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*Squint* Does Galadriel have a new costume here?

Tol Eressea

Oct 2 2012, 5:21pm

Views: 21837
*Squint* Does Galadriel have a new costume here? [In reply to] Can't Post

Or does it just look like that? In the upper pic? The sleeve and the fabric look different.

But every word you say today
Gets twisted 'round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied

(This post was edited by Faenoriel on Oct 2 2012, 5:22pm)

Subject User Time
White Council Poster! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 10:25am
    Where did you find this? Carne Send a private message to Carne Oct 2 2012, 10:28am
        On another forum, but I think this is the original source DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 10:32am
            Awesome, thanks! Carne Send a private message to Carne Oct 2 2012, 10:40am
            Uh-Mazing! // DarkJackal Send a private message to DarkJackal Oct 2 2012, 3:13pm
            *Squint* Does Galadriel have a new costume here? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Oct 2 2012, 5:21pm
                Yes I thought so too burgahobbit Send a private message to burgahobbit Oct 2 2012, 10:38pm
            The larger image seems to be the cover of the film calendar... Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Oct 2 2012, 7:20pm
            What a fabulous post! rings7 Send a private message to rings7 Oct 3 2012, 4:57am
    AWESOME. // Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb Oct 2 2012, 10:38am
    Great find! Vangalad Send a private message to Vangalad Oct 2 2012, 10:39am
        First picture of Radagast and Gandalf together! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 10:41am
            Two new stills of Bilbo? Carne Send a private message to Carne Oct 2 2012, 10:44am
            Here is a closer look. Pipe Dream Send a private message to Pipe Dream Oct 3 2012, 1:00am
                Radagast's staff is definitely lit! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 3 2012, 7:15am
                    Is the calendar officially out yet? DarkJackal Send a private message to DarkJackal Oct 3 2012, 9:39am
                        I've been keeping an eye out, but haven't seen it / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 3 2012, 9:44am
                Is is the same "illumination stone" Gandalf used in Moria in FotR? Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Oct 3 2012, 1:20pm
        The website is a gold mine! DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 10:45am
            Is it just me Aitieuriskon Send a private message to Aitieuriskon Oct 2 2012, 11:03am
                "There's a right bit more than hope!" burgahobbit Send a private message to burgahobbit Oct 2 2012, 1:08pm
                I see blue! Perhaps it will glow! / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 1:38pm
                Orcrist Fàfnir Send a private message to Fàfnir Oct 2 2012, 4:25pm
            Rights daemoon Send a private message to daemoon Oct 2 2012, 7:06pm
                Not that I know of ... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 7:36pm
    Gandalf and Radagast Nine Finger Frodo Send a private message to Nine Finger Frodo Oct 2 2012, 10:45am
        Been waiting for a picture like that for so, so long. Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Oct 2 2012, 1:08pm
    they've youthened Sir Chris Lee quite a bit I think, I love that poster. when I get high qual, it's going to be my wallpaper lol Xanaseb Send a private message to Xanaseb Oct 2 2012, 10:49am
        Definitely - the hands are very youthful DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 11:02am
            awesome redgiraffe Send a private message to redgiraffe Oct 2 2012, 11:45am
                Definetly a more youthfull looking Lee.. jtarkey Send a private message to jtarkey Oct 2 2012, 12:01pm
                I said the same thing burgahobbit Send a private message to burgahobbit Oct 2 2012, 1:11pm
        Thats the first thing i noticed as well Apexman13 Send a private message to Apexman13 Oct 2 2012, 1:25pm
    Erm dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Oct 2 2012, 12:13pm
        Yeah, I was wondering the same.... RaoulJ Send a private message to RaoulJ Oct 2 2012, 12:43pm
        I think the film is converted from digital to film... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 1:38pm
            Yeah, selling film cels from an all-digital film... TheHutt Send a private message to TheHutt Oct 2 2012, 8:27pm
    Loyalty, Honour, & a Willing Heart... Eleniel Send a private message to Eleniel Oct 2 2012, 12:30pm
    Is that the entire council? stoutfiles Send a private message to stoutfiles Oct 2 2012, 12:49pm
        Dialog prediction dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Oct 2 2012, 1:10pm
        Radagast was never part of the white council Fardragon Send a private message to Fardragon Oct 2 2012, 1:38pm
            Not true stoutfiles Send a private message to stoutfiles Oct 2 2012, 2:15pm
                Omisions. Hamfast of Gamwich Send a private message to Hamfast of Gamwich Oct 2 2012, 6:28pm
                    Copout sharku Send a private message to sharku Oct 4 2012, 6:28am
                        Agreed Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Oct 4 2012, 7:03am
                        Meat in the room dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Oct 4 2012, 1:07pm
                            The White Council in Rivendell Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Oct 4 2012, 2:34pm
                                Perhaps, but how ad hoc could it be? Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Oct 4 2012, 2:44pm
                                    Flashback? Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Oct 4 2012, 2:48pm
                                    We know from the ComicCon footage that ... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 4 2012, 3:08pm
                                        Beam me up, Elrond dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Oct 4 2012, 4:00pm
                                            Galadriel gives Saruman a piggy back? DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 4 2012, 4:02pm
                Tired of worrying with it. But Glorfindel can be better than assumed. AinurOlorin Send a private message to AinurOlorin Oct 3 2012, 2:54am
            Radagast and the White Council Otaku-sempai Send a private message to Otaku-sempai Oct 2 2012, 8:38pm
    Ahh, yes! Olessan Send a private message to Olessan Oct 2 2012, 12:52pm
        These posters are great. Elessar Send a private message to Elessar Oct 2 2012, 12:58pm
    All those pictures were very cool! burgahobbit Send a private message to burgahobbit Oct 2 2012, 1:03pm
    Beautiful. Though it is just them, then Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Oct 2 2012, 1:05pm
    gorgeous Elenorflower Send a private message to Elenorflower Oct 2 2012, 1:23pm
    I love it! dubulous Send a private message to dubulous Oct 2 2012, 1:44pm
    Wow, awesome find! Maylily Send a private message to Maylily Oct 2 2012, 3:12pm
    Great Marionette Send a private message to Marionette Oct 2 2012, 3:53pm
    Saruman's fingernails are really long in this Shelob'sAppetite Send a private message to Shelob'sAppetite Oct 2 2012, 4:02pm
        They're no longer than Galadriel's nails ;-) DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 4:04pm
        Btw, it's really hard to do paperwork with nails like that Faenoriel Send a private message to Faenoriel Oct 2 2012, 5:24pm
        Technically he was evil in TH stoutfiles Send a private message to stoutfiles Oct 3 2012, 12:53am
    Very cool! Thanks for sharing.// Owain Send a private message to Owain Oct 2 2012, 5:44pm
    The Wormtongue effect. Ataahua Send a private message to Ataahua Oct 2 2012, 6:17pm
    I love all of these!!! Istaris'staffs Send a private message to Istaris'staffs Oct 2 2012, 8:08pm
        The cleansing of Dol Guldur, I imagine / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 8:42pm
            That's the obvious answer dave_lf Send a private message to dave_lf Oct 2 2012, 9:06pm
                I hadn't even considered that DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 2 2012, 9:14pm
                    I reckon he's attempting to 'heal' Thrain, kinda like he did with Theoden/ Aranaes Send a private message to Aranaes Oct 3 2012, 6:10am
                        Possibly... DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 3 2012, 7:22am
                I'm betting Gandalf's quote is definitely from the Troll Scene Lausus Send a private message to Lausus Oct 3 2012, 6:51am
                    I hope not... :-( / DanielLB Send a private message to DanielLB Oct 3 2012, 7:14am
    Beautiful! Ring-Bearer Send a private message to Ring-Bearer Oct 3 2012, 1:57am
    I just found this one too. THEY MADE SARUMAN LOOK YOUNG! Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Oct 3 2012, 3:56am
        Saruman Fertlthewhite Send a private message to Fertlthewhite Oct 4 2012, 4:55am
            Sure looks like it... Eye's on Guard Send a private message to Eye's on Guard Oct 4 2012, 5:34am
                That sucks! Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Oct 4 2012, 6:18am
        He can't look that young but look Fàfnir Send a private message to Fàfnir Oct 4 2012, 5:22pm
            I thought he looked significantly older.// Milknut Send a private message to Milknut Oct 5 2012, 2:16am


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