The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: The Arena:
Rings of Power's Galadriel versus Hungary's Michelle Gulyas


Aug 15 2024, 10:16am

Views: 94983
Rings of Power's Galadriel versus Hungary's Michelle Gulyas

Modern Pentathlon:

Four events:
1. Riding
2. Fencing
3. Swimming
4. Running and Shooting (Galadriel may substitute Bow and Arrow for Laser Pistol)

Who wins each event?

Who wins overall?

The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”