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Grey Havens

Oct 15 2024, 2:27pm

Post #1 of 79 (2364 views)


4.3 billion minutes for September only. Very strong and solid numbers and is the reason the executive of Amazon said in her interview that it is out of the question that the show will continue as planned. And if we believe her that the numbers of ROP overseas iis 4 times bigger than the U.S, that is great news for fans of the series.

P.S. But but but i remember Samba Tv and some notorious youtube channels claiming that noone waches that show and it will be cancelled for sure.Laugh

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"

(This post was edited by NecromancerRising on Oct 15 2024, 2:29pm)


Oct 15 2024, 2:35pm

Post #2 of 79 (2293 views)
A few articles [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm seeing lots of articles about the viewership numbers and the likelihood of renewal - we're at that time of the month where Amazon is expected to formally announce season 3. It's been really encouraging to read about how more and more people seem to be finding and liking this show. There was an undeniable jump in quality between the seasons and now that the story they're telling is hitting its stride most of us have found more and more to be excited about!

As inconsistent as I've found ROP so far - I'm really excited to see their whole "fifty hour" plan play out. For all their swings and misses, the show has also done some big hitting, especially this year. I never thought I'd see such an incredible depiction of Sauron and Celebrimbor - I know there's been a lot said already about those two performances, but I was just blown away. Both have really stuck with me since watching and seeing them plant the seeds for Numenor and potentially setting Durin up to fall victim to the rings he's been so adamantly against promises even better storytelling to come!

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

Grey Havens

Oct 15 2024, 2:41pm

Post #3 of 79 (2287 views)
That is true [In reply to] Can't Post

There is a much better engagement of the people this season,the storytelling was improved significantly. Still there are misses and underdeveloped storylines but in general it was a pretty compelling and exciting season.

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"

Hopefull Harfoot

Oct 15 2024, 10:26pm

Post #4 of 79 (2182 views)
Glad to hear it [In reply to] Can't Post

I've never doubted a season 3 for some reason. Perhaps its the wealth of material yet to come. I think a big problem for TV shows, even if wildly successful is to still have good story yet to tell. Often they essentially resolve and due to popularity try to write more quickly to keep it going.

51 years since I first read The Lord of the Rings


Oct 16 2024, 2:09am

Post #5 of 79 (2155 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

4.3 billion minutes for September only. Very strong and solid numbers and is the reason the executive of Amazon said in her interview that it is out of the question that the show will continue as planned. And if we believe her that the numbers of ROP overseas iis 4 times bigger than the U.S, that is great news for fans of the series.

P.S. But but but i remember Samba Tv and some notorious youtube channels claiming that noone waches that show and it will be cancelled for sure.Laugh

Samba TV is a joke. I was always going to wait for the Nielsen ratings, which I said right when the first thread on these forums about ratings came up. RoP is doing well, not fantastic, but well. Nielsen reflected that in their assessments. Samba TV was wrong. Again. I hope that finishes off whatever little credibility that site had.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.


Oct 16 2024, 4:12am

Post #6 of 79 (2123 views)
Five Seasons [In reply to] Can't Post

Ratings has nothing to do with it. I don't know why it persists as a topic of discussion when I've already told these forums many times that Rings of Power will go all five seasons. Sure, Amazon is a business, and you'd think a business decision could put Rings of Power at risk, but so too is Disney a business and look what they've done. Mediocrity is all the rage. I was right about Halbrand and I was right about Gandalf since the first time you all saw them in Season 1. It's still hard to imagine how it wasn't so totally obvious to everyone. Both those topics were fated from the start to render all the hand-wringing futile.

And I'm right about this: Bezos' ego is too big to fail. Five seasons at least.


Grey Havens

Oct 16 2024, 4:24am

Post #7 of 79 (2113 views)
Great news! [In reply to] Can't Post

I only care about ratings because good ones increase the likelihood that the five season journey will be completed. Hopefully, the renewal will be confirmed soon.

I just wish the seasons appeared yearly rather than biennially. It’s a long time to wait but also, I’m not getting any younger.

Michelle Johnston

Oct 16 2024, 5:41am

Post #8 of 79 (2100 views)
Thank you for the update. [In reply to] Can't Post

It has been the number 1 show in the three territories I have watched it.

I look forward to returning and discussing season 3, god willing.

My Dear Bilbo something is the matter with you! you are not the same hobbit that you were.


Oct 16 2024, 9:42am

Post #9 of 79 (2053 views)
Ratings [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm not really sure about the numbers. It seems to me that people with an axe to grind [there are many such people when it comes to RoP] will kind of selectively quote them, e.g. being selective about one or both of:

(a) choice of comparators, such as between RoP & other shows on Prime/on streaming platforms generally/vs RoP's first season, or maybe not providing any benchmark at all;

(b) evidence base - e.g. focus on only week 1, only on US, only on the premiere, etc etc; and

(c) units of measurement - e.g. minutes vs number of [etc] .

My instinct is that the show will most likely get made, though I'd be less sure about when - with season 2 *filming* started in early October 2022, at this rate we're surely going to struggle to have Season 3 ready to show by even Christmas 2026 [which feels a terrifyingly long way off].


Oct 16 2024, 11:59am

Post #10 of 79 (2021 views)
Business [In reply to] Can't Post

DGH - we've been batting Middle Earth related news around for too long for me to believe that you think "ratings have nothing to do with it!"

I know you're a bit cynical about ROP - and I've already gone into all the ways we agree with each other and all the ways we don't. But let's be realistic.

If no one was watching ROP, it would be cancelled. Regardless of the size of Jeff Bezos's ego.

Millions and millions of people all over the world love this show. Some of them were surprised by the casting and the mystery boxing, others (like you and I, for example) called those things from 100 yards away. For you - it made things less enjoyable. For me, it didn't move the needle at all.

Love the show or hate it. Be excited for what might come or roll your eyes and refuse to watch.

But try to sell me a world where Bezos eats hundreds of millions of dollars so he doesn't have to admit his show sucks and I'm not going to buy it. Just considering the mental gymnastics of such a take makes me dizzy.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

(This post was edited by Junesong on Oct 16 2024, 12:00pm)


Oct 16 2024, 4:50pm

Post #11 of 79 (1968 views)
Ratings [In reply to] Can't Post

Ratings are unreliable at best. High ratings are released by parties interested in swaying the public to watch their cause. Low ratings are released by parties trying to make the point that the show sucks for their own agenda. Pros and cons offers their respective cherry-picked, unverifiable numbers that only Amazon muckity-mucks really know. The ratings are not zero, and discussion in a vacuum is moot or pointless with no real purpose for analysis other than gossip and rumor. I doubt anyone here has a real basis in truth.

That said, it's easy to see ego and commitment. It will go at least five seasons.

(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on Oct 16 2024, 4:53pm)


Oct 16 2024, 5:07pm

Post #12 of 79 (1958 views)
Pointless for US [In reply to] Can't Post

I agree that US (fans on the internet) squabbling about ratings data is a fools errand. We just don't have the data, certainly not the unpolished data, and even if we did we don't have the industry know-how to parse what we'd find. We're just kids in a sandbox quibbling.


Ratings do matter internally. Put aside all the spin and the smoke and mirrors and you'll have the actual facts of whether or not enough people are watching the show to make it worthwhile to produce.

Your original post made it sound like those naked numbers don't matter when compared to the enormous ego of Bezos who will make his show by hook or by crook because he doesn't want to look like a failure - even IF he's made a trash show that no one likes and only the most desperate of fans are willing to pretend they like.

That's the part I was pushing back on. I think it makes no sense.

I think either the viewers are there, as debatable as the show's quality is, or the viewers are not there. If they're not there, the show is going to be cancelled.

So far, it looks like the viewership is actually supportive of a project of this budget. Hopefully the quality will follow.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


Oct 16 2024, 5:13pm

Post #13 of 79 (1954 views)
Difference [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes, I see the difference between what's meaningful to us and to Amazon itself. But I'll stand on the ratings being more a simple point of interest for Amazon and Bezos than determinative.


Oct 16 2024, 6:27pm

Post #14 of 79 (1927 views)
Well, [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
Ratings are unreliable at best. High ratings are released by parties interested in swaying the public to watch their cause. Low ratings are released by parties trying to make the point that the show sucks for their own agenda. Pros and cons offers their respective cherry-picked, unverifiable numbers that only Amazon muckity-mucks really know. The ratings are not zero, and discussion in a vacuum is moot or pointless with no real purpose for analysis other than gossip and rumor. I doubt anyone here has a real basis in truth.

That said, it's easy to see ego and commitment. It will go at least five seasons.

Ratings matter a lot. Advertisers care about them a great deal, and they're not going to trust Amazon's internal numbers. Nielsen ratings are used by companies to help their marketing teams judge what shows are worth advertising on and whether or not the asking price for advertisement space on those shows is worth it. And if advertisers don't feel a show is worth their effort, then the streaming service is going to feel the same way.

So to act like ratings are just a political football to be carried by one faction or another is to ignore reality. They are important to a lot of people. You might not be one of them, but that doesn't really matter.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.


Oct 16 2024, 6:45pm

Post #15 of 79 (1916 views)
Ads [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
...Ratings matter a lot. Advertisers care about them a great deal, and they're not going to trust Amazon's internal numbers. Nielsen ratings are used by companies to help their marketing teams judge what shows are worth advertising on and whether or not the asking price for advertisement space on those shows is worth it. And if advertisers don't feel a show is worth their effort, then the streaming service is going to feel the same way.

So to act like ratings are just a political football to be carried by one faction or another is to ignore reality. They are important to a lot of people. You might not be one of them, but that doesn't really matter.

well, Amazon has only barely started showing a few ads during shows like RoP. the few pennies that these ads bring up are absolute peanuts to a subscription service like Amazon's. Amazon's reasons for splurging so much on RoP are quite complex, and seem to be about the Amazon 'brand' in quite a broad sense. If they're hoping to use it to drive Prime subscriber numbers then e.g. viewing figures in non-traditional markets might be more important than say the US. But, of course, a complete flop would be bad from a prestige or most other perspectives.


Oct 16 2024, 7:04pm

Post #16 of 79 (1910 views)
Well, [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

In Reply To
...Ratings matter a lot. Advertisers care about them a great deal, and they're not going to trust Amazon's internal numbers. Nielsen ratings are used by companies to help their marketing teams judge what shows are worth advertising on and whether or not the asking price for advertisement space on those shows is worth it. And if advertisers don't feel a show is worth their effort, then the streaming service is going to feel the same way.

So to act like ratings are just a political football to be carried by one faction or another is to ignore reality. They are important to a lot of people. You might not be one of them, but that doesn't really matter.

well, Amazon has only barely started showing a few ads during shows like RoP. the few pennies that these ads bring up are absolute peanuts to a subscription service like Amazon's. Amazon's reasons for splurging so much on RoP are quite complex, and seem to be about the Amazon 'brand' in quite a broad sense. If they're hoping to use it to drive Prime subscriber numbers then e.g. viewing figures in non-traditional markets might be more important than say the US. But, of course, a complete flop would be bad from a prestige or most other perspectives.

If they were only getting peanuts, they wouldn't be doing it. Amazon has built a lucrative advertising business on their retail site. They know how profitable it can be. Steaming adverts are the next pot of gold they can chase, and chasing pots of gold is all any company does.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.

Forum Admin

Oct 16 2024, 8:31pm

Post #17 of 79 (1883 views)
While ratings are important, I think they're less important than usual in this instance. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
If no one was watching ROP, it would be cancelled. Regardless of the size of Jeff Bezos's ego.

Bezos is a long-term fan of Tolkien's LOTR and he has the money (waaaay more than enough) to create ROP as a fan-service for himself. I think his ego is the key point: ROP will go for the full five seasons because Bezos wants to see it.

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction


Oct 16 2024, 9:39pm

Post #18 of 79 (1860 views)
Well, [In reply to] Can't Post

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In Reply To
If no one was watching ROP, it would be cancelled. Regardless of the size of Jeff Bezos's ego.

Bezos is a long-term fan of Tolkien's LOTR and he has the money (waaaay more than enough) to create ROP as a fan-service for himself. I think his ego is the key point: ROP will go for the full five seasons because Bezos wants to see it.

He's also stepped back from running the company and has a board of directors to answer to. People have built up these billionaires into god-like status. They have constraints on them, and they can't just do whatever they want with their corporations.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.

Hopefull Harfoot

Oct 16 2024, 9:52pm

Post #19 of 79 (1855 views)
Well if this is Bezo's doing... [In reply to] Can't Post

then I think he should have at least arranged a cameo. I would have. It's still not too late. I think he's a natural to be an orc. No disrespect intended. Thats my body type too. We can't all be statuesque elves after all. ;)

51 years since I first read The Lord of the Rings


Oct 16 2024, 10:11pm

Post #20 of 79 (1849 views)
Cameo Scenarios [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
then I think he should have at least arranged a cameo. I would have. It's still not too late. I think he's a natural to be an orc. No disrespect intended. Thats my body type too. We can't all be statuesque elves after all. ;)

Wow, what a great idea! You could create a whole website BezosScenarios.net around people submitting extremely creative scenarios to drop him into. Or maybe just a David Letterman Top Ten List. The possibilities are endless. Why I can think of a dozen straight off. Sadly all are not appropriate for a family site and would violate canon.

Forum Admin

Oct 16 2024, 10:54pm

Post #21 of 79 (1843 views)
Huh, I didn't know that. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
He's also stepped back from running the company and has a board of directors to answer to.

Fair point.

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction

Grey Havens

Oct 17 2024, 9:08am

Post #22 of 79 (1697 views)
Bezos as an Orc [In reply to] Can't Post

would be perfect Laugh

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"


Oct 17 2024, 11:40am

Post #23 of 79 (1680 views)
Casting Bezos [In reply to] Can't Post

Could this be why there's been such a prolonged reveal for Celeborn!?

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

Grey Havens

Oct 17 2024, 11:42am

Post #24 of 79 (1678 views)
That would give food [In reply to] Can't Post

to the internet corners for at least 12 months in a rowLaugh

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"

(This post was edited by NecromancerRising on Oct 17 2024, 11:42am)

Grey Havens

Oct 17 2024, 2:14pm

Post #25 of 79 (1651 views)
LOL Bezos [In reply to] Can't Post

It doesn’t really matter to me if it’s ratings or Jeff Bezos’ ego or both that keeps RoP coming as long as it keeps getting renewed.

I’ve seen speculation that Amazon could make an announcement at New York ComicCon, which starts today. I don’t know why that might be though.

Bezos as Celeborn would be funny, at least the reaction would be.

Whoever is cast as Celeborn needs to be attractive, charismatic and a good actor if he’s going to outclass or even match Halbrand. RoP's casting has been mostly excellent so it seems likely they'll find the right guy.

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