The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Lord of The Rings:
SCOD: Reality comes back to Frodo and Sam

Tol Eressea

Aug 10 2012, 5:37pm

Views: 748
SCOD: Reality comes back to Frodo and Sam

After spending a long suspended time in Lothlorien, the fellowship go back on their quest, catapulted back into the reality of having to destroy the ring.

Do you feel a markedly different tone in this shot in comparison to that of Lothlórien? If so, what aspects of the cap help do that?

Comment on the expressions and the body language of the two characters

Is Frodo already starting to become more withdrawn by this stage? If you've read the book, is there a similar quality to Frodo at this stage?

Thanks a bunch!! Xanaseb

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-I am a victim of Bifurcation- (credit to Elpidha)

Dwarves: 'Erebor!', 'Erebor!!', '..Erebor!'
Bilbo: .. It's only a CGI model
Dwarves: 'Shhhhh!'

Tol Eressea

Aug 10 2012, 9:56pm

Views: 376
hmmm a bigger version, and the full sized:

Full sized: HERE


Join us over at Barliman's chat all day, any day!

-I am a victim of Bifurcation- (credit to Elpidha)

Dwarves: 'Erebor!', 'Erebor!!', '..Erebor!'
Bilbo: .. It's only a CGI model
Dwarves: 'Shhhhh!'


Aug 10 2012, 11:26pm

Views: 377
This really sums up their relationship neatly in one picture.

At least, their relationship during the post-Lorien part of the journey. Frodo's body language is closed off and he's looking into the distance, seeming careworn - it's like the full weight of the ring and the responsibility of his task is coming back to him again after their sojurn with the elves. He looks weighed down by his duty, and like he doesn't want to burden anyone else - yet Sam is right there and he's not moving away from him.

And dear Sam! Always solicitous of Frodo and worrying for and about him - his body language is open and expresses concern. But he's not touching Frodo, sensing Frodo's need for space, but not being willing to let him be completely alone.

This is a wonderful cap, and says a lot just with the poses and facial expressions of the actors.


Aug 11 2012, 6:26am

Views: 342

In general, I think the filmmakers got their relationship right.

Though there were a few hiccups, of course, which I will not mention here...

Tol Eressea

Aug 12 2012, 4:25am

Views: 300
This shot

looks to be in much sharper focus as well as higher contrast than the scenes in Lothlorien which were softer and dreamier.

Desiring Dragons hit the nail on the head regarding body language.

I think this scene illustrates well what was mostly hinted at in the book, until the scene with Boromir, about Frodo knowing what he had to do but being afraid.

Thanks, Xanaseb Laugh


Aug 13 2012, 6:21pm

Views: 275
Sad, but in a different way

Do you feel a markedly different tone in this shot in comparison to that of Lothlórien? If so, what aspects of the cap help do that?

The Lothlorien shots were sad in a gentle, reassured way. This shot is sad in a darker, colder way. I think the blue tint and the fact that the characters aren't directly interacting with each other lead to that in this cap.

Comment on the expressions and the body language of the two characters

Frodo looks withdrawn. Sam looks concerned.

Is Frodo already starting to become more withdrawn by this stage? If you've read the book, is there a similar quality to Frodo at this stage?

Yes, he is. And yes, there is a similar quality in this section of the book, which I just reread for my own screencap postings this week! In the book, Frodo knows he needs to leave the fellowship but is afraid to do so. This is why he goes off alone - to get away from the influence of his companions so he can begin to separate form them emotionally. By his body language, he's doing the same thing here.

all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us...


Aug 14 2012, 3:24pm

Views: 345
It seems to start on the ships as soon as they leave Lothlorien

This is why I love the framecap library :) - just took a look backwards from this cap and saw that -- kind of not noticeable due to all the other action (anxiety over 'feeling' the orcs approach, thinking over the gifts from Galadriel, etc), -- there are moments where Frodo already has this much different, looking far inward/away expression in comparison to how the others are looking. Right after his conversation with Galadriel, it seems, he begins to withdraw in this way. And realizes he is alone, Gandalf is gone, and even Sam cannot help him, 'not this time'.

Nice choice, Xanaseb. Thanks!

(This post was edited by Loresilme on Aug 14 2012, 3:25pm)