The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
Season 3 Update


Feb 29, 12:36pm

Views: 26105
Season 3 Update

Things are looking good for ROP.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


Feb 29, 4:06pm

Views: 26061

In Reply To

Well, doesn't Amazon lose like 30 trillion dollars if they don't make five seasons or something like that? So, a third season getting underway is not a real surprise. I'm just hoping that we have some good episodes to talk about in season 2.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.


Mar 29, 11:00pm

Views: 25709
Screen Rant On Season 2 & 3

There is a new Screen Rant article about pressure on Season 2 to fix Amazon's mistakes, but don't bother. It mentions Season 3 also. But I'm not even going to link to it because It's a worthless, short, lazy exercise to see how many times the writer can repeat the same things, hoping you already forgot what they wrote in the previous paragraph. It probably only exists for the clicks. The mistakes aren't listed except for being predictable and departing from the lore. It's written like an AI on Valium. It's Access Media like this, and other things generally going on, that makes me wonder if the world is being affected by some unknown analog to Roman lead pipes and human IQ is in catastrophic decline.


Mar 30, 4:50am

Views: 25693
In the article these three gems of consistency

1. The first season of The Rings of Power received mixed reviews,

2. The first season of The Rings of Power received mostly positive reviews,

And then sums up with:

3. the series currently holds just a 38% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, though critics were more receptive, with the series holding an 83% critic's score.

Obviously, Jeff Bezos does not hold people accountable and is content losing millions "McKay and Payne will be staying busy with Amazon MGM, as it was announced that the pair have signed a new overall deal with the studio. " They should have been axed in a sane world.

Intergalactic Lawman

May 11, 7:25am

Views: 19958

This whole series is a waste of time. Hope the 'mythical' modern audience of 200 or so weirdos are enjoying it!

(This post was edited by Intergalactic Lawman on May 11, 7:27am)

Ereinion Nénharma

May 11, 8:56am

Views: 19917
I enjoyed it very much...

... thank you.

''Do not fear the shadows, for seeing them means light is near...''


May 11, 3:52pm

Views: 19777
We are!

Thanks for asking

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

Grey Havens

May 11, 4:48pm

Views: 19766

Lots of very serious Tolkien fans here who enjoy the show very much. What's weird about that?


May 11, 7:38pm

Views: 19726

This would be a better post if you got the myth correct. Amazon posted numbers multiple orders of magnitude above 200 that were well beyond credible and provable, then the internet says only 37% finished watching it. Maybe you could find sources for all that.

Also, like what Amazon did itself, name-calling isn't impressive.


May 13, 11:56am

Views: 18182
Hard to understand

Are you saying Amazon inflates its viewership to obfuscate its failures? What's next? The sky is blue!?

Parts of ROP are trash. Maybe they'll do better next time. I don't know what the creators were thinking.

Parts of Jackson's LOTR are trash. Maybe they'll do better next time. I don't know what the creators were thinking.

(BTW - both WB and NEW LINE were suspected of fudging numbers as well, including lawsuits and bad blood. Amazon is just business as usual. If there wasn't a white hot culture war about this crap, nobody would even notice.)

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 15, 5:50pm

Views: 17536
Selective statistics

The 37% figure was taken before the series had finished and reflected initial drop off, which was inevitable. Amazon's figures were taken longer term, and just like enjoyment of the season, its success was a slow burn. It was far and away Amazon's most popular series in terms of viewership, that's simply a fact.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)


May 15, 6:33pm

Views: 17515
I'm in there

I loved it so much I watched it all through 5 times. (Love mixed with a bit of loathing, to be fair)

So I guess I look like 5 people in the stats.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


Jul 5, 3:35pm

Views: 731
It is what it is

I really enjoy reading Tolkien's works and find it more inspiring to find my meaning as I read his story. However, we live in a day of visual and I believe ROP and the Jackson movies reflect that transition. I wonder how many people actually sit down and read . . . seems we always have to be on the go.

Having said that, I take the movies and projects for what they are: 1. A way for those that own the rights to make more $. 2. Entertainment. I enjoy seeing what others come up with based on Tolkien and I enjoy seeing their interpretation of what Middle Earth and its people and cultures look like. I like to compare that to my own mind's interpretation and some I like, some I disagree which is fine.

" . . . (we are ) too engrossed in thinking of everything as a preparation or training or making one fit -- for what? At any minute it is what we are and are doing, not what we plan to be and do that counts."

J.R.R. Tolkien in his 6 October 1940 letter to his son Michael Tolkien.


Jul 9, 7:02pm

Views: 638
:) Ha yeah

I mean they can enjoy this pile of crap if they want....there's no accounting for taste I guess...but I am always mistified by anyone claiming to be a Tolkien fan and saying they like this if it had anything to do with Tolkien creative vision!! Hell the trash tier level of writing of this fanfic has barely anything to do with Tolkien why the heck any Tolkien fan would say this generic fantasy is anything resembling adapting Tolkien world?!


Jul 10, 12:33am

Views: 628
People have a right to their own opinion

They also don’t have to put any effort into justifying it to people writing to them in bad faith.


Jul 10, 4:05pm

Views: 602
People have right to their opinion exactly....

which doesn't mean that one can't be asking why they think the way they think...and the only bad faith here are those who twist Tolkien lore and say it's faithful to his the bad faith of the showrunners of this...and if you don't like what I said..then you shouldn't have responded in the first place :).