations! TORn...Wow! the world is a better place with you all... Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 18 2011, 1:13pm
        Indeed Bow&Helm Send a private message to Bow&Helm Jul 18 2011, 8:09pm
    Yes! Awesome, this is so great little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 17 2011, 4:05pm
    Sorry Boromir... Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 4:08pm
        And Kili is the Dwarf that... Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
            No prosthetics needed... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:13pm
                It's the *length* of the beard that impinges on hotness ;-P Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 6:27pm
                    Untidy Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:44pm
                        Surely you're not implying that I'm a teenager? ;-P Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 7:11pm
                    Too much maitenance Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 9:04pm
                    Thanks Kyriel Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:19pm
                        Happy to oblige ;-P // Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 19 2011, 11:00am
        Can we discuss the hobbit without these types of comments... fifa15m Send a private message to fifa15m Jul 17 2011, 7:30pm
            Welcome fifa! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 7:35pm
            What's wrong with it? Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 7:38pm
            You do realize you're a newbie on a board with 6724 registered users? Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 7:57pm
                Yes, I do realize that. (Thanks for the welcome Altaira!) fifa15m Send a private message to fifa15m Jul 17 2011, 8:10pm
                    It's cool Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 8:13pm
                    I guess we have different ideas of what's tasteful, then, but sorry if I bit your head off ;-) Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 12:50am
                *mods up!* Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 17 2011, 8:36pm
                    Thorin looks like a Klingon. Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron Jul 17 2011, 9:25pm
                        John Howe's redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 9:32pm
                How about the "bearded men = ugly" prejudice? Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 17 2011, 9:39pm
                    Just a touch of hyperbole Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:00pm
            nope Annael Send a private message to Annael Jul 17 2011, 8:22pm
    Fantastic! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
    This is a great, hale and hardy Thorin! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
        I do think this is rather outside the box Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 4:19pm
            He's not the only Dwarf who had years of hardship Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
                Seems about right. Proudfoot Send a private message to Proudfoot Jul 19 2011, 2:08am
            I reckon a lot of it will come in the performance Eledhwen Send a private message to Eledhwen Jul 17 2011, 4:41pm
                Great point about Smith. Proudfoot Send a private message to Proudfoot Jul 19 2011, 1:39am
    Now thats a warrior! Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 17 2011, 4:12pm
    What a wonderful costume! Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 4:13pm
    An intriguing take... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:14pm
        The OneRing gets to reveal Thorin Hanzkaz Jul 17 2011, 4:23pm
        Thorin's brother Gorin? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:34pm
            LoL, Captain Salt Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 4:36pm
                Thanks Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 17 2011, 4:39pm
            PMSL Ravenry Send a private message to Ravenry Jul 17 2011, 4:42pm
            LMFAO! thats exactly what went through my head the moment I first saw him, LOL! Bullroarer Send a private message to Bullroarer Jul 17 2011, 5:09pm
            Haaaaahahahaha! Thanks, perfect! :) // Ethel Duath Send a private message to Ethel Duath Jul 17 2011, 7:35pm
        Gowron indeed Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 6:49pm
            Maybe they said to each other "Nah, nobody is going to guess, are they? Nah!" ;) Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 18 2011, 7:34pm
                Maybe Gowron looks like Thorin? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:50pm
                    A long-lost ancestor...? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 18 2011, 8:19pm
    Yes, Orcrist is the perfect sister-weapon to Sting! // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 4:16pm
        Orcrist Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 6:15pm
            Hope this link works... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 9:59pm
                Thank you QT Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:15am
                    I'd also like an explanation to the obvious issue... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 19 2011, 10:38am
    Well, i gotta get used to the fact that some dwarfs in The Hobbit look just like humans... Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 17 2011, 4:18pm
    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 17 2011, 4:19pm
    Re: Runk Snusgrop Send a private message to Runk Snusgrop Jul 17 2011, 4:22pm
        LMAO dwarf_girl Send a private message to dwarf_girl Jul 17 2011, 4:57pm
    He looks so amazing! Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 17 2011, 4:22pm
    Dwarf Perfection Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
        Thorin flodwyns Send a private message to flodwyns Jul 17 2011, 4:31pm
    I detect a bit of grey around the edges, and in the beard... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 4:24pm
        Not surprised marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 3:50am
    Oh my goodness Marionette Send a private message to Marionette Jul 17 2011, 4:26pm
    Since i was already expecting a young looking Thorin rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Jul 17 2011, 4:27pm
    Sup with his fingers? They all have really fake ears and Banana hands :( // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 4:29pm
        Small, slender human fingers is what you want? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:50pm
            I'm just being observant, I'm not complaining ;) // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 10:00pm
    "Young dwarf prince" duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 4:32pm
        Richard Armitage is kingly Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:54pm
        But...but...Thorin was a dwarf prince when Smaug attacked Erebor. Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 2:23am
            You know, I am not certain Dwarves have princes. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 18 2011, 2:50am
    Awesome Ref Send a private message to Ref Jul 17 2011, 4:33pm
    He looks absolutely fantastic. Ainu Laire Send a private message to Ainu Laire Jul 17 2011, 4:35pm
    Maegwen is so excited that ... Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:38pm
        Mistakes? No no... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 17 2011, 5:05pm
    Thorin Black Breathalizer Send a private message to Black Breathalizer Jul 17 2011, 4:42pm
        Yes, Theoden too looks too young Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:57pm
            Nonsense on Galadriel Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:12pm
                Agreed. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 17 2011, 6:34pm
                Yes, I've heard people say she isn't pretty enough Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 7:33pm
            I agree.... GwyraWhitfoot Send a private message to GwyraWhitfoot Jul 18 2011, 1:29am
    I want to see more of Thorin! dwarf_girl Send a private message to dwarf_girl Jul 17 2011, 4:43pm
    Thorin DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 4:45pm
        Thorin Oakenshield aifeme Send a private message to aifeme Jul 17 2011, 4:48pm
        Same here. Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 4:50pm
        Pretty much duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 4:55pm
        Prosthetics Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 5:59pm
    I do like the look in his eyes Zizix Send a private message to Zizix Jul 17 2011, 4:46pm
        That's an interesting question, because... Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 6:07pm
    Congratulations TheOneRing.net! dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 4:47pm
        I agree bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 5:23pm
        Yeap, I join the congratulations! Eruthurin Send a private message to Eruthurin Jul 18 2011, 5:04pm
        Me too Vellamo Send a private message to Vellamo Jul 19 2011, 12:43am
    OMG, he looks awesome! Bullroarer Send a private message to Bullroarer Jul 17 2011, 5:01pm
    I love it... Nesse Send a private message to Nesse Jul 17 2011, 5:06pm
        Now this Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 18 2011, 1:05am
    Congratulations to TORn on the exclusive reveal !!! TheWhiteRider Send a private message to TheWhiteRider Jul 17 2011, 5:06pm
    The perfect place to reveal Thorin! eralkfang Send a private message to eralkfang Jul 17 2011, 5:07pm
        I don't think it's a goatee Marillë by the Sea Send a private message to Marillë by the Sea Jul 17 2011, 7:29pm
    PERFECTION! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 17 2011, 5:07pm
    Unforgettable Tolkien fan moments. Hamfast Send a private message to Hamfast Jul 17 2011, 5:11pm
    Congratulations to TORn, for getting this major scoop! Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 17 2011, 5:12pm
    I like it Carne Send a private message to Carne Jul 17 2011, 5:18pm
    'the great serpent, Smaug' Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 17 2011, 5:18pm
        Oooh! Good pick on that bit of detail... Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 17 2011, 5:20pm
        Offtopic but ... Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 5:25pm
        That's what I got out of it duats Send a private message to duats Jul 17 2011, 5:29pm
    I take it all back... holydiver Send a private message to holydiver Jul 17 2011, 5:19pm
        We knew you'd come through, Holydiver! Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 5:20pm
    Congrats TORN for the exclusive :-D namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 5:27pm
    Looks great! Elfhelm Send a private message to Elfhelm Jul 17 2011, 5:28pm
        Just the highlights DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 5:30pm
        Re: namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 5:52pm
            Precisely in the high-res pic (zoomed to full inside the browser window) those doesn't look like reflections... so I'm still not quite convinced. =) n/t Elfhelm Send a private message to Elfhelm Jul 17 2011, 6:17pm
                You made me double-check again namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 17 2011, 6:21pm
        I think it is just a lighting artifact bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
            Teeth lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 6:51pm
                teeth Ravenry Send a private message to Ravenry Jul 17 2011, 7:07pm
                    Funny Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 7:11pm
                LOL, redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 7:08pm
    WOW! Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 17 2011, 5:29pm
    A full body shot woulda killed the studios? // Arwen's daughter Send a private message to Arwen's daughter Jul 17 2011, 5:39pm
    Thank you for honoring TORn, PJ! Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 5:41pm
    I want a full body shot! RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 5:48pm
        Oh come on- he's hardly ancient DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 5:54pm
            I think he looks wonderfully dwarven... Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 17 2011, 5:58pm
                I dont see it either Muireadhaigh Send a private message to Muireadhaigh Jul 17 2011, 6:13pm
                    It's not meant to disparage him particularly DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 6:22pm
            One more reason I wish they had made TH before LotR Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 6:07pm
                Gimli was not the only dwarf in LotR DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 17 2011, 6:16pm
                    Proportions architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 17 2011, 7:54pm
                    Basically, I wanted to provoke you. Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 7:55pm
                        The Gimli purists DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:09pm
                            Sorry if this oversteps the mark but... Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 1:36pm
                                It does a bit DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:43pm
                                And there are plenty of people... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:56pm
                                This forum welcomes all Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 18 2011, 2:00pm
                                    Amen... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:04pm
                                    Just to clarify Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 7:26pm
                                        Armitage's supporters repeat their opinions just as much as his detractors. // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:37pm
                                        Perhaps it was just your tone? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:39pm
                                            haha... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 18 2011, 7:48pm
                                                I'm not even involved. Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 7:52pm
                                                    well nothing like a bit of humour... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 18 2011, 7:56pm
                                            Indeed! Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 18 2011, 8:43pm
                            I think... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:50pm
                                Balin maybe DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:53pm
                                    I'm not sure I understand... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:03pm
                                        Yes, this, 100 % Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 4:28pm
                                            Proportions Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 6:09pm
                                            Even Gimli doesn't maintain continuity with the Gimli look. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone Jul 18 2011, 7:47pm
                                                Ha... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:25pm
                                                    Probably should know this... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 19 2011, 12:49am
                                                        "Flet" is Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:31am
                                        There could be a problem, though... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 11:06pm
                Not just Gimli Alientraveller Send a private message to Alientraveller Jul 17 2011, 6:17pm
                    I got into Tolkien via PJ too :) Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 8:09pm
                        Congrats to TORN and what a lordly reveal! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Jul 17 2011, 8:55pm
            We're not starting this argument again, are we? RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 7:43pm
    Woohoo Rosie-with-the-ribbons Send a private message to Rosie-with-the-ribbons Jul 17 2011, 5:49pm
    Utterly awesome Ececheira Send a private message to Ececheira Jul 17 2011, 5:55pm
    *hyperventilates* Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 17 2011, 5:57pm
    Conrats to ToRN and... AWESOME... Bound Send a private message to Bound Jul 17 2011, 5:59pm
    Wow! Congratulations... ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 17 2011, 6:00pm
        Welcome to the discussion boards ByThorinsBeard Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 6:30pm
            thank you Altiara ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 17 2011, 6:58pm
    Orcrist--another fine work of art! / Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 17 2011, 6:01pm
        And the runes on the guard spell "ORKHRIST". dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 6:08pm
            *awards dernwyn double geek points* Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 18 2011, 1:07am
                Watch out... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 1:45am
            Amazing! Though I'm wondering why the writing is in runes Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:08am
                Because he personalized it?// Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth Jul 18 2011, 7:35am
                Back gate of Moria Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
    Freaking cool LoremIpsum Send a private message to LoremIpsum Jul 17 2011, 6:12pm
    his voice...... ilovekili Send a private message to ilovekili Jul 17 2011, 6:14pm
    Mr. Eruvande thinks he looks like a Klingon. Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 17 2011, 6:16pm
    GUYS, Guys, Guys, guys... sushiking Send a private message to sushiking Jul 17 2011, 6:20pm
    Thorin Oakenshield... willowing Send a private message to willowing Jul 17 2011, 6:24pm
    Are those dwarven runes... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 6:25pm
        They are Elvish. dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 17 2011, 6:35pm
            Beat me to it Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 17 2011, 6:50pm
                That's an interesting point! dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 1:41am
            You are brilliant :o) Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:19am
                Heh! dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:14am
            Runes and Ring mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 9:17am
                What is curious about THAT rune... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:22am
                    Ring rune mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 10:45am
                        Of "T" and "TH"... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 11:32am
                            Off to .. mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 18 2011, 11:46am
        Anyone notice the scabbard on his back? redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 6:41pm
            Nice! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 17 2011, 6:47pm
            It looks like the pommel is only half a curve... Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:21am
                Do you mean the hilt? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 10:02am
    Not quite the way I've imagined Thorin... sharpened_graphite Send a private message to sharpened_graphite Jul 17 2011, 6:39pm
    Sweeeeeet! Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 17 2011, 6:41pm
    Cool Thorin xy Jul 17 2011, 6:46pm
    Oops!!! Ermanatar Send a private message to Ermanatar Jul 17 2011, 7:17pm
    human, all too human... Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 17 2011, 7:24pm
        I'm in the "too human" camp. arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 17 2011, 9:13pm
            I have a hunch... Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 17 2011, 9:26pm
                Balin and Dwalin Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:45pm
                    Fair enough! arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 18 2011, 12:17am
                That's just an urban myth duats Send a private message to duats Jul 18 2011, 3:36am
                    With regards to the beards... arphen Send a private message to arphen Jul 18 2011, 4:33am
                    Can I ask you something? Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 18 2011, 7:19am
                        No duats Send a private message to duats Jul 18 2011, 9:14am
                        The elves joking about Thorin... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 1:36pm
                    well said ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 18 2011, 1:04pm
                        Perhaps they have Hengist Send a private message to Hengist Jul 18 2011, 1:10pm
                            A stroke of genius, Hengist! Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 18 2011, 1:24pm
                            Great idea Hengist! ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 18 2011, 6:31pm
            Dain's army redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Jul 17 2011, 9:27pm
                IMO Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:46pm
            Honestly... Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:41pm
                Completely agree lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 9:49pm
                Agreed Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 17 2011, 9:55pm
                    Likewise. Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 12:23am
            They have certainly varied the 'dwarf look' dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 10:01pm
            You said it brother R11 Send a private message to R11 Jul 18 2011, 8:37pm
    I´m quite surprised in a positive way... Ruijor Send a private message to Ruijor Jul 17 2011, 7:31pm
        Thorin looks so stunning! Daisy Gold Send a private message to Daisy Gold Jul 17 2011, 7:37pm
            Thorin looks OLDER than I thought they would make him, LOL! ShireHorse Send a private message to ShireHorse Jul 17 2011, 7:45pm
                I agree dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 17 2011, 7:51pm
                    I've never imagined Thorin any older than that picture... painjoiker Send a private message to painjoiker Jul 17 2011, 8:26pm
                I agree he does look older Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 17 2011, 9:00pm
                    Different looks lindorian Send a private message to lindorian Jul 17 2011, 9:15pm
                    Actors really are chameleons Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 8:31pm
                        Are you being sarcastic? Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 8:39pm
                            NO, I was being serious Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 9:05pm
                                thanks Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 9:10pm
                A perfect compromise Vellamo Send a private message to Vellamo Jul 18 2011, 12:57pm
    Thorin looks fine Radagast_the_Brown Send a private message to Radagast_the_Brown Jul 17 2011, 7:45pm
    You guys missed your golden opportunity! dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Jul 17 2011, 7:50pm
        +1! RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 17 2011, 8:25pm
    Jewelry Rosie-with-the-ribbons Send a private message to Rosie-with-the-ribbons Jul 17 2011, 8:21pm
    TORn is honoured, yes, but why 'humbled'? kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 17 2011, 8:36pm
        Lol, kiwifan! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 17 2011, 8:59pm
            Altaira, I stand corrected kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 18 2011, 2:35pm
                Not at all Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 3:52pm
        Honoured and humbled bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 17 2011, 9:04pm
            I don't understand Gandalf'sMother Jul 17 2011, 9:36pm
                Wrong presumption on my part bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 18 2011, 12:01am
        To use the modern phrase... Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 12:07am
            why aren't we worthy? kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan Jul 18 2011, 11:23pm
                Only because Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:28am
    No supprises Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 17 2011, 8:53pm
        Nor disappointment. Delrond Send a private message to Delrond Jul 18 2011, 2:17am
            A bit more gray would not have hurt. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 18 2011, 2:58am
                Kangi, you voice my feelings exactly. Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 18 2011, 8:46am
                    Gray Delrond Send a private message to Delrond Jul 18 2011, 10:05am
    Richard Armitage Symbelmine Send a private message to Symbelmine Jul 17 2011, 8:55pm
    Fantastic! mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 17 2011, 9:10pm
    Wow! Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 17 2011, 11:57pm
    looks good lurtz2010 Send a private message to lurtz2010 Jul 18 2011, 12:05am
        Oh yeah I had forgotten that GwyraWhitfoot Send a private message to GwyraWhitfoot Jul 18 2011, 1:48am
    Can't wait to see Thorin flip out of Bilbo Rodu Send a private message to Rodu Jul 18 2011, 12:12am
    Suggestion: The Combined Wallpaper... Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 12:41am
        Correct me if I'm wrong but Marillë by the Sea Send a private message to Marillë by the Sea Jul 18 2011, 7:20pm
    Finally getting a chance to comment.... Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 12:46am
        *Mods Up!* // Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 12:58am
        ^ This // Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 2:35am
    I couldn't resist a roto test. Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 18 2011, 12:54am
    Overdressed dwarves Hooded Justice Send a private message to Hooded Justice Jul 18 2011, 12:55am
        Klingon... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 1:16am
            Bwah ha ha ha ha! taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 2:27am
    Oh! In all my excitement... Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 1:04am
    he looks amazing LordElrond Send a private message to LordElrond Jul 18 2011, 1:39am
    Wonderful. Telerian Send a private message to Telerian Jul 18 2011, 2:31am
    Not as bad as I was expecting... Bergil'sEagle Send a private message to Bergil'sEagle Jul 18 2011, 2:37am
    Klingon anyone? Groppe Send a private message to Groppe Jul 18 2011, 2:41am
    I knew it marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 3:20am
    Oh...my....Goodness... grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jul 18 2011, 3:29am
        Bwhahaha! Gramma, that pic is perfect! // dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 18 2011, 10:24am
    So... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 3:46am
        Yeah sure! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:37am
        David Bowie would have made a great Thranduil. // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:02pm
    Orcrist's detailing does resemble that of Sting SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:08am
        I'm curious about how a Dwarf will be able to wield a sword made for an Elf Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 4:17am
            Was thinking that as well SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:25am
            Re:I'm curious about how a Dwarf will be able to wield a sword made for an Elf by Faenoriel Briza Send a private message to Briza Jul 18 2011, 7:09am
                If as light as you suggest, which SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 7:21pm
        Hmmm.... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:29am
            The scabbard and cross guard too SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 4:34am
    All of them rock// Wraith Buster Send a private message to Wraith Buster Jul 18 2011, 4:19am
    Group Photo With Thorin Mythopoeia Send a private message to Mythopoeia Jul 18 2011, 5:52am
        *Very* nice! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 11:11am
        Very Nice! Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 3:37pm
    Is it sad Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 7:09am
        Sad? No... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 7:16am
        Thorin in the cold light of morning...*eyes glaze over* Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande Jul 18 2011, 2:08pm
    Congrats! vigshane Send a private message to vigshane Jul 18 2011, 7:29am
        As you should! Earl Send a private message to Earl Jul 18 2011, 7:42am
            TORned already! vigshane Send a private message to vigshane Jul 18 2011, 7:51am
    Hail Thorin, King Under the Mountain! stormcrow20 Send a private message to stormcrow20 Jul 18 2011, 9:37am
        I can't imagine that some business won't step in... Patty Send a private message to Patty Jul 18 2011, 9:47am
        Thorin action figure edinlin Send a private message to edinlin Jul 18 2011, 10:15am
    Thorin or Richard(in disguise)... willowing Send a private message to willowing Jul 18 2011, 10:28am
        Gah, I wish you hadn't said that! Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 11:16am
    Actually, you know who he kind of reminds me of? Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 10:36am
    Ian McShane as Thorin Oakenshield (photoshop) Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 11:58am
        Hey that's a pretty decent Photo-chop job! reags Send a private message to reags Jul 18 2011, 12:03pm
        Woah! Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 18 2011, 12:06pm
            Well, it should Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 12:11pm
        That's hideous, Flagg dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 1:11pm
            That's because he happened to be frowning and I couldn't find a better picture. Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 1:29pm
                I'm afraid there wouldn't have been a picture dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 1:49pm
                    I agree edinlin Send a private message to edinlin Jul 18 2011, 2:08pm
                    All right Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 5:41pm
                        Well Richard Armitage is more than capable of... marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 5:58pm
                            So it's OK for Armitage to look like he's about to burst into tears, but not McShane? // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:12pm
                                let it rest Flagg nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 18 2011, 6:20pm
                                    Please do not say that Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:30pm
                                        Wait, wait, wait Arwen's daughter Send a private message to Arwen's daughter Jul 18 2011, 6:48pm
                                            No, you misunderstand me Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:00pm
                                                Flagg, for the love of pete...trust Pete! Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
                                                I think you might Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 19 2011, 1:22am
                                huh? marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 6:31pm
                                    You seem to have taken my post out of context Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:43pm
                                        *Sigh* dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 6:52pm
                                        Armitage casting Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 7:03pm
                                            Well in a sense that's what the controversy was about from the start DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 8:05pm
                                                "We"? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 8:29pm
                                                    I have to say that Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 8:53pm
                                                    Me too marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 9:22pm
                                                        I also... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:30pm
                                                    I find that it helps to not have a idea of what a character should look like Spencissimus Send a private message to Spencissimus Jul 19 2011, 1:10am
                                                    Well i was replying to someone who was in broad agreement DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 19 2011, 9:12am
                        I am not convinced Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 5:59pm
                            Well that's up to the costume designers Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:36pm
                                Perhaps we should agree to differ Rufus Send a private message to Rufus Jul 18 2011, 6:53pm
                                    This is true marillaraina Send a private message to marillaraina Jul 18 2011, 8:50pm
                                        Thank you! taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 3:08am
                                        Good point bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 19 2011, 8:44am
                        Now, Flagg, that's not fair... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 18 2011, 6:10pm
                            That's not what I meant Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 6:23pm
                            Looking at Armitage now SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 18 2011, 7:33pm
        Looks like we had better start preparing the casket for this guy Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 1:31pm
            He is an heirless 195-year-old Dwarven monarch struggling to reclaim his kingdom before he dies. Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 1:41pm
                Ah, yes, but will PJ show him as 195? ShireHorse Send a private message to ShireHorse Jul 18 2011, 2:05pm
        It's nice but DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 1:40pm
        His eyes remind me of Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 3:49pm
        You're pretty good at image editing! mykonos Send a private message to mykonos Jul 18 2011, 6:50pm
            Oh I'm used to it all right Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 7:04pm
                So do all who live to see such casting... Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 7:09pm
                    awesome Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 7:14pm
                    LOL!!! Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 7:20pm
                    Beautiful! // Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Jul 18 2011, 8:10pm
                    Looks like... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 10:23pm
                        Haha! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 1:05am
                            After all, the dwarves did sing... Gandalf'sMother Jul 19 2011, 3:32am
                                Oh yes... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 19 2011, 4:52am
                                    *snert* Plan B. :-D // Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 5:02am
                                Lol! Brilliant! // Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 5:01am
                    Bravo! That was priceless Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 19 2011, 1:03am
                    *mods up* dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 19 2011, 1:20am
                I understand mykonos Send a private message to mykonos Jul 18 2011, 9:59pm
                I have to say, as much as I find myself having different opinions from yours... taekotemple Send a private message to taekotemple Jul 19 2011, 3:22am
        you forgot to put more white hair :P // namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 19 2011, 12:28pm
    My updated photoshop of all dwarves plus bilbo and gandalf chrismortega Send a private message to chrismortega Jul 18 2011, 12:13pm
        Fantastic! Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 12:49pm
        Great Job! Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 18 2011, 1:02pm
        Great job, I really like that. // Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode Jul 18 2011, 6:24pm
        Great attempt mulubinba Send a private message to mulubinba Jul 19 2011, 12:32am
    Cheer up Dlanor da Great Send a private message to Dlanor da Great Jul 18 2011, 1:46pm
        I'm afraid that's not much consolation Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 18 2011, 5:17pm
    Aragorn did not look old either.. architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:18pm
        Question... Gandalf'sMother Jul 18 2011, 2:19pm
            I didn't say he wasn't old architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:21pm
                Perhaps... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 2:39pm
                    I think it's certainly possible.. architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 2:54pm
        Well with Aragorn DrDeath153 Send a private message to DrDeath153 Jul 18 2011, 3:09pm
            I think your going to find architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 3:33pm
            I don't think it was fitness and experience Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 4:15pm
    now we know who might be Tauriel`s love interest little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 18 2011, 3:27pm
        Ouch! Snulle Send a private message to Snulle Jul 18 2011, 3:40pm
            ha ha ha, I know little mouse Send a private message to little mouse Jul 18 2011, 4:17pm
    I'm kind of surprised by how negative the front-page comments are kzer_za Send a private message to kzer_za Jul 18 2011, 3:57pm
        I noticed that as well Bladerunner Send a private message to Bladerunner Jul 18 2011, 4:25pm
            I'm betting... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 18 2011, 4:29pm
        They seem mostly positive to me Kyriel Send a private message to Kyriel Jul 18 2011, 5:26pm
        I look at it this way: Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 19 2011, 1:56am
    Well I'm happy with the dwarves Ref Send a private message to Ref Jul 18 2011, 4:27pm
        Good Point architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 18 2011, 4:37pm
            I agree Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 18 2011, 6:58pm
                Yes Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 7:38pm
    Hi-res Balin and Dwalin Zloy Send a private message to Zloy Jul 18 2011, 6:54pm
        My hero! // Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 18 2011, 6:59pm
    Now that its sunk in Jettorex Send a private message to Jettorex Jul 18 2011, 8:10pm
    Generally very happy Bran Send a private message to Bran Jul 18 2011, 8:39pm
    Here comes the full body and full Complement of Dwarves Garfeimao Send a private message to Garfeimao Jul 18 2011, 9:09pm
        Isn't it a photoshop job? Rosebud Send a private message to Rosebud Jul 18 2011, 9:15pm
    Thorin and Company Wallpaper (my version) Richie Rich Send a private message to Richie Rich Jul 19 2011, 12:27am
        Wow. Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Jul 19 2011, 12:33am
        I like your version. Very nice. It looks official. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 19 2011, 12:47am
        Excellent work Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 19 2011, 12:51am
            It's Kinda MY STYLE to sit back...Smoke alittle Longbottom Leaf and.... Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 19 2011, 1:45am
        That's excellent, Richie Rich dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 19 2011, 7:43am
        Richie Rich you never fail to amaze Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Send a private message to Mad Hatter of Middle-Earth Jul 19 2011, 1:06pm
    undecided hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 19 2011, 2:20am
    I've just realised where I've seen Balin before Bran Send a private message to Bran Jul 19 2011, 10:29am


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