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*tests doors for squeaks, opens them wide* It's Friday - time for Fiesta!

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 10, 4:08pm

Views: 21411
*tests doors for squeaks, opens them wide* It's Friday - time for Fiesta!

Greenwood Hobbit was able to fix those hinges, thank'ee muchly!

Greetings all and sundry! It's the end of the week, time to celebrate with Fiesta! Our esteemed barmistress, Altaira, is still off on an exciting Adventure (which I hope she tells us all about when she returns), so I shall be your hostess.

So come on in and let us know how your week has been, and what you'll be up to this weekend! It's make-your-own salad day, with plenty of greens and veggies and fruits and cold cuts to top off the salad! What's your favorite dressing, or do you prefer your salads "naked"? Shocked

It's been downright stormy in many parts of the world this week - how have you been faring in the weather in your area? There's been a plant sale fundraiser for the sports teams here, so I've snagged some herbs (lavender, marjoram, sage, thyme) and another lilac bush, which I managed to get planted in between thunderstorms.

*puts quarters on jukebox* How about selecting some rainy day music!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Greenwood Hobbit

May 10, 4:59pm

Views: 21329
Only because you found the oil!

You've been having rainy days, whereas I was caught on the hop by a better-than-anticipated patch of weather for my short camping trip this week! I ended up a bit overdressed. A short break in the comfortably Shire-like rolling hills of Shropshire more than made up for that, though. The nearest town is Church Stretton, which is charming and a popular base for walkers enjoying the ridge of the Long Mynd, which is a bit more Rohan-like. If you Google Small Batch campsite and click on the gallery you'll see pictures of the site and surrounding area. It was my first visit and I'd certainly go again. When camping I rarely eat well, so salads are an excellent idea! I wasn't brought up with exotic salad dressings and have never really got into the habit. When I was a child it was Heinz salad cream or nothing! I do enjoy whatever dressing it is that they put on a caesar salad and Hellmanns mayo is always welcome. I've tried a light Italian-style dressing and like that - I should branch out more!
My garden herbs tend to be more admired than used, though I have a useful selection. Chives go into a lot of things and an omelette has to have thyme; I also have rosemary, sage, parsley - I'm not going to Scarborough Fair, though! Mint's out there, as is marjoram and lemon balm (good bee plants!) fennel and hyssop.Cheers folks - have a good weekend!
I'm trying hard to think of rainy day music; the last time this came up I chose 'It's raining men' by the Weather Girls - thats the best I can do! [Edit: bit of a frisky vid, that one! Sly]

(This post was edited by dernwyn on May 10, 5:54pm)

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 10, 5:51pm

Views: 20979
What a beautiful area that is!

And what a pleasant little camping area! Those hills look a bit on the steep side - did you do much walking in them?

We never had dressing to put on salads when I was growing up, the mayo was for recipes only. But Mom would sprinkle a bit of sugar on wedges of lettuce.

Thyme in the omelet? I've never tried that, I'll have to!

Let me see if I can get that link clickable.
Edited: Oh yeah, THAT one! Laugh Thanks!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

(This post was edited by dernwyn on May 10, 5:54pm)

Greenwood Hobbit

May 10, 6:58pm

Views: 20510
These days I admire them very much

but my knees wouldn't like me to walk in them! I'm struggling to embrace the concept of sugar on lettuce... but I daresay we all ate things as children that might seem strange to today's tastes! I remember a Heinz salad cream sandwich was a regular between-meals snack. White bread too; now I only eat wholemeal except for an occasional baguette or fancy roll. Haha, that vid! So very 80s... still, it's a change to see men capering around in their underwear - quite racy for those days, when it was usually women.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 10, 8:55pm

Views: 19768
Hot chocolate please, barkeep!

We've got an early dose of winter this week with a polar flow over the country. The heater got turned on for the first time and the electric blanket is going on the bed.

No proper snow on the mountain yet, though; only a low dusting.

A few weeks ago I switched from sandwiches to salads for lunch. I keep it simple: lettuce, carrot, tomato (not a fan but little bits add a freshness to the taste), pine nuts, feta (in place of vinaigrette or mayo), and some meat to keep it interesting for me. Annoyingly, eating well is leaving me feeling more full and less likely to snack. It's irritating when things like 'eat healthier' and 'get more exercise' turn out to be good for you. Tongue

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction

Greenwood Hobbit

May 10, 9:19pm

Views: 19596
Good for you with the salads!

That's something I need to eat more often. On my camping short break I take with me for breakfast those 'just add boiling water and wait five minutes' porridge pots. I found that they are greatly enlivened by stirring in a dollop of pumpkin and sunflower seeds; that could work with salads tooas a change from pine nuts. Enjoy!


May 10, 9:44pm

Views: 19433
Stay dry!

I heard it was cold and rainy out east but hope it warms up again soon! We've had wonderful sunny days that aren't too warm. I'd share it with everyone else here, if I could!

Work has finally hit a bit of a lull, in terms of the pace/chaos. Whatever the reason, I'll take it. I got the revised resume back from the person who gave it a polish, so am hoping to find some opportunities to apply to in the next few days. It's quite bleak out there on the job market but I'm staying positive!

My girlfriend is going on an international trip this weekend to visit her sister, so we're mostly just preparing for that. I have a friend visiting town a week from Monday, so I thankfully have a couple of days of PTO on the horizon as I show her around town and play tourist.

Happy early Mother's Day to the moms and mom-like figures out there! Heart

Ooh and I should take a salad to-go...I'll do some kale, lentils, carrots, cherry tomatoes, shaved almonds and chickpeas, pretty please, with some light vinaigrette to top it off!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 12:46am

Views: 18169
Brrr! A mug of hot chocolate coming up!

Did you get any frost?

Yes, I've found that getting older means the veggies tend to fill one up, and candy bars seem unappetizing. Ah, memories of the sweet tooth days. Was there any particular reason you made the switch?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 12:54am

Views: 18116
Lentils AND chickpeas!

Now that is a high-protein salad!

That's a relief to have a bit of reprise at work! You might want to re-send the new resume to places you've already applied.

I hope the weather stays nice while you're a tour guide!

And thank you for the Mothers Day well-wishes. I'm actually back in the Berkshire Hills at the moment - hubby's having a mini-reunion with a handful of his high schooll classmates. Beware if you attend your class's 50th reunion, it may cause re-connections and many future mini-reunions! Cool


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


May 11, 1:21am

Views: 17926
Yes indeed!

I'm tempted to have that salad this weekend, now that I've typed it all out.

Fingers crossed re: good weather, thanks! It's fun playing tour guide and seeing a familiar place through new eyes.

Haha, hope he has a good time down memory lane!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


May 11, 1:36am

Views: 17805
Lilac Planting! *high five*

How very cool you were able to get those lilacs into the ground between storms. They are a wonderful welcome to Spring each year. I have 4 different colours in one continuous row I plucked from my Grandmother's yard some 30 years ago. White, very light pastel, medium and deep purple (great band, too ;)

I have to confess I really have to be in the moods to have a salad; but the hot summer weather always makes a salad sound good! I like iceberg lettuce as a foundation, then go nuts from there with whatever I feel like adding. My must haves are grape nuts, ranch dressing, croutons and slivered carrots.

My daughter is doing very well and may soon be home. We thought by the end of this week; but it looks like next week. Then I start in on some serious dieting to lose the 8 lbs I've gained since we started tackling her cancer last February.

Thanks so much for taking such great care of us, dernwyn :D I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 11, 1:44am

Views: 17745
Ohhhh... gasp

Gasp, gasp, gasp... what a wonderful place to camp or just hang out! I'm SO happy you were able to get that trip in and that the weather held up for you :D DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, m'dear!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 11, 1:55am

Views: 17659
Electric blanket is winter must!

The cold weather has finally found you. *sigh* Pickle loves it when I go in about 30 mins to an hour before bedtime and turn the blanket on so everything is toasty warm and ready for us. He dives in under the top blanket first and settles in near the foot of the bed... followed by a heavy puppy sigh.

I love the idea of watching for snow to fall on the mountain. What a vision! I'll be eating healthier in the next weeks or two when my daughter goes home. I have to admit the meals and treats we've been having has been fun; but I'm ready to feel better, get some exercise, and zip up my jeans a little easier ;)

Have a GREAT weekend!!!!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 11, 2:02am

Views: 17595
How exciting

That your girlfriend is able to go visit her sister! I'll bet she's getting pretty excited (BOTH of them ;)

Good luck on the job hunt. Maybe the lull is coming at the perfect time for some interviewing!!! *crosses fingers*

Have a GREAT weekend!!!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 4:02am

Views: 17573
Heaps of frost further south

but not so much around here yet. It has to get properly cold for frost as we're coastal.

The salad effort is because my clothes no longer fit. Mad Exercise alone isn't cutting it; I have to modify my diet. (Unfortunately I *do* have a sweet tooth; I haven't been able to cut out sugar yet, but I've got to find a way to get back to a healthier weight.)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 4:05am

Views: 17574
I love the sound of a happy pet.

In Reply To
followed by a heavy puppy sigh.

My cat would do a little chirrup sound when she bounded up onto my bed, fully intent to get under the covers. She was adorable. Heart

I had a lovely bike-ride just before lunch: clear blue skies, cold air and a pumping surf along the Coastal Walkway. Such a lovely time to get out and about. Smile

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction


May 11, 4:23am

Views: 17566
oh that takes me back

to camping in the Lakes District many a year ago - our first encounter with the English idea of a campground. Very different from ours - ours tend to be in the woods with separated campsites.
We were amazed as we watched people drive up in a tiny car and proceed to set up huge tents that had separate rooms in them, with standing lamps and furniture! We felt quite humble in our two-person hiking tent.

I grew up on French salad dressing - quite tangy. I have an array of different dressings in my fridge, from raspberry vinaigrette to chunky blue cheese. Just bought a bottle of pear-gorgonzola dressing today. I have lettuce growing that will be harvested tomorrow! We're having a span of nicely warm weather after a very cool spring, and the garden is happy.

Spent most of this week getting over a nasty cold I caught coming home from California. My friend who went to Canada ALSO got a nasty cold, so we've been commiserating by text. We both ran fevers, but all the tests were negative. I'm pretty much over mine now, so it didn't last long. But it meant I spent most of this week just lying about.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


May 11, 10:58am

Views: 17431
Well, I'm Back...To Frodo

Finally back to the city of Chiang Mai for an extended visit. My favorite hotel, LeCharcoa, has its rooms named after characters from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I always stay in Frodo high up on the fourth floor. The other rooms on my floor are named Sam, Merry, Pippin, and "Aragon". Oh well, nobody's perfect. The temperature upon arrival was a mere 105 F. Fortunately, some thunderstorms have cooled off the city a bit. Back to the land of Buddhist temples everywhere and cappuccinos for $1.50....

Don't mess with my favorite female elves.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 12:01pm

Views: 17410
I can imagine how lovely your lilacs are

with all those colors! And the fragrance...!

Why is it that the weight goes on so easily, and is such a pain to get off! I do have to remember to get some Grape-Nuts to try in salads.

Slow and steady, one step at a time - your daughter is doing wonderfully well with her recovery, and you are as well as you help her! As good as it's been to be able to have her with you in your care, she must be sooo looking forward to get back to her own home.

*Hugs* to you both, and scritchies for Pickle!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 12:04pm

Views: 17405
You're staying in Frodo's room?

That hotel is definitely run by Tolkien geeks! Do they have any photos of the Professor hanging up?

But those temps! Are you there for business, or seeing family, or for a nice vacation?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 11, 12:12pm

Views: 17404
It is a different way of looking at camping, isn't it

We started out with a tent that was our wedding present from hub's parents, but when the second kid arrived upgraded to a pop-up trailer, we couldn't get the kids and tent and all in the car anymore. How in the world did that family fit all that stuff into their car!

The first fruits of the harvest! Well, not fruits, but it's nice that your lettuce is doing well. How is the pear-gorgonzola dressing?

I'm glad it was just a simple cold you caught - those, you know you'll be over within a couple weeks!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Greenwood Hobbit

May 11, 12:29pm

Views: 17400
It wasdelightful -

I'll visit again, certainly, while I can still camp. I'm especially glad I left a night early, because it meant I had the energy to stay up late last night and see the Northern Lights! Epic way to end the week. Leaving early evening meant packing away a bone dry tent (win!) instead of sitting around in the morning waiting for it to dry from the dew, then packing it away in the heat. (Yes indeed, it was hot!)

Greenwood Hobbit

May 11, 12:39pm

Views: 17396
That woodland camp looks gorgeous!

I think space constraints mean that camping in such secluded places comes at a premium and people on a budget go for the more densely populated sites. I always go for sites with a curfew of some sort, to avoid late night noise! I also hope for an absence of snorers...sound carries across the field! I started off in a tent I had to crawl into, then graduated to one requiring just a stoop - now I have standing room in the living area (3 man tunnel tent), otherwise I'd really struggle. Mmm, raspberry vinaigrette - I like the sound of that, and I grow raspberries. Might look up the recipe! Enjoy your first lettuce.

Greenwood Hobbit

May 11, 12:43pm

Views: 17394
My daughter and family

have a roofbox for their Skoda Fabia hatchback car, into which goes all the squashy stuff. Everything else, including the family dog if I'm not looking after him, fits into the car - just! I admire people who can travel light, but at my age I need a few comforts.


May 11, 1:22pm

Views: 17391
Touchdown! :D

HOWDY!!! That's so great that they've named rooms that so many people can relate to :D I hope you have a fantastic stay at your favourite place!!! Memories making to enjoy forever :)


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 11, 1:53pm

Views: 6206
Frodo even has a fireplace...

....but of course it's fake, just for show, since fireplaces aren't exactly necessary in a city where 100 F is so common. Oddly enough, room 401 (Frodo) has a poster of Luke Evans as Bard from The Hobbit.
This trip is part family obligation + partly for pleasure. There are lots of places to order naam anchan manao (butterfly pea juice with lemon) and khao niuw mamuang (mango sticky rice) and I aim to try to sample as many as possible....

Don't mess with my favorite female elves.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 12, 1:09am

Views: 6173
A mayonnaise sandwich?

I've never known of such things before! Shocked


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 12, 1:40am

Views: 6174
Utterly glorious weather here.

Clear, bright days, chilly at night, but warm during the day - I'm in a tee-shirt just now. We're talking of getting the hot water bottles out, but haven't felt the need just yet. Our house is built to catch the sun in the cool months, and it holds the warmth well at night.

I've been looking at lots of stunning aurora pics, chagrined that we're too far north. We even went out for a drive last night to an area where we had a good view to the south (our property is sheltered by forest in that direction), but nothing to see. Whenever we go to the South Island I hope for a sight of them, but it's yet to happen. Some day!

Sunny but not too hot is great for getting things done outdoors. Mr Kimi spread a trailer load of mulch and painted the water tank. I took things a bit quieter, but did some planting (beans and peas) and weeding, and also gathered the last of the aubergines and prepped and froze them. We're currently trying to decide what to do with a semi-shaded bank that my attempt at establishing hostas on failed dismally (too many slugs and snails).

Salads: we generally make a vinaigrette and flavour it with whatever appeals (which is sometimes nothing beyond a little black pepper). I grew up with gooey dressings, but prefer a lighter one these days. I'm liking some of the salad ideas in this thread!

Wishing everyone a pleasant (what's left of the) weekend.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View


May 13, 12:28am

Views: 6068
Perfect weather :D

I hope it has lasted for more than just a few days for you. Those days that defy the calendar are very precious :D I hope you've had a great weekend!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar

Greenwood Hobbit

May 13, 10:23am

Views: 5753
Salad cream and mayo

are quite different; salad cream is tangier and is what I grew up with. Didn't try mayo until I was an adult. Google says: Salad cream is more liquidy than mayonnaise and has a slightly more astringent flavor. It's less sweet and more vinegar forward.


May 13, 1:22pm

Views: 5745
Miracle Whip?

In Reply To
[Salad cream and mayo] are quite different; salad cream is tangier and is what I grew up with. Didn't try mayo until I was an adult. Google says: Salad cream is more liquidy than mayonnaise and has a slightly more astringent flavor. It's less sweet and more vinegar forward.

Your description makes me wonder if salad cream is more like Miracle Whip, but perhaps less thick?

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


May 13, 2:37pm

Views: 5743
well this made me curious

I gross people out by saying I grew up eating peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches. We loved 'em. I think my youngest sibling still eats them. I also ate Miracle Whip on lettuce. Never tried salad cream. Yet.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 13, 4:10pm

Views: 5732
What pleasant days your having!

Perfect for getting the garden settled for the cooler months.

I looked up about how to repel slugs and snails, and found that the caffeine in coffee grounds is toxic to them, so they should be spread around plants. Do you drink coffee?

I hope the nice days last for a while!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 14, 2:04am

Views: 5715

our slugs are made of sterner stuff! We do drink coffee, which we take fairly seriously (beans bought from a roasting house, freshly ground just before use, and our own espresso machine). But whenever we've tried the grounds on the garden the slugs more or less ignore them, crawling right over them to get to juicy vegetables or ornamentals. We do use grounds around strawberries, though, where they successfully repel small burrowing worm-like creatures that otherwise get into the fruit.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Greenwood Hobbit

May 14, 8:08am

Views: 5364
That's an excellent explanation!

Heinz salad cream was the taste of my childhood. They also made a 'sandwich spread' which was salad cream with tiny chopped-up bits of vegetables in it. A great novelty at the time but I think of it now and...yuk.

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 14, 9:03pm

Views: 5330
Caffein-resistant slugs!

And that's high-quality caffein! Ugh. And you wouldn't want to surround the veggies with a layer of salt. What a quandary. But glad to know it works for the strawberries.


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


May 15, 3:12pm

Views: 4917
have you tried beer?

it's worked for me. And I like to believe they died happy.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 17, 10:58pm

Views: 4770

And they mostly seem to be teetotal :) A few checked out the beer traps, but the vast majority ignored them and went straight on to the seedlings. A pity, as it does seem as if it would give them a pleasant passing.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Ethel Duath

May 18, 5:28pm

Views: 4643
Yes, I have the same subset of slugs, apparently.

I have had some limited success with those iron-containing slug pellets, although I understand they may not be safe for other creatures, like earthworms. But I've never had any sign of that in my small gardens.
I wonder how many slug varieties there are, and why ours ignore the free refreshments!