

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 20 2013, 7:06am
Post #1 of 78
Just a couple more geeky observations
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If these have been mentioned before in other observation threads, pardon my repetition. This is the first time I've noticed these few things: 1. The Troll scene: when the dwarves come to Bilbo's rescue, Thorin uses Dwalin's back to jump up to hack at a troll (seems Dwalin is used a lot as a jumping off point!) 2. Riddles in the Dark: when Gollum asks Bilbo for three guesses to Bilbo's last question, Gollum is only holding up two fingers. 3. On the Carrock scene: just as they are all walking to the front to look at what Thorin sees (the Lonely Mountain), Nori helps Dori step up onto the higher rock (they are the last dwarves and we see them from the back) 4. In the Goblin Town: when the dwarves are escaping, Balin does an incredible move with his sword, nailing the goblin in front and the goblin in back of him. (Thorin was right....there are some among them that are still warriors!)
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)

Jan 20 2013, 9:54am
Post #2 of 78
...No. 4 on your list. Darn it, now I'l have to watch it again!

Tol Eressea
Jan 20 2013, 11:12am
Post #3 of 78
Re: your #1, I had seen a Dwarf using Dwalin for a springboard for a couple of viewings, and just finally managed on my last one to work out that it was Thorin. Don't those two work well together? And from another thread today, I discovered Graham McTavish's twitter site (never had a look at one of those things before) -- and in one tweet he said it was Nori who used his head to leap into a pine tree. Poor Dwalin! I know I had a couple more observations too, but I'm still having trouble getting past Thorin's hair.

Jan 20 2013, 11:18am
Post #4 of 78
Thorin's hair is rather nice, isn't it? I wish I had flowing locks like that... And regarding Dwalin, to me he looks like one of the few I would trust to be solid enough to use as a springboard, be it off his back or head. I find that my appreciation of Dwalin rather deepens the more I see of him. Sure, there are the 'pretty' dwarves that catch the eye at first, but the more I look, the more I like the others.


Jan 20 2013, 1:24pm
Post #5 of 78
Oh! Another Dori one I noticed yesterday
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When they're sitting around the table in Bag End and Gandalf takes out the map, when Bilbo reads out loud the words, "The...Lonely Mountain", it seemed to me that Dori makes a gesture with his hand and (I think) a noise, as if to say he doesn't want to hear anything about that place. It was very quick -- did anyone else see and interpret that the same (or a different) way?


Jan 20 2013, 1:39pm
Post #6 of 78
The more times I watch the more time I can spend watching them too
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And the detail and care that go into every single one of their characters is just incredible. I agree, it's kind of tough to drag one's eyes and ears away from Thorin, lol, -- I think I have every facial expression and vocal intonation committed to memory , but one of the things that's so interesting about watching a film like AUJ numerous times is being able to observe what other characters are doing while the focus is on the main action or character in the scene. I'm sure looking forward to more of that great detail in the next two films.

Jan 20 2013, 1:41pm
Post #7 of 78
Dori's one of my faves, so I tend to watch him. But I missed that one. I'll have to look next time. One thing I never noticed, until I was looking at the tweets on Graham McTavish's Facebook page, is that part of Dwalin's right ear is missing. I don't know how I missed that one! OUCH! In his tweet, he said an Orc bit it off. I'll have to see if his ear is missing after the battle scene.

Jan 20 2013, 2:07pm
Post #8 of 78
There is so much things going on in some of the scenes that it is imperative to watch the movie again and again, just to see what exactly every one of the characters is doing. I can't keep track of all of them at once, especially in the battle scenes but also in other scenes where they all are together. This movie has to be watched multiple times to fully appreciate it! Well, that's as good an excuse as any to watch it again, anyway


Jan 20 2013, 2:19pm
Post #9 of 78
Part of Dwalin's ear is missing? I *have* to look more closely next time. Ah, another reason to watch it again, lol. And I need to look up GMcT's Twitter account - I'm not sure but I think I read he really was the one who started the "we use the toilet & then we leave" joke (re what Thorin said to him when they first entered Rivendell).

Jan 20 2013, 2:28pm
Post #10 of 78
I thought that my observational skills were really bad, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who missed that. He pretty cool about responding to fans' questions. Some of his answers are down-right funny!! Ok, most of them! More than once I was in pain from laughing.

Grey Havens
Jan 20 2013, 3:30pm
Post #11 of 78
He appears to be right-handed. His use of his left hand in the moment when Thorin cut it off was a momentary thing, he was using his mace primarily in his right (or both) throughout the battle until that moment.


Jan 20 2013, 4:15pm
Post #12 of 78
I don't know if it was the angle we were seeing the character or not but it looked like Azog's left ear was quite a bit more ragged than his right ear. As if it too had been bitten off in battle. That would not be surprising considering they do stick out quite a bit and there is no hair to conceal them from an opponent. Of course, I would much rather look at ThorinAndFiliAndKili and their hair. I still want replicas of those hair doodads.
My avatar photo is Lake Takepo in New Zealand's South Island. Taken by me in 2004 on a Red Carpet Tours LOTR Movie Location Tour. 'Twas the Vacation of a Lifetime!
(This post was edited by Kirly on Jan 20 2013, 4:18pm)

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 20 2013, 4:54pm
Post #13 of 78
I agree, and that's why it's a must to watch it multiple times
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There's so much going on in the background, with the other dwarves, that you would miss them completely the first time around...and maybe even the second and third...since you are concentrating on the main action of each scene. I think that's what makes this movie so much fun: the dwarves are such unique individuals and what the actors bring to them is just priceless! It's so entertaining to watch them as they bring each dwarf to life. I forgot to mention...watch Bifur when everyone is shouting about how many dragons Gandalf has killed. He's doing the strangest things with his hands! It's almost like when emotions get raised by those around him, he goes off into his own Bifur-world. That axe in his head must have short-circuited him. And yes, in every scene Thorin is in, he's front and center in my attention! LOL! Hard to care about what else is happening at the time. ("Oh, there's an orc coming our way you say? Please go away and don't bother me. Can't you see Thorin is here...and his hair is looking particularly tasty!" ) Speaking of which, check out his reaction in the beginning of the film when Bilbo has just joined their company and he asks them to stop because he forgot his handkerchief.
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)
(This post was edited by Old Toby on Jan 20 2013, 5:01pm)

The Shire
Jan 20 2013, 5:06pm
Post #14 of 78
Thorin's facial expressions are priceless
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In the Troll scene did anyone notice the eyeroll he gave when the other dwarves didn't catch on as fast as they should? Or the way he wastrying to untie his sack with his teeth? When Bilbo starts talking about skinning the dwarves before cooking them he REALLY gets busy trying to get loose from that bag!

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 20 2013, 5:14pm
Post #15 of 78
I did notice those things! And watching Kili's expression as Thorin drops his sword to spare Bilbo's life when the trolls are threatening to dismember him...seems Kili can't believe Thorin has just done that: surrendered to the trolls to save Bilbo, but he throws down his bow too to follow Thorin's lead. Also the silence of the dwarves after Bilbo has given his 'why I'm staying' speech to Thorin, to me reflects that Thorin wasn't the only dwarf questioning Bilbo's suitability for their quest. Perhaps a lot of the others were feeling a bit guilty too. These are just my speculations though, not 'observations' per se.
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)

Tol Eressea

Jan 20 2013, 5:15pm
Post #16 of 78
1. Those guys go way back, so, yeah. 2. Yeah I noticed that! I'm surprised SNL didn't riff on it in its send-up last night. They might have shown gollum saying "...three guesses" while presenting seven fingers and two toes...then correct himself by putting one finger down. 3. Totally missed that! Will look for it. 4. Picked up on that. I infer that Balin is the swordsmaster extraordinaire / Yoda of the group, more skill-oriented than his more muscular brother. Thanks!
1. The Troll scene: when the dwarves come to Bilbo's rescue, Thorin uses Dwalin's back to jump up to hack at a troll (seems Dwalin is used a lot as a jumping off point!) 2. Riddles in the Dark: when Gollum asks Bilbo for three guesses to Bilbo's last question, Gollum is only holding up two fingers. 3. On the Carrock scene: just as they are all walking to the front to look at what Thorin sees (the Lonely Mountain), Nori helps Dori step up onto the higher rock (they are the last dwarves and we see them from the back) 4. In the Goblin Town: when the dwarves are escaping, Balin does an incredible move with his sword, nailing the goblin in front and the goblin in back of him. (Thorin was right....there are some among them that are still warriors!) A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you. http://newboards.theonering.net/...forum_view_expanded;

Jan 20 2013, 5:32pm
Post #17 of 78
in that scene I assumed he was actually using Iglishmek, the Dwarven sign language. I wonder what he is saying...


Jan 20 2013, 6:48pm
Post #18 of 78
Great Obs! :) I've got some more of my own!
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Can't Post
There have been others that noted Gollum holds up what looks like 2 fingers for 3 guesses, but to me it looks like one of the fingers is blocked by another finger because of the angle we're seeing them at. Here are mine. Some may have been noted by others already, but I'll weed out mine when I add them to the main list... which I'm now updating! In Erebor and Dale: Most of the gold coins were stacked There are places for more horns in the tower. The 4 horns used to alert the City face away from the Mountain. Old Bilbo's Bag End There's a cloth rumpled towards the back of the chest. Could it be the borrowed cloak from his adventure? Young Bilbo's Bag End There is a basket of red apples with a green one perched on top by Bilbo's front door Games are mentioned a lot. Bilbo's quite gifted at conkers; croquet (if you have the balls for it); riddles. A Merry Gathering Thorin didn't take the Key from Gandalf. He waited until Gandalf released it to him. Very honourable. As the Dwarves are singing of the Lonely Mountain, Balin is tearing up. Bilbo never did get into bed properly. When he wakes in the morning, it's apparent he had just tipped over across the foot of the bed from where he listened to the Dwarves sing. The only evidence that the Dwarves had been at Bag End are the empty pantry, the burned-down candles, and a contract lying on the footstool right where Bilbo left it. The Quest Begins Nori took bets that Bilbo wouldn't show up. Bofur is the consummate optimist. "You're part of the Company" ; "That could have been worse" ; and he's trying to smoke his pipe in the pouring rain. When Bilbo gets up and stretches in their first night of camping, Myrtle the pony looks up and watches as he walks towards her. Instead of running back to the camp to tell Thorin and the others that the ponies are missing and Trolls have been spotted, Bilbo's Tookish side takes over once again as he follows Fili and Kili to investigate the light. Azog & Moria Azog is... was... left-handed. Trolls As the Dwarves are turning on the spit, one of them says, "Is this really necessary?" Trolls Identified: BERT – Cooks / bad eye / wears leather apron / names himself / sits on our right played by Mark Hadlow / Dori TOM – Has cold / suspenders / sits in center / sitting on a rock played by William Kircher / Bifur WILLIAM – Sharpening knife / loin cloth / sits on our left / sitting on a barrel played by Peter Hambleton / Gloin O O O William Tom Bert Flurgerburger hobbit knows about seasoning and cooking Dwarves. Bilbo gives lesson on how to cook dwarves to stall for time. Radagast As Radagast crosses the bridge to Dol Guldur, you can see red Xs [of doom?] like graffiti on the side of the bridge. It looks like there's some kind of pelt on the wooden brace behind Radagast when he's realizing there's dark magic at work. Radagast fighting the Witch-king! You expect him to be in trouble, but he nails that spirit cold! Warg Attack Thorin carries Orcrist on his back because the sword and sheath are too long for him to wear at his side. Rivendell Bombur has a kettle hanging from his backpack. Some of the Company have piled their gear in the center of the landing; but are still hold their weapons. Lindir said they hear they'd crossed into the Valley? Did Radagast send word? When Gandalf brings out the wrapped Morgul blade, there's a heavy-thud as he places it on the table. An ominous sound like when the Ring falls in Goblin-town, and on the floor of Bag End in LotR. When Galadriel and Gandalf are talking, there's an Elven Guard stationed on the balcony of a tower just below them. Stone Giants When the Stone Giants are fighting, one has its head knocked off. Fili, Bofur, Bilbo, Dwalin, Bombur, and Ori are still on the legs of that Giant and are dropped onto the rock-wall path when it crashes as it falls forward before dropping into the chasm. When Bilbo is hanging from the cliff. Ori grabs his hand just as he loses his grip. Bofur reaches to grab Bilbo's other hand, but can't get to him. Thorin jumps down and pulls Bilbo to safety before slipping himself. Then Dwalin reaches down and saves Thorin. The Company entered the mountain through a bare cliff rock wall; the other side of the mountain was grassy, tree-covered and a steep, but manageable slope. Goblin-town As the Dwarves are being herded to the Great Goblin, his landing is well-let by a chandelier of several flames. Smeagol agrees to play the Riddle Game with Bilbo, but Gollum soon takes over. Gandalf holds his staff and sword through Goblin-town and when facing the Great Goblin the same way he did when facing the Balrog. STONE GIANT DECISION ...There have been a lot of discussions about the Dwarves on the Stone Giant's legs. The following observations apply to the discussion. After several viewings and following all the obs, I'm making a call on which dwarf was where until we can all grab a remote and check fersher! ...Bottom line, the biggest confusion comes from Thorin crying out for Kili... which he does several times. I believe this is a continuity error (which I don't indulge in), OR as I prefer to believe... Kili is at the end of the line of Dwarves with Thorin, so he doesn't know Kili's there with him all along ;) ..So here are some of the observations that lead up to my list. We'll attack this perplexity when the DVD comes out... 'kay? 1. Kili has one foot on each stone giant leg. As the stone giant legs separate, his feet start to separate as well and he goes to the right of the audience. 2. Fili, on our left, says to Kili, "Grab my hand", but the giant moved too fast to allow this. 3. When it appears that Kili and the other Dwarves on the stone giant leg on the right of the screen are smashed and killed, Thorin screams "Kili" a couple times. 4. When we see that the Dwarves to the right of the screen are not killed, we hear, "They're alive!" and Thorin rushes towards them saying, with great relief, "Kili". The Stone Giant's left leg (on our right) 1) Thorin 2) Gloin 3) Kili 4) Oin 5) Dori 6) Balin 7) Bifur 8) Nori The Stone Giant's right leg (on our left) that crashes into the mountain face 9) Fili 10) Bofur 11) Bilbo 12) Dwalin 13) Bombur 14) Ori
and first draught of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - updated list coming soon I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!! TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon) LotR Unused Scenes

Aragalen the Green

Jan 20 2013, 6:54pm
Post #20 of 78
On my last viewing, I finally figured this one out! (I may have the dialogue a little off): Dori offers Gandalf some chamo-mile tea...Gandalf responds: a little red wine for me. Dori brings him the wine in a small glass (it's small in Dori's hand too): a little red wine, it has a fruity bouquet... Dori brought him exactly what he asked for--a "little" red wine.
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.


Jan 20 2013, 7:04pm
Post #21 of 78
Somebody was taking notes.
Davy Jones could've been Bilbo...I mean he was a Brit with a sense for adventure, singing & dancing. And think of the costs it would've save with forced perspective: he was ACTUALLY 5'3. He also hung out with a grumpy tall dude in a hat (Mike Nesmith.) While we're at it let's just have Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork as Merry & Pippin.


Jan 20 2013, 7:41pm
Post #22 of 78
I got another one from last day.
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Just noticed that while every dwarf in the initial meeting rings the door bell, Thorin actually knocks on the door. Perhaps he was impatient after getting lost twice?

Aragalen the Green

Jan 20 2013, 7:53pm
Post #24 of 78
When Bilbo suggest skinning the Dwarves first, Dwalin is yelling from the spit " I won't forget that! I won't forget that!"
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

Aragalen the Green

Jan 20 2013, 7:59pm
Post #26 of 78
but I noticed the glasses Dori was carrying were small even by Dwarf (and presumably Hobbit) standards. Clever :)
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

Kangi Ska

Jan 20 2013, 8:13pm
Post #27 of 78
that Mckellen had resisted his character getting drunk at bag end. "A little red wine.." is straight from the book. Perhaps Peter was having a little inside joke with Gandalf. He certainly would have barely wet his tongue with Dori's offering.
Kangi Ska Resident Trickster & Wicked White Crebain Life is an adventure, not a contest. At night you can not tell if crows are black or white.

Jan 20 2013, 9:09pm
Post #28 of 78
I noticed the thing with Nori helping Dori up about the 3rd time, I think. He also slaps Dori on the back as well. So even though they have their differences, they still help each other out and care about each other. Dwalin does tend to get stepped on a lot doesn't he? Though I believe that with Thorin, it was intentional. With Nori...well, Nori will use whatever means possible to keep his skin in tact. I do wonder if (in the context of the scene itself) Dwalin knew who used him as a stepping stone?


Jan 20 2013, 11:27pm
Post #29 of 78
besides this.. Thorin uses Dwalin's back to jump up to hack at a troll Bofur uses Dwalin's head as a stepstool when climbing up into the pine tree.
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla


Jan 20 2013, 11:39pm
Post #30 of 78
Maybe because the dwarves were singing so loudly?
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I thought he pounded on the door very loudly, and the knocks are heard right when the dwarves stop singing. So maybe he had knocked on the door or rang the doorbell already, but no one could hear it over the singing?


Jan 20 2013, 11:46pm
Post #31 of 78
Dwalin didn't approve of Gloin's "long-term-deposit"
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By the looks of it
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.


Jan 20 2013, 11:49pm
Post #32 of 78
oh...just remembered another...
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Keep forgetting about this. When Gandalf is being pressured, by all the guys, about how many dragons he has killed...he is puffing on his pipe. He begins to choke, while trying to avoid the question and as he is coughing and exhaling the smoke....he blows several tiny smoke rings....... ......or should I say several tiny smoke "zeros" ???
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla


Jan 20 2013, 11:55pm
Post #33 of 78
I posted these on another thread....but some of our threads are getting burried with new ones. So I thought I'd copy them and bring them up here. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Not sure if any of this has been mentioned.....I've tried tp read all the threads and posts....but I'm sure I missed some. If I'm repeating other's info...sorry. In no particular order: a-- In Radagasts house, on a window sill, there is what appears to be some kind of microscope. b-- Of all the weapons that he could have picked for the battle in Goblintown....Bombur chooses a large soup ladle....lol. c-- The thatched roof bird house appears at Bag End in both young and old Bilbo's time. But the bird house that is behind young Bilbo when he's sitting on the bench and looks like it's in pretty bad shape, guess it fell down because it isn't there 60 years later. d-- On the level, in Goblintown, under where Bilbo and goblin fight...there is a fire built inside a bathtub. Guess they may have stolen this from some town of men, but since the goblins don't appear to bath...(ewwwww)...they use it for a fireplace instead. e-- The floor plan/blueprint of Bag End is framed and hanging on the wall. f-- When Gandalf has let Radagast have a puff of Old Toby....he tells him to exhale by saying, "let out it." g-- Wooden Butter Churn toy, that I mentioned before, is in both older Bilbo's time as well as 60 years earlier. Still sitting on the same window sill. h-- I still grimace when Burt says that the soup he is making would be better with a sprinkle of squirrel dung...yuck.. i-- Martin Freeman and Ian Holm both have a dimple in their chins. j-- The Oakenshield has two sharp metal pieces added to the end,,,,making it more than just a shield, but a weapon as well. k-- There is a large, beautiful painting of the Lonely Mountian hanging on the wall next to the doors that Smaug is breaking through. l-- I still think that the Hobbit who asks Bilbo where he is off too....is the ear wax picking Hobbit in The Lord of the Rings. m-- There a several other snails on the rock and surrounding rocks while the thrush is beating a snail against the wall. The two other snails on the same rock the thrush is on, are crawling
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla


Jan 20 2013, 11:55pm
Post #34 of 78
When Bofur throws the sausage to Bombur which makes him fall off the table, Bifur is in the background holding what looks like lettuce in his hands, and holding it over the campfire (!)
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.


Jan 20 2013, 11:58pm
Post #35 of 78
I just noticed that, came back from my third viewing. Nice indeed, I love these little things in the background that everyone notices. Few movies are as detailed as PJ's.
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.


Jan 20 2013, 11:58pm
Post #36 of 78
Bifur is in the background holding what looks like lettuce in his hands, and holding it over the campfire (!)
But I'm sure some our friends from down under can tell you what it is.
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla


Jan 21 2013, 12:34am
Post #37 of 78
Smeagol first proposes riddles game in the movie & book
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Bilbo re-suggests Smeagol's idea for riddles shortly thereafter, when Gollum reappears. The trailer made it appear as if Bilbo first proposed the riddles game. I was relieved that they kept it Smeagol's idea like it is in the book.
"Why, to think of it, we're in the same tale still! It's going on. Don't the great tales never end?"

Aragalen the Green

Jan 21 2013, 12:38am
Post #38 of 78
I've seen others call it silverbeet.
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It is described as very much like Swiss chard...but probably someone from New Zealand would have more information than I do :)
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.


Jan 21 2013, 12:41am
Post #39 of 78
Sharp eye, malla, these are great! I really need to get another viewing now - I must see that painting, and the "fire tub", lol - I can just imagine in what state of sleep deprived, all-night brainstorming meeting, the design folks came up with that one .

Aragalen the Green

Jan 21 2013, 12:47am
Post #40 of 78
A microscope? I'll have to watch for that next time! If so, I like Radagast even more than ever, being a major microscope geek myself
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

Forum Admin
/ Moderator

Jan 21 2013, 1:01am
Post #41 of 78
It's dead easy to grow and an easy way to get greens into your diet. http://www.vegetables.co.nz/...able/silver_beet.php
Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..." Dwarves: "Pretty rings..." Men: "Pretty rings..." Sauron: "Mine's better." "Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak. Ataahua's stories

Aragalen the Green

Jan 21 2013, 1:05am
Post #42 of 78
Why is it called "beet"? My family eats chard whenever we can get it fresh, it has different colored stalks
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

Tol Eressea
Jan 21 2013, 1:12am
Post #43 of 78
Silverbeet's just a kind of chard, grown large. In the US, people tend to eat chard when it's young and the leaves are fairly small; in NZ, silverbeet is grown to a fairly large size before harvesting (what Bifur's trying to roast is fairly representative). Small silverbeet tastes just like chard from the US! And the "beet" in the name comes from the plant being in the beet family, if I remember right.


Jan 21 2013, 1:13am
Post #44 of 78
from wikipedia: Chard and the other beets are chenopods. Chard is also known by its many common names such as Swiss chard, silverbeet, perpetual spinach, spinach beet, crab beet, bright lights (due to the bright and vivid spring colors when they are cooked or provided as a medley of vegetables), seakale beet, and mangold. We called it Swiss chard in Michigan.
 LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

Tol Eressea
Jan 21 2013, 1:16am
Post #45 of 78
According to Graham McTavish himself,
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it was actually Nori who uses his head as a launch pad for getting into the pine tree. I'd watched that moment so intently for quite a few viewings and couldn't figure out who it was, so enjoyed reading GMcT's twitter account yesterday and seeing what he had to say about that scene.

Aragalen the Green

Jan 21 2013, 1:31am
Post #46 of 78
related to quinoa and lamb's quarters Very nutritious and tasty. We call it Swiss chard here in Washington as well
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.


Jan 21 2013, 1:45am
Post #47 of 78
It looked like Romaine Lettuce (the kind used in Ceasar Salad) //
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My avatar photo is Lake Takepo in New Zealand's South Island. Taken by me in 2004 on a Red Carpet Tours LOTR Movie Location Tour. 'Twas the Vacation of a Lifetime! pictures taken while on the tour are here: https://picasaweb.google.com/Kirly7/LOTRNewZealandTour#

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 21 2013, 2:02am
Post #49 of 78
As always, great observations!
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Also to add to Rivendell: I noticed that Saruman's staff is left leaning against one of the pillars, however Gandalf doesn't have his at all. Also, I love the moment when the morgul blade is laid on the table, and Elrond is about to uncover it, but when Galadriel says what it is, his hand stops dead - then resumes opening the covering.
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)
(This post was edited by Old Toby on Jan 21 2013, 2:11am)


Jan 21 2013, 2:02am
Post #50 of 78
lists! I don't know if these are "geeky" observations but I love when the dwarves are going through Bilbo's pantry and he tells them that he's sorry, and they say apology accepted. I also like when Bilbo secretly gives the horse an apple and tells him not to say anything.

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 21 2013, 2:03am
Post #51 of 78
My thinking is that he probably rang several times
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but they were so busy singing about the plates and cleaning up that they didn't hear the little tinkling of the bell. So finally he pounded on the door three times! Oops just saw your post about the same thing Loresilme!
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)
(This post was edited by Old Toby on Jan 21 2013, 2:09am)

Jan 21 2013, 7:58am
Post #52 of 78
I think that because his speech is impaired due to the axe in his head, Bifur is actually using Iglamesh (sp?) which is a sign language the dwarves developed so that they could have secret silent conversations with each other even if they are conversing in westron to others that are not dwarves. It seems that this race is very secretive-they don't tell their real birth names to anyone (not even inscribed on their tombs), they don't speak Khuzdul around strangers (when they did in the movie I think it was more of a nod to their language rather than true dwarven secrecy-they may have spoken it around Gandalf but certainly would not have done so around the hobbit, at least not at first), they have Iglamesh as a secret way of talking around others, and they don't speak of quests to anyone else.
Half Elven Daughter of Celethian of the Woodland Realm

Tol Eressea

Jan 21 2013, 8:20am
Post #54 of 78
Thorin's hair is rather nice, isn't it? I wish I had flowing locks like that... And regarding Dwalin, to me he looks like one of the few I would trust to be solid enough to use as a springboard, be it off his back or head. I find that my appreciation of Dwalin rather deepens the more I see of him. Sure, there are the 'pretty' dwarves that catch the eye at first, but the more I look, the more I like the others. The WETA book shows some of the earlier designs... it's amazing how much stuff that... well, didn't work... they went through before they got to the awesome characters we see. I loved all the character designs when I saw the character portrait posters. And the funny thing is the fanbase (according to my tumblr feed) of young women is fond of all of 'em.
Go outside and play...

Tol Eressea

Jan 21 2013, 8:28am
Post #55 of 78
Someone on tumblr started a meme expanding from Bofur's "think furnace, with wings!"... I took it and ran with it... http://pinterest.com/swordwhale/dwarfisms/
Go outside and play...

Jan 21 2013, 5:42pm
Post #57 of 78
...all got great character, and I like how they all are so different. A lot of work must have gone into designing each individual costume, hair style etc. I might still have to get the WETA book (although some members of my household strenuously object to me ordering any more books at present). Of all the dwarves, Dwalin sticks out, though, for me All those tattoos and the ear piercings... He also got a great voice and accent, which fit well with his look. I guess, if you look at the dwarves, and Bilbo, and Gandalf, and the elves and all the rest (some of which we haven't really seen yet, of course), there's something there for just about everyone.

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 21 2013, 5:47pm
Post #58 of 78
I think that because his speech is impaired due to the axe in his head, Bifur is actually using Iglamesh (sp?) which is a sign language the dwarves developed so that they could have secret silent conversations with each other even if they are conversing in westron to others that are not dwarves. It seems that this race is very secretive-they don't tell their real birth names to anyone (not even inscribed on their tombs), they don't speak Khuzdul around strangers (when they did in the movie I think it was more of a nod to their language rather than true dwarven secrecy-they may have spoken it around Gandalf but certainly would not have done so around the hobbit, at least not at first), they have Iglamesh as a secret way of talking around others, and they don't speak of quests to anyone else. I didn't know they had a sign language. Was this in The Hobbit or one of Tolkien's appendices? I confess I didn't read a lot of his stuff on dwarves. (and if it is Iglamesh, I really am curious as to what Bifur is saying? Or maybe I shouldn't ask! LOL!)
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)

Jan 21 2013, 6:23pm
Post #59 of 78
... is called Iglishmêk. If I remember correctly, it's mentioned somewhere in HoME, but I'd have to check which volume. And as far as I know, only two signs are actually known, and I'm not sure Bifur is using either of them... So PJ and crew made them all up, if they were indeed going for that.

The Prancing Pony
Jan 21 2013, 7:44pm
Post #60 of 78
I've just come back from the cinema and I was the only person in there. I must say, it was a little weird in the beginning, but it was really great to finally be able to fully concentrate on the film, without being distracted by mobile phone lights, people standing up and sitting down again, munching popcorn or talking . Being alone in a big, dark room, the scene in Gollum's cave is even more creepy. You really start to wonder if you really are alone *shudder* (especially with the goblin's heavy breathing). Anyway, I've noticed a few more things. 1) It has been observed when everyone (dwarves and wizard) is sitting at the table in Bag End, that Bifur seems to be either staring impassively in front of him or doing strange hand signals. However, every time the other dwarves are arguing (e.g. after Balin's rather unflattering comment about their intelligence), he joins in with very much enthusiasm. Although, whether he actually knows what he is protesting about will probably remain a secret. 2) When the dwarves are preparing Bilbo's dinner table, you can hear Gloin saying something like "Gimli would be stoked" (I don't know the exact wording). 3) Frodo always used to (or will be getting used to ) catch and wear the ring on his forefinger, whereas Bilbo wears it on his middle finger. 4) Hmmm ... I know there was more, but I can't remember at the moment.
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

The Prancing Pony
Jan 21 2013, 7:59pm
Post #61 of 78
Somehow I feel referred to personally by all these "writing" pictures, because that is exactly what I should be doing right now. Now I have a bad conscience .
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

Tol Eressea

Jan 21 2013, 8:07pm
Post #62 of 78
the portents say you should be writing....
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Somehow I feel referred to personally by all these "writing" pictures, because that is exactly what I should be doing right now. Now I have a bad conscience  . When I tripped over those on my tumblr feed I was like, whooooaaaaaa.... that's for me! Dwalin and Thorin make me feel verrrrry guilty....
Go outside and play...

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 22 2013, 3:39am
Post #63 of 78
I noticed in the scene when Gloin is talking about the portents that Dori is rolling his eyes. I guess he doesn't go along with what the portents say. Another observation today (my 12th viewing...and there were about a dozen people in the theater): When the dwarves are escaping from Goblin Town, Ori has acquired a long-handled axe (at least I think it's an axe) which he uses. I guess he lost his slingshot a while back.
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)

Jan 22 2013, 3:44am
Post #64 of 78
Someone throws him the Mattox during the scene where weapons are being tossed everywhere. He catches it, but the momentum bends him slightly backwards and the hammer hits a goblin behind him. But later, you see that the slingshot is still tucked in his belt. I'm sure that as they are starting to run off, I see Ori stooped down and grab something small and hold it close. I'll have to look more closely next time I see it.

Aragalen the Green

Jan 22 2013, 3:44am
Post #65 of 78
when the Dwarves come in to explore, there is a rack on one wall, that looks like it has body parts stuck onto it ( I mostly remember seeing a hand sticking out!)
There it is: dwarves are not heroes, but calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don't expect too much.

Old Toby
Grey Havens

Jan 22 2013, 3:48am
Post #66 of 78
Someone throws him the Mattox during the scene where weapons are being tossed everywhere. He catches it, but the momentum bends him slightly backwards and the hammer hits a goblin behind him. But later, you see that the slingshot is still tucked in his belt. I'm sure that as they are starting to run off, I see Ori stooped down and grab something small and hold it close. I'll have to look more closely next time I see it. I didn't notice the slingshot I guess. Also I thought I saw him with the ....Mattox?...thingie later on, and when they were fleeing from the wargs at the end I thought it was he who did that backwards hammer move again. But it could have been another dwarf. sigh. I guess I'll just have to go see it One Last Time!
"Age is always advancing and I'm fairly sure it's up to no good." Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher)

Jan 22 2013, 3:58am
Post #67 of 78
He does carry the Mattox(which he uses later), but he also has his slingshot tucked in his belt. Sorry if I confused you.


Jan 22 2013, 11:33am
Post #68 of 78
Got some MORE observations and a correction
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I went for viewing #25 and spotted a couple of more things... AND was WAY WRONG about Azog! One of the plates flies through Gandalf's smoke ring Fili pulls a knife out of each book, the front of his coat, etc. CORRECTION: Azog is NOT left-handed When Bilbo is talking with Gandalf about the Quest and golf, Bilbo has dropped his suspenders... or they were pulled down to help revive him. When Bilbo is running out of Bag End with the contract, you can see 2 hobbits fishing in the pond down below him. The pot Bofur is serving food from is not the big pot from Bilbo's pony, Myrtle. It's a smaller one with a shorter depth bowl, but as big round as a full-size pot.
First draft of TH:AUJ Geeky Observation List - updated list coming soon I'm SO HAPPY these new films take me back to that magical world!! TIME Google Calendar TORn's Geeky Observations Lists (updated soon)


Jan 22 2013, 2:52pm
Post #69 of 78
and a bit PO'd as well. Last Thursday, I looked at the upcoming weeks movie schedules. Fridays are different from Sat and Sun, weekends being different of course for obvious reasons. Monday through Thursday are the same as Fridays, maybe a few changes, but most times the same.....so I looked at Mondays's times and planned out my week. Dummy me.... planned on going to 9:35am and 1:30pm on Mon, Tue and Thurs....with hopes on going into Philadelphia on Wed for the Franklin Institute's IMAX show....Sounded good at the time I looked at schedules.........BUT Forgot that Monday was a holiday here in the States, hubby was off work and wanted to do some stuff around the house....grrrr, messed up my movie plans. To make matters worse, I just got back from the theater........they don't have the 9:35am show the rest of the week. Since I just checked Mondays schedule and not the other days....I missed the fact that..yes, yesterday was holiday...theater knew kids were off school and some people had vacation from work, so the kept the 9:35 on for Monday, but dropped it for the rest of the week.........there goes my plans for getting in as many viewings as I could this week...grrrrrrrrr. ah well....will still go for afternoon show. But my idea of a week full of viewings just went down the drain.... sorry...I know this isn't geeky observations....but I needed to vent...figured some of you would understand...
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla


Jan 24 2013, 2:30am
Post #73 of 78
I've seen it a few more times this week and have a few more things to add. a-- Not a big deal, but I've noticed bear traps in the Trolls camp. b-- When Balin is talking at the table about them not being "thirteen of the best, nor the brightest"...Nori gets upset and says "Who you calling dim?" c-- When the company are running down the Hidden Path, Bombur tries to grab some vegetation growing on the rock wall and Bifur just pushes him along. Is that vegetation edible??? lol d-- All those poor goblins who are lying in front of the Goblin Kings throne that he steps on each time he gets on or off the throne....OUCH!!! e-- Some one, on one of these threads mentions that when they are on top of the Carrock, Kili steps on Orcrist...then Thorin steps on it...but I don't remember that person mentioning that they all leave the sword back where it landed as they all go forward to look at the Lonely Mountain. There was something else...but I'm forgetting it right now...will think of it in a bit and post again... .........I really need to write everything down...
Tenna' ento lye omenta, Malla

Tol Eressea

Jan 25 2013, 4:53am
Post #75 of 78
I have no idea why it took me so long to contemplate this goober.... I mean, I worked with a wildlife rehabber who took care of, among other birds, a feisty Barn Owl named, er, Barney ... well, here are some observations on that pre-troll scene... In The Hobbit (book) Thorin tells Bilbo to go investigate a light in the forest (the one that turns out to be a Dwarf-toasting troll fire). “Hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a screech owl and we will do what we can.” In The Hobbit (film) Fili says to Bilbo, “...hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl.” The problem, my dear Fili, exceptional Prince of Dwarves, brilliant nephew of once and future king Thorin Oakenshield,...is...BARN OWLS DON'T HOOT! Where are those tree-hugging, talking-to-all-good-beasts Elves when you need them. Barn owls hiss like a horde of orcs, scream like wargs, snore and go “kleak kleak” They do not hoot. Ever. I volunteered with a raptor rehabber, one of our non-releasable lecture birds was Barney the Barn owl (yeah, I know, brilliant name). When we went to extract him from his cage for educational programs, he would hiss, scream, then fly straight at the face of the unfortunate volunteer, causing said volunteer to hastily duck, leaving Barney to flipflop-scramble out the door and under the freezer. The ability to extract a recalcitrant Barn owl from behind a large chest freezer is one of those weird talents that somehow don't help your resume'. Barn owls are in the family Tytonidae, every other owl is in the family Strigidae (every kid who's read the Guardians of Ga'Hoole books knows this). Barn owls live nearly everywhere in the world, of course they'd be in Middle Earth too. They hunt in open fields and meadows, not in trollshaws (they are countershaded like hawks or fish, rather than camo-colored like tree bark),. Well, PJ and crew were just repeating Tolkien's mistake. At least they didn't make Tolkien's second mistake (or was it a hidden bit of humor, or something else?). Screech owls don't hoot either! They whinny, they trill, they screech and bill clap, and they chuckle-rattle. They do not hoot. They also do not exist in Europe (which most of Middle Earth seems to be based on). They are limited to the Americas. In Europe (and Middle Earth) there are the scops owls (genus otus) which were once lumped in with the American screechies (Megascops), probably that's how Tolkien knew them, all in one lump. There are about 45 species of scops all over the world (except the Americas) with more being found all the time. They sort of hoot: a series of whistles or high-pitched hoots, given with a frequency of 4 calls per second or less, or a single, drawn-out whistle. So far, Fili and Thorin are looking like they need to turn in their Audobon memberships. How about those brown owls. What the heck's a brown owl anyway? We don't have those in the Americas. Googling “brown owl” gets me... ...tawny owls. Which are sometimes brown, and have many names. The Big Sciencey Name is: strix aluco. They look just like our common Barred owls (Strix varia) or endangered Spotted owls (Strix occidentalis). They apparently do hoot; “tu whit, tu whoo”. Now as I was watching this scene for the first time, I could have sworn Fili said “hoot twice like a barred owl...” that would have been hilarious, because the American Barred owl's call is usually written as: “WHO! WHO COOKS FOR YOU! WHO COOKS FOR YOU ALL!”
Go outside and play...

Tol Eressea

Feb 5 2013, 3:58pm
Post #77 of 78
yep.... quite a character... I didn't name him...
Go outside and play...