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LOL, that is funny!


May 26 2012, 10:26pm

Views: 5287
LOL, that is funny! [In reply to] Can't Post

But imagine this person writing 'inciteful' in an essay or in an exam? Or, heaven forbid, in a newspaper?

Subject User Time
Commonly misused phrases Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 23 2012, 11:16pm
    that doesn't faze me Annael Send a private message to Annael May 23 2012, 11:22pm
        OMG I just did this.... Hamfast Send a private message to Hamfast May 23 2012, 11:37pm
            it wasn't you who piqued my response Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 3:05am
    I know i'm guilty of using Hamfast Send a private message to Hamfast May 23 2012, 11:27pm
    This was quite interesting.... Longbottom Leaf Send a private message to Longbottom Leaf May 24 2012, 12:41am
        So, thanks to Ataahua, you've added a nugget to your treasury of knowledge kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 9:06pm
            Thanks Kiwifan! Longbottom Leaf Send a private message to Longbottom Leaf May 28 2012, 11:22pm
    Thanks for that! Really interesting! // Compa_Mighty May 24 2012, 1:00am
    I do pretty well with those Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 24 2012, 1:57am
        Oh, "could of" drives me nuts. Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode May 24 2012, 2:33am
            LOL! Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 24 2012, 2:54am
                That one actually kind of makes sense. Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:13pm
            *weeps, wails, gnashes teeth, pulls out a few hairs* Find a happy place! Find a happy place! Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods May 24 2012, 3:12am
            Well, I would of mentioned that one Starling Send a private message to Starling May 24 2012, 5:18am
            I quite agree with you kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 9:54pm
        Pogo mentions a cat Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:11pm
        Yeah, sherlock Send a private message to sherlock May 26 2012, 2:43pm
            Benefit of this thread DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 2:59pm
                Irony JWPlatt May 26 2012, 3:27pm
                    You had to point that out didn't you! / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 10:01pm
    "Anchors aweigh" not "anchors away" // SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC May 24 2012, 2:16am
    Hot water heater. Delrond Send a private message to Delrond May 24 2012, 2:31am
        Similarly (conversely?) "unthaw" or "dethaw" instead of SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC May 24 2012, 12:42pm
    That was great! Elberbeth Send a private message to Elberbeth May 24 2012, 3:08am
    Oh, and what about 'flaunt' and 'flout'?// Elberbeth Send a private message to Elberbeth May 24 2012, 3:09am
    For all intensive purposes... Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron May 24 2012, 3:24am
        Oh well done. Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 24 2012, 4:13am
            Evil is a discipline, like every higher calling... Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron May 25 2012, 1:25am
    Misteaks, I've maid a few... but then again, two few too mention ;) zarabia Send a private message to zarabia May 24 2012, 3:29am
    This thread was a great ideal ;) zarabia Send a private message to zarabia May 24 2012, 3:51am
    Can anyone tell me where Radhruin Send a private message to Radhruin May 24 2012, 4:24am
        You're not alone. // Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods May 24 2012, 4:34am
        I can't tell you where it came from, but I know where I'd like to put it Starling Send a private message to Starling May 24 2012, 5:15am
        Okay, I feel qualified to speak to that one Arandiel Send a private message to Arandiel May 31 2012, 4:35am
    You really shouldn't encourage me like this! Nienna Send a private message to Nienna May 24 2012, 6:26am
        I never heard anyone say Starling Send a private message to Starling May 24 2012, 7:12am
        a friend who is an editor complained to me Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 2:11pm
            This really sets my teeth on edge Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 24 2012, 4:33pm
    Not a phrase, but a word... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse May 24 2012, 7:06am
        I always read ... Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 24 2012, 1:40pm
        I am sherlock Send a private message to sherlock May 26 2012, 2:55pm
    Not so much a phrase that is misused, but one that annoyes me: DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 8:54am
    Haha love them! imin Send a private message to imin May 24 2012, 10:44am
    Two/too/to Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 1:27pm
        I think a lot of mistakes like this though... Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 24 2012, 1:47pm
            Yeah. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 2:06pm
            and spellcheck is useless for those mistakes Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 2:19pm
                Spellcheckers: Candidate for a Pullet Surprise dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 24 2012, 2:33pm
                    Ow! Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 2:35pm
                    Reminds me of "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut" Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:24pm
                Speaking of that particular typo... Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande May 24 2012, 2:41pm
                    Maybe, maybe not. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 2:50pm
                        Hey now! Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande May 24 2012, 3:15pm
                            Now, now.... Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 24 2012, 4:31pm
                                Funnily enough, Alassëa Eruvande Send a private message to Alassëa Eruvande May 24 2012, 4:40pm
                        Did you know dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 24 2012, 4:29pm
                            A tornado hit the A&M campus! Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 4:35pm
                                An A&M rocket scientist dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 24 2012, 5:49pm
                                    How many Aggies does it take to screw in a light bulb? Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 5:58pm
                                        Did you hear about the Aggie terrorist? dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 25 2012, 1:32am
        Evolution of Languages Finwe Send a private message to Finwe May 24 2012, 1:48pm
        I got caught out on "there's" the other day Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 2:14pm
        "Professionals" JWPlatt May 24 2012, 2:26pm
        That one knots my knickers, Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 24 2012, 7:25pm
            UK Schools DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 7:34pm
                Daniel you are spot on, us UK-ers were not methodically taught 'grammar' per se. Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 24 2012, 11:32pm
                    I'm glad I'm not the only one! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 6:49am
            Yep. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 7:57pm
            Supply & Demand JWPlatt May 24 2012, 8:16pm
        Those two spaces... Elizabeth Send a private message to Elizabeth May 25 2012, 4:14am
            Word's grammar checker and I Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode May 25 2012, 4:27am
                I hearted Word Perfect Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 25 2012, 4:36am
                I agree on Word Perfect! Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 25 2012, 2:47pm
                    I loved WordPerfect Annael Send a private message to Annael May 25 2012, 2:57pm
                        I have both new Words... Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 25 2012, 4:10pm
                        I liked sherlock Send a private message to sherlock May 28 2012, 5:31pm
        wouldn't it be nice... Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 25 2012, 4:22am
        Even though I really, really know better Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:18pm
    Feed a cold; starve a fever Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai May 24 2012, 1:53pm
    Thank you! Thank you! Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 24 2012, 1:57pm
    Center, color, defense, favor, flavor, gray, jewelry, meter, neighbor, theater DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 2:21pm
        Learning JWPlatt May 24 2012, 2:28pm
            10/10 // Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 2:37pm
            If I don't proof-read DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 2:46pm
        haha im tempted as well imin Send a private message to imin May 24 2012, 2:45pm
            To be honest DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 2:51pm
                To Be Honest, I Think... JWPlatt May 24 2012, 2:59pm
                It doesnt make sense really does it? imin Send a private message to imin May 24 2012, 3:06pm
                reminds me of the argument against overuse of "very" Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 8:19pm
        There's nothing wrong with our (American) spelling... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai May 24 2012, 3:24pm
            I'm only joking ;-) / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 4:44pm
        Yes, the joys of dialect.... Lily Fairbairn Send a private message to Lily Fairbairn May 24 2012, 4:38pm
        I'm starting to mix them up. Annael Send a private message to Annael May 24 2012, 8:25pm
            Are / Is JWPlatt May 24 2012, 9:28pm
                I hadn't realised there was a difference between are/is for the UK & US DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 9:34pm
                I was taught that in school. dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 24 2012, 10:19pm
                    Not just "old-timers" DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 10:20pm
                    It's also correct geordie Send a private message to geordie May 25 2012, 6:28am
                        A Hotel / An Hour JWPlatt May 25 2012, 2:14pm
                            It's not *not* correct DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 2:20pm
                            Yes, you're right about 'an hour' - geordie Send a private message to geordie May 25 2012, 7:27pm
                                Nope JWPlatt May 26 2012, 12:32am
                                    Anybody that says 'otel needs speech lessons ;-) / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 6:29am
                                        You need to come to yorkshire then! imin Send a private message to imin May 26 2012, 7:35am
                                            Duck DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 8:08am
                                                not as common as one might think. imin Send a private message to imin May 26 2012, 10:12am
                                                    True DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 1:50pm
                                            Everything I know about the Yorkshire dialect I learned from "Ilkley Moor Baht 'At" Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 26 2012, 2:16pm
                                            I have a friend who's from Sheffield sherlock Send a private message to sherlock May 29 2012, 10:06am
                                    I'm British - geordie Send a private message to geordie May 26 2012, 7:00am
                                        "an historical reason"? dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 26 2012, 12:07pm
                                            Exactly! geordie Send a private message to geordie May 26 2012, 12:33pm
                                        :) Annael Send a private message to Annael May 26 2012, 2:38pm
        But at least these are legitimate spellings in American English kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 25 2012, 10:14pm
            Askance DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 11:12pm
            I looked askance at that mis-usage geordie Send a private message to geordie May 26 2012, 7:23am
                A great malaprop on this very site* Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 26 2012, 8:25pm
                    LOL, that is funny! kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 10:26pm
                    If you were referring to me... Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron May 28 2012, 12:50am
                        Ha! much better than impactful... SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC May 28 2012, 4:16am
    Someone may be able to answer this DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 2:56pm
        Isn't it a British/American thing? Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 3:10pm
            It might be DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 24 2012, 4:45pm
            Yeah I say "orientated" as do most British.... though things are -fast- changing with the highly highly Americanised (notice the -s- ;) :P ) new generation. Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 24 2012, 11:36pm
                Zzzz JWPlatt May 25 2012, 12:37am
                    lol haha :D Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 25 2012, 12:53am
                        Ssss JWPlatt May 25 2012, 2:23am
        And what about the difference Elberbeth Send a private message to Elberbeth May 24 2012, 4:00pm
            never heard anyone use the word priorize imin Send a private message to imin May 24 2012, 4:14pm
                Me neither. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 4:24pm
            Prior... JWPlatt May 24 2012, 4:15pm
        Orientated is one of those stupid new "business-speak" words. RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass May 24 2012, 4:21pm
    I disagree with the first one. RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass May 24 2012, 4:23pm
        Yes. Darkstone Send a private message to Darkstone May 24 2012, 4:26pm
    Confused Words & Contradictions JWPlatt May 24 2012, 4:47pm
        I used to think a glacier was a bloke who fixed windows - geordie Send a private message to geordie May 24 2012, 5:42pm
    Here! Here! geordie Send a private message to geordie May 24 2012, 5:37pm
    a brilliant database of eggcorns, so phrases that have been misused, but then are understood literally as they are by the person Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 24 2012, 11:30pm
    Those are interesting! I've been guilty of a few of them but... Gimli'sBox Send a private message to Gimli'sBox May 25 2012, 2:00am
    In Spite Of JWPlatt May 25 2012, 2:31am
        Dunno if you've seen this hilarious video by David Mitchell about American - British english 'could care less' LOL : Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 25 2012, 12:13pm
            I posted that just a page ago in the thread? lol/ imin Send a private message to imin May 25 2012, 10:04pm
                Oh. LOL sorry Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb May 25 2012, 11:34pm
    Champing MrCere Send a private message to MrCere May 25 2012, 5:04am
        It just means chewing really, Starling Send a private message to Starling May 25 2012, 5:12am
        According to Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode May 25 2012, 5:21am
        Thirty white horses on a red hill, Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 25 2012, 11:27am
    Who needs a squib, when you can have a ten-armed cephalopod? Starling Send a private message to Starling May 25 2012, 5:17am
        LOL! Silverlode Send a private message to Silverlode May 25 2012, 5:25am
    Around here we hold down the fort, pardner. Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:04pm
        Never underestimate the power of Chinook winds! dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 25 2012, 4:12pm
            I never ever thought I would see the word "Chinook" on this forum DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 4:21pm
                And there's one I didn't think I'd see! Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods May 25 2012, 4:41pm
                Canterbury has the föhn (foehn) winds from the Southern Alps, Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 25 2012, 8:34pm
                    Tolkien was not blameless - geordie Send a private message to geordie May 25 2012, 8:42pm
                    Pronunciation DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 11:14pm
                        Just do what we do here in NZ and say Starling Send a private message to Starling May 25 2012, 11:17pm
                            I've managed to fit that into my literature review ;-) DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 25 2012, 11:20pm
                                And also known as Starling Send a private message to Starling May 26 2012, 12:12am
                                    Ha! Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 26 2012, 12:53am
                                    If I ever discover anything new or interesting DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 6:26am
                                        I am sure it will eventually arrive... Starling Send a private message to Starling May 26 2012, 9:10am
                                            I like your optimism ;-) / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 2:04pm
                        "Fern"? dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 26 2012, 1:41am
                            You'll have to record it for me DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 26 2012, 6:29am
                                Here's the "official" dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 26 2012, 8:08pm
                                    Followed your link but I can't hear anything, duh... kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 8:47pm
                                        did you end up at this page? Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 26 2012, 10:00pm
                                            Thanks for the advice but it still isn't working. kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 11:33pm
                                                I was able to play it without doing anything other than clicking the triangle Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 27 2012, 12:06am
                                                    Turns out it was the Flash Player not being up to date kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 27 2012, 4:11pm
                                                        another site I like Magpie Send a private message to Magpie May 27 2012, 4:27pm
                                    Thanks dernwyn! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 27 2012, 10:28am
                                        Another strange pronunciation DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 28 2012, 4:20pm
                                            *takes a listen on Forvo* dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 28 2012, 10:02pm
                                                Spot on there DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 29 2012, 7:08am
                                                I pronounce it Windam (or actually Windham) geordie Send a private message to geordie May 29 2012, 12:25pm
                                                    Gloucestershire? dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn May 30 2012, 10:26am
                            Did somebody say *fern*? Starling Send a private message to Starling May 27 2012, 9:20am
                                What a coincidence!! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB May 27 2012, 10:28am
                                    One day Starling Send a private message to Starling May 28 2012, 7:39am
                                        Odd. *We* got hail yesterday evening out of the northwest. No A/C for folks without power here.// Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods May 28 2012, 7:18pm
    Noone, duck tape Aunt Dora Baggins Send a private message to Aunt Dora Baggins May 25 2012, 4:08pm
    This is interesting sherlock Send a private message to sherlock May 26 2012, 10:25am
    Thank you so much, Ataahua, for this article! kiwifan Send a private message to kiwifan May 26 2012, 8:14pm
        More habit, I would think. Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua May 26 2012, 8:33pm


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