The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:


Jul 11, 7:51pm

Views: 743

The first image of Cirdan the Shipwright has been released (and yes, he does have a beard).

Cirdan is played by Ben Daniels.

Don't mess with my favorite female elves.


Jul 11, 8:02pm

Views: 722

Yeah, this Círdan has a beard--in the same way that Thorin and his nephews had beards in Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy. I guess it grows out by the end of the Third Age.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella

(This post was edited by Otaku-sempai on Jul 11, 8:03pm)


Jul 11, 8:16pm

Views: 718
Looks good to me

His eyes look rather less keen than most stars that I'm familiar with.

Otherwise fine.


Jul 12, 2:58pm

Views: 604
I think he looks great

Love how he looks

"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."

Grey Havens

Jul 12, 9:07pm

Views: 569
I'm not judging..

Everyone is entitled to their own preferences. But, I mean he is.. experienced.. which is good, but.. well, there's quite a large age gap. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's fine.. honestly.. I think it's great. 10,000 years is only a number.

(This post was edited by AshNazg on Jul 12, 9:09pm)


Jul 16, 3:53pm

Views: 432
He looks good to me too.

I would have made the beard longer, but it's fine IMO.


Jul 17, 3:43pm

Views: 372
I like this look

I had always imagined Cirdan with a much longer beard, but I think that this length is perfectly suitable. He has the weathered look of a seasoned mariner, at least by elven standards.

Grey Havens

Jul 17, 3:47pm

Views: 372
when beards appeared

Wait a minute! I don't recall Tolkien ever describing Círdan -- in a Second Age context -- with a beard.

Yeesh! Plus, and generally speaking now, were even Elves who had entered their "Third Cycle of Life" forbidden to shave?

If so, I'll need to see the text Wink