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Does TORn need yet another discussion board: 'Other LotR Movies'?


Nov 4 2024, 1:47am

Views: 3290
Does TORn need yet another discussion board: 'Other LotR Movies'?

I can't help but notice that almost all of the threads on the "LotR Movie" board are about 'War of the Rohirrim' or 'The Hunt for Gollum'.

That's not surprising given the age of the Jackson LotR films at this point, and the number of upcoming "other" LotR-themed or -based film projects.

But when I see there's a new post or comment on the Movie board (as I think of it), I still expect something relating to the Jackson trilogy. Old fogy that I am - time for my cookie?

Should there be a new board? Or should the existing one be re-titled to make it clearer that it encompasses discussions of any and all Tolkien-based films, past present and future, except Jackson's 'The Hobbit' movies?

squire online:
RR Discussions: The Valaquenta, A Shortcut to Mushrooms, and Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
Lights! Action! Discuss on the Movie board!: 'A Journey in the Dark'. and 'Designing The Two Towers'.
Archive: All the TORn Reading Room Book Discussions (including the 1st BotR Discussion!) and Footerama: "Tolkien would have LOVED it!"
Dr. Squire introduces the J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: A Reader's Diary

= Forum has no new posts. Forum needs no new posts.


Nov 4 2024, 3:29am

Views: 3269

Instead of one forum per title, which is looking to get numerous or unwieldy, you might want to classify titles that are not direct productions of Tolkien's main books (Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit).

Such as:
The existing "Gaming and Collecting" forum
The existing "Fan Art" forum - I suggest 'Arts" plural to include all art forms.
Middle-earth Animations forum - Would include 'War of the Rohirrim'
Middle-earth Extended Legendarium Series and Films forum - Would include 'The Hunt for Gollum'.

If these forums are capable of subforums, you might even begin to consider main forums named by Middle-earth Ages where the LOTR forum is in a "Middle-earth Third Age" forum. I.e., Classified by timeline.

(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on Nov 4 2024, 3:34am)


Nov 15 2024, 2:18am

Views: 2629

Sorry if it seemed like we were ignoring this. Given the post/thread above this one, you can see why. However, I'll create a new forum this weekend and will move any older related posts I can find.

Thanks for bringing it up (again)! Smile

Hamfast Gamgee
Tol Eressea

Dec 23 2024, 8:50am

Views: 569
Might agree with this

Actually to be honest I think having a separate forum for the Hobbit seems a bit redundant nowadays. One would be tempted to call a discussion board other celluloid sh*t done in the last few years, but that could be a bit harsh perhaps!