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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit:


Jul 30 2012, 3:36pm

Views: 149156
OH MY! [In reply to] Can't Post

It is only at the end of a shoot that you finally get the chance to sit down and have a look at the film you have made. Recently Fran, Phil and I did just this when we watched for the first time an early cut of the first movie - and a large chunk of the second. We were really pleased with the way the story was coming together, in particular, the strength of the characters and the cast who have brought them to life. All of which gave rise to a simple question: do we take this chance to tell more of the tale? And the answer from our perspective as the filmmakers, and as fans, was an unreserved ‘yes.'

We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain untold if we do not take this chance. The richness of the story of The Hobbit, as well as some of the related material in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, allows us to tell the full story of the adventures of Bilbo Baggins and the part he played in the sometimes dangerous, but at all times exciting, history of Middle-earth.

So, without further ado and on behalf of New Line Cinema, Warner Bros. Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Wingnut Films, and the entire cast and crew of “The Hobbit” films, I’d like to announce that two films will become three.

It has been an unexpected journey indeed, and in the words of Professor Tolkien himself, "a tale that grew in the telling."


Peter J


Do we need to prepare for TORn melt-down?!

(This post was edited by DanielLB on Jul 30 2012, 3:39pm)

Subject User Time
3 Hobbit Films Confirmed Lily Brambleburr Send a private message to Lily Brambleburr Jul 30 2012, 3:33pm
    I believe in them and their decision completely ElendurTheFaithful Send a private message to ElendurTheFaithful Jul 30 2012, 3:35pm
        I wonder why they didn't just plan this from the beginning. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 3:48pm
            the way peter makes movies There&ThereAgain Send a private message to There&ThereAgain Jul 30 2012, 4:34pm
        Well ElendurTheFaithful Send a private message to ElendurTheFaithful Jul 30 2012, 3:52pm
            Extremely happy!! Istaris'staffs Send a private message to Istaris'staffs Jul 30 2012, 3:57pm
            You have a point Ziggy Stardust Send a private message to Ziggy Stardust Jul 31 2012, 12:47am
    OH MY! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 3:36pm
        well Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 3:57pm
            agreed Apexman13 Send a private message to Apexman13 Jul 30 2012, 4:10pm
                I'm betting Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:11pm
                    Depending on the split DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:14pm
                well Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 4:28pm
                    What you outline Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:33pm
                        hmm Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 4:43pm
                            Well, it's your word against PJ's. Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 30 2012, 4:59pm
                                well Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 5:07pm
                                Let´s be a little constructive. Danielos Send a private message to Danielos Jul 30 2012, 5:08pm
                                    Save that for another thread, or later on! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:11pm
                                    I am betting the rough cut was 10 hours plus. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 5:22pm
                                    I'm sure they've thought this all through hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:16pm
            Oi! Oi! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Jul 30 2012, 4:19pm
            Or... tiamy Send a private message to tiamy Jul 30 2012, 8:37pm
                Haha! Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 8:55pm
                    For some reasons... tiamy Send a private message to tiamy Jul 30 2012, 9:28pm
        I knew WB would have nixed this if totally rumor BeornBerserker Send a private message to BeornBerserker Jul 30 2012, 4:17pm
        Well, that keep the people employed longer Rostron2 Send a private message to Rostron2 Jul 30 2012, 5:25pm
        I TOLD YOU... MouthofSauron Send a private message to MouthofSauron Jul 30 2012, 5:27pm
    Link to the announcement: QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 3:40pm
        thanks for the link QT // Magpie Send a private message to Magpie Jul 30 2012, 3:50pm
    O M E ...... (oh my Eru!) this is mental O.O O.o PJ's actually managed to sort it out O.o lordy. // Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb Jul 30 2012, 3:42pm
        I was expecting news in a couple of weeks or months... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 3:44pm
        Viggo! Viggo! Viggo! hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 4:35pm
    Incredibly good news architecthis Send a private message to architecthis Jul 30 2012, 3:44pm
    At least it's official. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 3:44pm
    Can I recommend a title change? QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 3:44pm
        Reply Lily Brambleburr Send a private message to Lily Brambleburr Jul 30 2012, 4:13pm
        Done... dernwyn Send a private message to dernwyn Jul 30 2012, 4:14pm
    Can we expect an official anouncement from WB etc as well? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 3:48pm
        I would imagine so. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 3:49pm
        Variety says Summer 2014. Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 30 2012, 4:27pm
    Wow that's very interesting imin Send a private message to imin Jul 30 2012, 3:49pm
        He did it once, he can do it again ;-) DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 3:50pm
            Yeah imin Send a private message to imin Jul 30 2012, 3:54pm
                I know what you mean imin. Well I'd expect ... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 3:56pm
            *high five* RIGHT ON!!! :D // grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jul 30 2012, 4:00pm
    Next Question is: Is it a bridge film or Film 2 split in half? // Arandir Send a private message to Arandir Jul 30 2012, 3:51pm
        I think both... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 3:53pm
            I know what you mean... Compa_Mighty Jul 30 2012, 4:18pm
                I'm totally up for this! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:25pm
                    It's not that I'm against it, don't get me wrong... Compa_Mighty Jul 30 2012, 4:34pm
        Surely Film 1 will be affected too. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 3:55pm
            Agree with both of you ... Arandir Send a private message to Arandir Jul 30 2012, 3:57pm
                Why ElendurTheFaithful Send a private message to ElendurTheFaithful Jul 30 2012, 4:03pm
                    If The Hobbit is becoming Three full length films, then there will be significant pulling from Peter AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Jul 30 2012, 8:51pm
                        Are you saying Empedocles Send a private message to Empedocles Jul 30 2012, 8:57pm
                            Oh there was certainly some of that in LOTR. And sadly, some things that should have been AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Jul 30 2012, 10:55pm
            I'd think that DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:00pm
                That breakdown doesn't seem to leave much for the third film... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Jul 30 2012, 5:41pm
                    Does that not leave too much for film 3? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:43pm
                        I don't think so... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Jul 30 2012, 5:49pm
                            I think they're is plenty DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:56pm
                                The Arkenstone Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 6:00pm
                            Dol Guldur... Stupid Fat Hobbitses Send a private message to Stupid Fat Hobbitses Jul 30 2012, 6:05pm
                                Gandalf can be kept in front of the audience... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Jul 30 2012, 6:13pm
                    Here is how they will split the story Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 5:58pm
                        I don't think that would work. Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 6:03pm
                            Some more romance, perhaps? Danielos Send a private message to Danielos Jul 30 2012, 6:11pm
                        Yes, maybe something like that... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Jul 30 2012, 6:07pm
        Probably not a bridge film... Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 3:56pm
        I'm sad either way. Foromir Send a private message to Foromir Jul 30 2012, 3:56pm
            Well put... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 30 2012, 4:01pm
            How about artistic reasons? dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 30 2012, 4:03pm
        I doubt if anyone will announce that.... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
            I think this is true imin Send a private message to imin Jul 30 2012, 4:15pm
        Doubt it's a bridge film... Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
            I would guess Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:09pm
                I think they were filming for 3 months next year regardless DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:13pm
                Cheers, SA... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 30 2012, 4:15pm
                    Indeed! Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:27pm
        Seems most likely Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:03pm
    Questions...Questions that need answers! Danielos Send a private message to Danielos Jul 30 2012, 3:54pm
    Has PJ been striken with dragon-sickness? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 30 2012, 3:54pm
        I think we need to see the first movie at least... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
        I completely agree with you. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
            If the appendices are not important to the story, then why did Tolkien write them? // QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 4:01pm
                I'm talking about the story of Bilbo as told in The Hobbit. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:09pm
            The Appendices Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:08pm
                I understand that. And I love the appendices. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:12pm
            Thanks, and yes...all of sudden they're intent of filming every page of the appendices...? Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 31 2012, 12:22am
                Whoch would be AWESOME Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 2:39am
                    What? Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 2:46am
                    Which! Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 2:51am
                Hmpf. And watch it be a total damned deviation from the final battles of Arnor and Angmar AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Jul 31 2012, 5:21am
        The way I see it Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:04pm
        I think Xzibit says it best... Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 4:11pm
            Dawg, I heard you like Middle Earth in your Middle Earth...so here's some more Middle Earth in you Middle Earth so you can Middle Earth while you Middle Earth// nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 30 2012, 4:26pm
                Hmmm Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 4:29pm
    I'm really not sure what I think about this yet. tinnie Send a private message to tinnie Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
    I am pleased Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 3:59pm
        I'm glad you are pleased SA! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:12pm
    HOW EXCITING !!! WOW!!!! grammaboodawg Send a private message to grammaboodawg Jul 30 2012, 4:00pm
        I'm still sitting but... Magpie Send a private message to Magpie Jul 30 2012, 4:06pm
        Gramma - it's a joy to see your joy in this! dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 30 2012, 4:07pm
        Yay! More movies to watch about my favorite story and character! Escapist Send a private message to Escapist Jul 30 2012, 7:12pm
            How many licks would it take to get to the center of... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 30 2012, 9:01pm
        Wholeheartedly ... galadriel Send a private message to galadriel Jul 31 2012, 4:33am
    I've never felt more indifferent as I do now Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 30 2012, 4:04pm
    About the third movie pasi Send a private message to pasi Jul 30 2012, 4:06pm
    In a hurry... Sunflower Send a private message to Sunflower Jul 30 2012, 4:09pm
    I guarantee you, the death of Smaug made this necessary nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 30 2012, 4:12pm
        "Then the third film is all BO5A." Shudder to think of it....// Foromir Send a private message to Foromir Jul 30 2012, 4:16pm
            Well, TTT and ROTK each stretched out a couple of chapters to be the main film... nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 30 2012, 4:22pm
                Film 3 : death of (spoiler) + Bo5A Lucky Luke Send a private message to Lucky Luke Jul 30 2012, 4:29pm
                    Actually, I think you're close... Bombatones Send a private message to Bombatones Jul 31 2012, 4:01am
        That makes sense. Curious Send a private message to Curious Jul 30 2012, 4:16pm
            Film 1 - I'm thinking will end after Mirkwood and the dwarves getting captured// nobofthepony Send a private message to nobofthepony Jul 30 2012, 4:19pm
        I actually think the multiple endings think could have easily been avoided. Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Jul 31 2012, 6:58am
            Agreed 100% Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 6:59am
                I wouldn't go nearly that far.// Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Jul 31 2012, 8:08am
                    There have been pigs flying by my window all day, Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 8:00pm
            Encore - Light Your Flame JWPlatt Jul 31 2012, 3:47pm
                Isn't great art about violating the audience's expectations? // Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 4:24pm
                    Great Art JWPlatt Jul 31 2012, 4:34pm
                        Narratively, that film was a mess Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 6:37pm
                            But I do agree with you and JW about Prometheus. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 8:12pm
                        *groan*// Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:51pm
    Some day they will have to reshoot LotR as nine films!// Curious Send a private message to Curious Jul 30 2012, 4:13pm
    3rd movie out summer 2014 Erufaildon Send a private message to Erufaildon Jul 30 2012, 4:14pm
        Where did they get 2014 from? That seems like guesswork / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:16pm
            Likely from a studio source Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:24pm
                Is collider a reputable website? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:26pm
        I knew it! Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 4:19pm
        Are they certain about this? Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:46pm
        TORn has confirmed -- Summer 2014! // Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 30 2012, 4:47pm
            Thanks TORn DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:50pm
            hm Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 4:51pm
                You are welcome to come to winter in Wellington, in that case. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:01am
                    well Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 31 2012, 1:29pm
                        Please be assured, Lusitano, Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:35pm
                            yes Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 31 2012, 7:46pm
                                Now that I gotta see! Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 8:16pm
            Any idea why they didn't do 3 Christmas releases like before?// Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:52pm
                As others have suggested, it would be dragging 1 story out over 3 years. DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:53pm
                    It wasn't a problem with LOTR Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:56pm
                        The Lord of the Ring was 3 distinctive books DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:58pm
                            Tolkien wrote 'Lord of the Rings' as a single book Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 5:01pm
                                Exactly. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 5:06pm
                    That, plus actors' schedules might have been a factor Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 30 2012, 5:16pm
    I'm on board with this Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 4:20pm
        Whoa, Really? hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 4:38pm
            I'm not sure where you're going with that one... // Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 4:59pm
    Will this cause any contract problems, I wonder? Curious Send a private message to Curious Jul 30 2012, 4:20pm
        Yes, isn't M.Freeman supposed to start filming Sherlock series 3 soon(ish)? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:24pm
        That's undoubtedly part of what they were working out Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 30 2012, 5:08pm
            Who didn't see this coming? hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:03pm
                It's a matter of not judging things before seeing them Empedocles Send a private message to Empedocles Jul 30 2012, 8:25pm
                No Viggo. This is still the Hobbit. // Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 8:53pm
                    Then.... hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 12:35am
                        Angstfree Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 12:37am
                            So... sarahb1863 Send a private message to sarahb1863 Jul 31 2012, 12:44am
                                Agreed! Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 12:51am
                                    I don't think LotR should have been more than 3 films, lol Jeremy Send a private message to Jeremy Jul 31 2012, 12:52am
                                        I do, Jeremy Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 12:55am
                        Life is not fair. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 1:03am
                            Tell me why the Hunt for Gollum won't work hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:24am
                                The hunt for Gollum is not inside the time frame of The Hobbit. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 1:31am
    Hmm... Danielos Send a private message to Danielos Jul 30 2012, 4:25pm
    Money..money...money...money! MasterOrc Send a private message to MasterOrc Jul 30 2012, 4:28pm
    3 films TFP Send a private message to TFP Jul 30 2012, 4:29pm
    Peter Jackson has always struck me as an honest, dedicated fellow... Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 30 2012, 4:31pm
        Agreed Snaga Send a private message to Snaga Jul 30 2012, 8:31pm
    MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!! hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 4:33pm
    According to Slashfilm.com, domain registrations for the titles include... Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 30 2012, 4:35pm
        Why wouldn't they keep "An Unexpected Journey"? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:38pm
        Intriguing Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 4:51pm
            Yes "Desolation of Smaug" for film 2 SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 30 2012, 5:33pm
                An Unexpected Journery should remain the title of film 1 DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:37pm
                    I agree. Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 5:56pm
                    Ack! What was I thinking? Yes of course, I agree with you 8) // SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 30 2012, 6:03pm
                I like this division of films and reasoning, SirDennisC. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:19am
        It would make sence to develop the new film in the middle Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 5:32pm
        Domain registrations... Stupid Fat Hobbitses Send a private message to Stupid Fat Hobbitses Jul 30 2012, 5:45pm
    Disappointed, but not surprised. The Party Tree Send a private message to The Party Tree Jul 30 2012, 4:35pm
    Woo hoo! That means... peleowyn Send a private message to peleowyn Jul 30 2012, 4:37pm
    Trust in Peter stoutfiles Send a private message to stoutfiles Jul 30 2012, 4:40pm
        I whole-heartedly agree There&ThereAgain Send a private message to There&ThereAgain Jul 30 2012, 4:43pm
        People keep saying "Trust Peter." RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 30 2012, 4:50pm
            Meant to only be two films bookgirl13 Send a private message to bookgirl13 Jul 30 2012, 5:26pm
            You speak for me as well! // Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods Jul 30 2012, 5:26pm
            No offense, but if one is not a filmmaker, how would one know how many films it takes to thoroughly tell a story? Maiarmike Send a private message to Maiarmike Jul 30 2012, 5:28pm
                simple duats Send a private message to duats Jul 30 2012, 5:35pm
                I don't have to be a filmmaker. I just need to be able to read and count. RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 30 2012, 6:36pm
            As someone who didn't much like PJ's LOTR Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 6:05pm
                While I'm not as negative about PJ's LOTR adaptation as you are Tim Send a private message to Tim Jul 30 2012, 8:17pm
            Amen Sister. AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Jul 30 2012, 9:19pm
                But this is strange logic Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 9:29pm
                    Yes, I agree DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 9:31pm
                    I can't speak for AinurOlorin. RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 30 2012, 9:51pm
                        I agree Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 10:01pm
                            Well, I hope you're right. RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 30 2012, 10:15pm
                                Pick another Bird. // Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 11:57pm
                                    White Crow? Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 30 2012, 11:59pm
                                        I pick bones on the battlefield.// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 12:04am
                                            PJ's Way Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 12:10am
                    I would Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 30 2012, 10:17pm
                        Don't agree Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 30 2012, 10:57pm
                            I hope it's not off topic but what are the sixty motifs? Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 11:08pm
                                Hmmm... Phibbus Send a private message to Phibbus Jul 30 2012, 11:25pm
                                    Ah no problem. Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 11:29pm
    BOO! :( // RosieLass Send a private message to RosieLass Jul 30 2012, 4:43pm
    A Few Observations JWPlatt Jul 30 2012, 4:46pm
        whatever else BeornBerserker Send a private message to BeornBerserker Jul 30 2012, 4:48pm
        As others have said in previous threads, I imagine we will get 3 2 hour films, rather than 2 3 hour films! / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:50pm
            I think three two hour & fifty min. movies.// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 4:52pm
                That's very specific Kangi Ska. DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:55pm
                    I think Peter wil cut each movie to just under 3 hours (Think Dark Knight Rises). Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 5:42pm
            What about 3 3 hour films? Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 30 2012, 4:53pm
                Or that! ;-) / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:54pm
            How does that help fit in the extra material Peter wants to show?// Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:54pm
                Mathmatically, it is the same yes. DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 4:56pm
                    I don't think I agree// Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 4:57pm
                        Sorry Ardamírë DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:02pm
                            No problem! Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 5:07pm
                    A little comparative maths for anyone what's interested. Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 5:20pm
            I want 3 hour Hobbit-movies, dammit! Danielos Send a private message to Danielos Jul 30 2012, 4:57pm
                I kinda doubt they'll be 3 hours long now. More like 2 and a half. // Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 30 2012, 5:22pm
                    yeah. That's a money factor. hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:23pm
                        Defintely not. Estel78 Send a private message to Estel78 Jul 30 2012, 8:38pm
                            We'll see... hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 12:59am
                                No Viggo? Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 1:02am
                                    No Viggo = bad. hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:04am
                                No Viggo? Did I miss something? Jeremy Send a private message to Jeremy Jul 31 2012, 1:04am
                                    Yah, Viggo left. Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 1:07am
                                        left what? source? Jeremy Send a private message to Jeremy Jul 31 2012, 1:12am
                                            The only source I'm using is hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:16am
                                            I do not see the point ElendilTheShort Send a private message to ElendilTheShort Jul 31 2012, 1:21am
                                                In order to ensure Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 31 2012, 1:26am
                                                    Such a disappointing descision jtarkey Send a private message to jtarkey Jul 31 2012, 1:33am
                                                        I'd only be disappointed hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:40am
                                                    You bet me to it. ElendilTheShort Send a private message to ElendilTheShort Jul 31 2012, 1:41am
                                                        Yes - well a battle Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 31 2012, 1:47am
                                                            My only questioning ElendilTheShort Send a private message to ElendilTheShort Jul 31 2012, 2:24am
                                    The Hobbit III: Milking the Franchise... Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron Jul 31 2012, 1:07am
                                        Repeat of I Suspect shadowdog Send a private message to shadowdog Jul 31 2012, 1:44am
                                            Sorry, not buying it. Morthoron Send a private message to Morthoron Jul 31 2012, 3:00am
                                                Therein lies the beauty of it Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 31 2012, 4:34am
                                                    I can haz parshull tikit refund? Ossim! =) // Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods Jul 31 2012, 6:45am
                                            What was the original context of your comment? SirDennisC Send a private message to SirDennisC Jul 31 2012, 3:40am
                                                Three times? Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 31 2012, 1:04pm
    'the Battle of Dol Guldur' ? - Hanzkaz Jul 30 2012, 4:52pm
        I'm presuming that this is only the conflict referred to in 'The Hobbit' Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Jul 30 2012, 5:56pm
    I do not like this Erufaildon Send a private message to Erufaildon Jul 30 2012, 5:08pm
    I believe... TheWhiteRider Send a private message to TheWhiteRider Jul 30 2012, 5:10pm
        What makes you believe that? Erufaildon Send a private message to Erufaildon Jul 30 2012, 5:16pm
    Aragorn and Arwen?? Balderdash Baggins Send a private message to Balderdash Baggins Jul 30 2012, 5:11pm
        They filmed Aragorn and Arwen's first meeting a decade ago Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 5:13pm
            That would be awesome. hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:17pm
        Not necessary. Ardamírë Send a private message to Ardamírë Jul 30 2012, 5:14pm
            not necessary for "The Hobbit", I agree... Balderdash Baggins Send a private message to Balderdash Baggins Jul 30 2012, 5:19pm
        No. // Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 30 2012, 6:04pm
        No.// Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:28am
    Link to Announcement From Warner and MGM Arandir Send a private message to Arandir Jul 30 2012, 5:12pm
        That hasn't been posted yet. Thank you :-) DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 5:18pm
            I wouldn't take that post as a confirmation Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 5:28pm
            You're welcome! Yes I'm guessing they'll keep Film 1's title the same Arandir Send a private message to Arandir Jul 30 2012, 6:02pm
    i guess I'll be one of the few voices of discontent duats Send a private message to duats Jul 30 2012, 5:14pm
    Fascinating Rostron2 Send a private message to Rostron2 Jul 30 2012, 5:15pm
    A cautious welcome Bran Send a private message to Bran Jul 30 2012, 5:36pm
    By this logic... One Ringer Send a private message to One Ringer Jul 30 2012, 5:37pm
        Look at it this way Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 5:57pm
            Oh no... Sam20 Send a private message to Sam20 Jul 30 2012, 6:07pm
                These films were always going to include made-up stuff Flagg Send a private message to Flagg Jul 30 2012, 6:24pm
            It's not a guarantee. // One Ringer Send a private message to One Ringer Jul 30 2012, 6:26pm
    To the big house! TheRealBeren Send a private message to TheRealBeren Jul 30 2012, 5:38pm
    Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. Aragorn the Elfstone Send a private message to Aragorn the Elfstone Jul 30 2012, 5:58pm
        yes Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 6:06pm
        I am also nervous verging on pessimistic dalecooper Send a private message to dalecooper Jul 30 2012, 6:41pm
        I'd wish not, but I feel like you dwarf_girl Send a private message to dwarf_girl Jul 30 2012, 9:42pm
    wait and see ByThorinsBeard Send a private message to ByThorinsBeard Jul 30 2012, 6:07pm
    The three films in broad strokes as it relates to the villains Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 6:14pm
    SQUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE O_o Gollum the Great Jul 30 2012, 6:23pm
    So, trilogy film titles? Mythopoeia Send a private message to Mythopoeia Jul 30 2012, 6:24pm
    Just woke up to this, and I am very quietly and perfectly happy. Wow. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 30 2012, 6:29pm
        titles Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 30 2012, 6:31pm
    I don't like it :( namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 30 2012, 6:40pm
        My&Your Goldberry..And Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 30 2012, 6:59pm
            Thanks Bomby namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 30 2012, 7:05pm
    Well, let's do the math Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 30 2012, 6:46pm
        Aren't we forgetting something? There&ThereAgain Send a private message to There&ThereAgain Jul 30 2012, 7:36pm
        I don't think the maths works like that. Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 7:49pm
            Of course Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 30 2012, 8:34pm
                Let's play this game Empedocles Send a private message to Empedocles Jul 30 2012, 8:38pm
                    Color me excited Elessar Send a private message to Elessar Jul 30 2012, 8:51pm
                    Word! Son_of_Gondor74 Send a private message to Son_of_Gondor74 Jul 30 2012, 8:58pm
                Hmm i think you are still linking Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 8:51pm
                    I'm using word count Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 30 2012, 10:24pm
                        *Scratches head* Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 10:40pm
        But this is only relevant if you thought the LOTR films were well-done as they were Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 8:23pm
    Tired of the roller coaster Elskar Send a private message to Elskar Jul 30 2012, 6:51pm
        Same here // namarie Send a private message to namarie Jul 30 2012, 7:01pm
    The Silmarillion: how to do it wondering Send a private message to wondering Jul 30 2012, 6:52pm
        I'd rather they spent $100 billion on solving the world economic crises and world poverty before spending that kind of money on the Silmarillion ;-P / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 6:57pm
            I second that ! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Jul 30 2012, 7:02pm
        The Master of Filthy Lucre-town?// Eowyn of Penns Woods Send a private message to Eowyn of Penns Woods Jul 30 2012, 7:01pm
        Ya'll have become spoiled Istaris'staffs Send a private message to Istaris'staffs Jul 30 2012, 7:05pm
            Precisely! Son_of_Gondor74 Send a private message to Son_of_Gondor74 Jul 30 2012, 8:37pm
            You remember the Goldilocks story, don't you? AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Jul 30 2012, 10:42pm
                I suspect that if Lacrimae Rerum Send a private message to Lacrimae Rerum Jul 30 2012, 10:50pm
                Traditions Change JWPlatt Jul 30 2012, 11:07pm
    Extremely dissapointed LoremIpsum Send a private message to LoremIpsum Jul 30 2012, 6:55pm
        Blame the Dwarves Hanzkaz Jul 30 2012, 7:20pm
    I'm getting a SW prequels vibe irodino Send a private message to irodino Jul 30 2012, 7:11pm
        Embarrement of Richs? Bombadil Send a private message to Bombadil Jul 30 2012, 7:24pm
    I bet each film to be shorter than 3 hours Welsh hero Send a private message to Welsh hero Jul 30 2012, 7:28pm
    my head exlodes right now triptrap Send a private message to triptrap Jul 30 2012, 7:33pm
    So, I've had a quick tought where each film ends and begins Welsh hero Send a private message to Welsh hero Jul 30 2012, 8:07pm
        How would that work? Mooseboy018 Send a private message to Mooseboy018 Jul 30 2012, 8:42pm
            See the thread about titles Welsh hero Send a private message to Welsh hero Jul 30 2012, 8:53pm
    Thoughts about money and The Hobbit Tim Send a private message to Tim Jul 30 2012, 8:11pm
    Ha ha. This totally sucks for... hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:12pm
    Where angels fear to tread dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Jul 30 2012, 8:12pm
    the "What If" is killing me! Oscarilbo Send a private message to Oscarilbo Jul 30 2012, 8:21pm
        Yeah. I feel a little bad for LOTR hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 30 2012, 8:25pm
            All I care about is the Hobbit being better than LOTR Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 8:29pm
                Then they'd be very great indeed... Aragorn the Elfstone Send a private message to Aragorn the Elfstone Jul 30 2012, 8:51pm
                Why would you want it to be better in the first place? Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 30 2012, 9:08pm
                    I want the Hobbit films to be better than the LOTR films Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 9:17pm
                        Fair enough Morok Cloudkeeper Send a private message to Morok Cloudkeeper Jul 30 2012, 9:59pm
    I can't believe I was offline when this news hit! DesiringDragons Send a private message to DesiringDragons Jul 30 2012, 8:55pm
        I know how you feel... QuackingTroll Send a private message to QuackingTroll Jul 30 2012, 9:23pm
    Funny thing MrCere Send a private message to MrCere Jul 30 2012, 9:13pm
        Oh, do tell! Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 30 2012, 9:18pm
        Oooooh ... do you have any ideas what the titles will be? ;-) / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Jul 30 2012, 9:21pm
        Must be frustrating Arathorn Send a private message to Arathorn Jul 30 2012, 11:09pm
            Don't even say that duats Send a private message to duats Jul 31 2012, 3:09am
    hmmm......... tolkiennerd Send a private message to tolkiennerd Jul 30 2012, 9:46pm
    Bring on the trilogy! Maylily Send a private message to Maylily Jul 30 2012, 10:05pm
        I agree Elessar Send a private message to Elessar Jul 30 2012, 10:18pm
    Man, this is going to be tricky sueb1863 Send a private message to sueb1863 Jul 30 2012, 11:28pm
    Has the internet exshploded yet? Spaldron Send a private message to Spaldron Jul 30 2012, 11:44pm
        The only reason my reaction is mixed hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:02am
            Gollum Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 1:09am
                Yeah it fits. hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:19am
                    Chillaxe... painjoiker Send a private message to painjoiker Jul 31 2012, 1:24am
                        45 mins will do hutch Send a private message to hutch Jul 31 2012, 1:25am
            It has been done,// Kangi Ska Send a private message to Kangi Ska Jul 31 2012, 1:11am
    And the internet explodes.... _V_ Send a private message to _V_ Jul 30 2012, 11:47pm
    The Hobbit Part 3: Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Jul 30 2012, 11:55pm
    All I have to say... Dlanor da Great Send a private message to Dlanor da Great Jul 31 2012, 12:09am
    Nothing but speculations in this already humomgus thread rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Jul 31 2012, 12:17am
        The Hobbit without the Angst Halfred Send a private message to Halfred Jul 31 2012, 12:32am
    I literally jumped out of my seat in happiness after reading this earlier Jeremy Send a private message to Jeremy Jul 31 2012, 12:50am
    A question of structure and theme HiddenSpring Send a private message to HiddenSpring Jul 31 2012, 1:11am
        yes Lusitano Send a private message to Lusitano Jul 31 2012, 1:39am
        Agreed 1000% HiddenSpring and well said // Captain Salt Send a private message to Captain Salt Jul 31 2012, 2:30am
        Most likely rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Jul 31 2012, 4:17am
    Wow ... I didn't see THAT coming Slayer_Of_Orcs Send a private message to Slayer_Of_Orcs Jul 31 2012, 2:23am
    The thing is Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 3:16am
        I can read The Hobbit in less time than that duats Send a private message to duats Jul 31 2012, 3:32am
            But here's the thing Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 4:11am
                I even hesitate to call it "this Hobbit" at this point duats Send a private message to duats Jul 31 2012, 4:23am
                    I don't understand Istaris'staffs Send a private message to Istaris'staffs Jul 31 2012, 4:52am
                        No duats Send a private message to duats Jul 31 2012, 5:01am
                    The Battle of Azanulbizar does have a lot to do with Thorin's story, however Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Jul 31 2012, 6:23am
    Love it! Samuel Walters Send a private message to Samuel Walters Jul 31 2012, 3:37am
    Re-posted for Grizzly: The Hobbit - The Phantom Menace Altaira Send a private message to Altaira Jul 31 2012, 4:18am
    Thank you, PJ and crew!! galadriel Send a private message to galadriel Jul 31 2012, 4:31am
    Sigh. Hope they know what they're doing.// Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Jul 31 2012, 6:29am
        I think they do... dormouse Send a private message to dormouse Jul 31 2012, 8:47am
            Well said dormouse... Noria Send a private message to Noria Jul 31 2012, 1:01pm
            Happy dust is certainly needed, Dormouse. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 6:49pm
    The telling of Arnor, Azanulbizar, Fornost/Witch-king, Aragorn/Elros/Ring of Barahir, Durin's Bane will be woven into the trilogy redgiant Send a private message to redgiant Jul 31 2012, 8:20am
    Oh blast. Not too pleased about this one// Nightingale Send a private message to Nightingale Jul 31 2012, 12:11pm
    "...but my own adventure turned out to be quite different" Oscarilbo Send a private message to Oscarilbo Jul 31 2012, 7:11pm
        Good point, Oscarilbo. Lissuin Send a private message to Lissuin Jul 31 2012, 7:41pm
    Dissapointed xy Aug 1 2012, 5:42pm
        LotR theatrical editions Zubeneschamali Send a private message to Zubeneschamali Aug 15 2012, 10:08am


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