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Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 4:04am

Post #26 of 666 (173116 views)
Eventides checking in! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

Wow, this is like deja vu. Seems like I just posted my story not too long ago. :D :D

Heh. Well, I first found out about the Lord of the Rings back in late 2002-- just a few weeks before the Two Towers opened-- by my best friend asking me if I had seen the Fellowship of the Ring. Neither of us had. A week or two later, I got the Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition (which I'm glad I saw first :) ) and we watched it together. Needless to say, we loved it. :) I started to read the LOTR novels, and literally a week after I saw FOTR, I went to see the Two Towers at the theater. By this time, as you might imagine, I was thoroughly hooked on the Lord of the Rings, both the books (including The Hobbit, Silmarillion, and the making-of chronicles) and the movies.

In mid-2003 I found TORn, and soon afterwards I registered and began to post. And then I found out that you all are, hands-down, the most amazingly, wonderfully welcoming people-- on any board, anywhere. You made me feel at home instantly.

Over the past few years I’ve learned a *lot* from you guys; both insights into the movies and books, and insights on life. I’ve also very much enjoyed all the great humor here. But most of all, I enjoy the fellowship.

I don’t use that term as a pun; nor do I use it lightly. The great camaraderie between everyone on TORn (and that wonderful welcome-ness you all showed and continue to show) is really what made me stay-- no other board I've seen has that kind of draw. *That* is why I humbly call this place my online home.

So, thanks once again to you guys and to the Admins for letting me volunteer for and participate in different things on TORn. I’m very privileged to know you all, even if only online so far, and I greatly look forward to another *awesome* year on the *NEW BOARDS* of TheOneRing.net! :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I stepped out of my body to let God slide in; although I'm still dressed in flesh that I spiritually died in. Alive in Christ a new creation started breathin', Life exists and through this came completion. ... I'm not that person anymore (more!)! That's what blood was shed for! No longer a failure, livin' life more abundantly, therefore you'll never see me livin' less than victory."
John Reuben.

"Desperation, needing You; every last breath I scream for You. Shatter me into a million pieces, make me new. ... Break me, mold me, make me what You want me to be; I am Yours, for You to use, so take and replace me with You."
Family Force 5.

"Under a light in Bethlehem, I was sifting through the sand; the saline burned my eyes, I was looking for Your hand. I gave up on myself, and left my pride disarmed; I cried out 'I'm alone!' and found myself in Your arms. 'Rest in Me, oh, My love; I have loved you before the world began. Rest in Me, oh, My love; you'll never wander too far to reach My hand.'"

Grey Havens

Feb 18 2007, 4:27am

Post #27 of 666 (177396 views)
Now don't start THAT again!!!... [In reply to] Can't Post



Force of Hobbit
Registered User

Feb 18 2007, 4:45am

Post #28 of 666 (173432 views)
This is most excellent! [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello! I am formerly known as Eomer's Woman and have been around on TORn since ROTK was released. I have been living in the Washington, DC metro area (in Northern Virginia) for 20 years now. I have been to several MOOTs and have been fortunate enough to meet some WONDERFUL folks through TORn (starting in Atlanta in June '04 at the symphony MOOT).

I was born in Brooklyn, grew up in the US Virgin Islands, and ended up living in and around the DC area. I absolutely love DC - most people don't know what a great place it is... I have 2 kids, a cat named Maximus and a REALLY LARGE dog named Jasper who we adopted 3 years ago.

I have been working for non-profit organizations all of my professional career - now I am the Chief Information Officer for an organization that helps to improve the quality of life for Americas senior citizens. I have loved Tolkien since I was young, and I am also Harry Potter obsessed.

My current television obsessions are:
  • Rome
  • Top Chef
  • Most Haunted
  • Ace of Cakes
  • Rob & Big
  • Hex

I LOVE music - and have very diverse tastes. My current musical obsessions include:
  • IMA Robot
  • Bloc Party
  • Loreena Mckennitt
  • Harry Potter Soundtracks
  • Incubus
  • Clannad
  • LOTR Soundtracks
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Modest Mouse
  • Steel Pulse

I am currently reading "The Dark is Rising" series by Susan Cooper...

That's it for now!!! Cheers!

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain

— J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999


Feb 18 2007, 5:22am

Post #29 of 666 (172378 views)
Love finding out about all of you, so... [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello! My real name is Erin, but I chose Asclepias as a nick because it's the genus name for milkweed, and at the time I joined TORn I had been doing a lot of work with butterfly milkweed. I came to TORn just before FOTR came out because I couldn't find many people who shared my passion for the books (and upcoming movies, which turned out to be only OK after FOTR).

Right now I am sort of a satellite of Cheyenne, Wyoming, sent out to actually do real work periodically and then reeled back in. I went to college in Waverly, Iowa, then came back home; I did a 3-year stint in grad school, then came back home; last summer I spent 4 months studying pikas at Lava Beds National Monument in northern California, then came back home. Barring any drastic changes in the next 2-3 weeks, I will be headed to the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery in southeastern Idaho for 8 months, after which I will probably come back home. Full-time permanent biology jobs are hard to come by right now unless they have 'director of' or 'vice president of' at the beginning of the job title. Two years out from grad school, I don't qualify for those just yet!

It's nice to 'see' so many familiar faces! Let us join the throng!


Feb 18 2007, 5:51am

Post #30 of 666 (173952 views)
many meetings, I guess [In reply to] Can't Post

It's nice to hear stories from everyone. I'm Penthe, but most people call me Pen. Except the five year old who calls me 'Mum'. I live in Ipswich, the one in Australia, not the one in England. My life revolves around feeding the son, trying to earn money from writing, and teaching innocent undergraduates to try and make money from writing. Other than that I spend a lot of time worrying about whether I should get a real job.

My favourite things are really good children's books, especially Diana Wynne Jones, the Green Knowe books and more recently Garth Nix. I'm 35, so there's no point waiting for me to get over it. This morning I looked at my wedding photos and realised that I have aged disgracefully. Lucky none of you can see me.


Feb 18 2007, 6:01am

Post #31 of 666 (167211 views)
Magpie checking in [In reply to] Can't Post

Although I visited TORn's home page multiple times a day since the summer of 2002, I don't think I registered for the forums till early 2004... and then I don't think I posted till quite a bit after that. I had a few other Tolkien homes that faded after the movies and I've been slow in reconnecting with a new forum.

I was given the label Magpie by my husband because of my incessant collecting of things: rocks, feathers, bark, grapevine tendrils, shells, seed pods, acorns, pine cones, Viewmaster slides, advertising fans from the State Fair, wooden handled kitchen tools, rooster kitchen ware, folk dolls, game pieces, paper ephemera, Golden Books, joker cards, small glass salt shakers, tins, marbles, vintage sewing supplies, bird figurines, and buttons. But the bulk of my collection is stuff that can't be categorized in any way but 'stuff a Magpie would pick up'. On a bulletin board I have pinned up: an old large clip advertising a company, a little red Pegasus from a Mobil station, a pixie charm from Cornwall, a big red plastic butterfly pin, skeleton keys and brass hardware from a drawer. I like the name Magpie and I think it suits me because, for me, life is full of bright, shiny things. And my real initials are MMM and I live in Minneapolis Minnesota. So I kind of got the M thing working.

Although I hadn't read the books since the late 60's, when I reread them in 2002 I became a bit obsessed with them. My obsessive tendencies toward sorting and organizing also prompted me to begin 'sorting' the music of the LOTR movies. Today, I have a large soundtrack website. Although I wrote obsessively about the book for a few years, I mostly hang out on movie. I kind of burned myself out on the more literary discussions. But I still love the book way more than the movie.

When I'm away from my computer, I teach English Country Dance, host community sings, and look for a job. The job part's getting kind of depressing. I live with three grown men (husband and college-aged sons) who are all geeky, techy and mechanical. For kicks, they built a 390 lb. combat robot and use it to bash other 390 lb combat robots.

DJ Mix for Inaugural Celebration at:

no longer just aMagpie... I'm now *the* Magpie


Feb 18 2007, 9:09am

Post #32 of 666 (173878 views)
*dives in* [In reply to] Can't Post

My real name's Ilke (don't try to pronounce it unless you want to sound silly Wink), and am 22 years 'old'. I live in the Netherlands, hence the at times awful grammar/spelling/... - but at least I've grown better after having studied the language at a university for 2,5 years now. Or at least I'd like to think so Tongue No idea what I want to do once I have my MA, the only thing I'm sure about in that respect is that I don't want to become a teacher. I just don't have what it takes, I'm afraid.

It's close to 5 years of TORn for me; I came to the message boards some 3 months after FOTR came out. Seems so long ago in terms of years, but so short in memory...


Feb 18 2007, 12:22pm

Post #33 of 666 (173494 views)
Re: [linkin-artelf] Hey! [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids,

Gah - I always thought you were a teen boy! Guess I was way off! Shocked


Feb 18 2007, 12:24pm

Post #34 of 666 (175566 views)
Re: [linkin-artelf] How does a Sicilian get the name Scott? [In reply to] Can't Post

Welllllllll I'm of Sicilian descent. You'll have to ask my non-Sicilian mom why she named me Scott. Anyhoo - if I told you my last name, you'd say "Ah, that's as Sicilian as it gets!"


Feb 18 2007, 2:43pm

Post #35 of 666 (172656 views)
I'm Alnilam from the constellation Orion [In reply to] Can't Post

Hi, I'm Alnilam (most people call me Alni, for short).
I've been on the TORN boards since Jan 1, 2001, although I haven't been around too much lately. The inability to keep up with the threads before they disappeared into non-reply land kind of hindered my ability to participate in discussions. I'm very happy about the new boards.

I'm Brazilian, and I moved to Canada in 2004. I got married last year to an American and we are working on the paperwork to get him to move to Canada.

I first read LOTR at Easter of '99, after finishing the Hobbit. I took advantage of the long weekend and the fact that I wasn't feeling too well to stay in bed all day and read. Then I heard that there were movies coming out and found a few sites with info, including TORN. I didn't go to the messages boards, though, as I wasn't really in the habit of doing that. Until I reinstalled my computer and had a question concerning Mithril. The rest is history.

Alnilam's Realm
From the Old TORN Boards:
Top 5 Browsers/OSs:

1. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98 (1568)
2. Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 using Windows 98 (890)
3. Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 using Windows 98 (464)
4. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98 (175)
5. Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98 (136)


Feb 18 2007, 7:09pm

Post #36 of 666 (178844 views)
Well, that's a first! [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To

In Reply To

Got a hubby, two nearly grown kids,

Gah - I always thought you were a teen boy! Guess I was way off! Shocked

I guess the old nick threw you off.Sly (ok, this is definitely a devilish grin for me)
That's too funny.

ps, hubby's of Sicilian descent too and I'm from further North of the boot.
Ciao, Fingon

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"I walk along the shore and I gaze
At the light that radiates down
Will it travel forth to you
Far across this shimmering sea?"
formerly linkinparkelf

Samantha Baggins
The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 7:19pm

Post #37 of 666 (179884 views)
*Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...* [In reply to] Can't Post

It's been quite a while since I've used a board like this...

Anyways, Hello all! I'm Jaclyn, and I'm an undergrad at Kent State University in Ohio, born and raised in Parma, Ohio. I spend most of my time procrastinating, though I also get around to actually reading and writing for school (eventually). I also love to draw, game with friends, drink with friends, hang out with friends, and sleep.

I came across TORn a few months before the first movie came out, and I think I started posting shortly after that - I can't remember for sure. There was a stretch where I got flood with school and other priorities and neglected posting on here for awhile, but now I'm back. And you'll be hard-pressed to get me to leave.

*looks at all the Ohioans on the thread* Hmmm, have we ever had an Ohio Moot?.....

And I don't have a pic because I don't have any uploaded that were recently taken, and I wouldn't know how to make it show up on here anyways. But I did draw my little avator over there.


*looks around*

Who cleaned up Bag End?

Varda Elentari
The Shire

Feb 18 2007, 8:43pm

Post #38 of 666 (185550 views)
Re: [Samantha Baggins] *Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...* [In reply to] Can't Post

There was a Columbus moot several years ago for the LOTR symphony. Let's see, who was there... gramma, Scout and Mr. Scout, Entmaiden, Eirhren, Asclepias, and myself (apologies to anyone I forgot, it's been awhile!). Good times.

Tol Eressea

Feb 18 2007, 10:32pm

Post #39 of 666 (186243 views)
Re: [Samantha Baggins] *Crosses fingers that she's doing this right...* [In reply to] Can't Post

As an Ohio-sib, a Moot would be nice (hopefully not in Cleveland -- don't like driving in Cleveland).


Feb 18 2007, 10:37pm

Post #40 of 666 (182140 views)
Re: [Force of Hobbit] This is most excellent! [In reply to] Can't Post

Force of Hobbit, if you like Clannad, you would like the group "2002". See if you can find a CD of theirs sometime.

Force of Hobbit
Registered User

Feb 18 2007, 11:02pm

Post #41 of 666 (179488 views)
Re: [WhiteLadyEowyn] This is most excellent! [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for the tip! Am always looking out for new music -



Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain

— J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999


Feb 19 2007, 12:17am

Post #42 of 666 (189900 views)
Re: [FingonOfPittsburgh] OK I'll go first [In reply to] Can't Post

Bah, since we have a 10-minute "edit window" I have to drop a new post here in the thread.

Link to pics of my kiddies.

Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament... There you will find romance, glory, honour, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves on earth, and more than that: Death: by the divine paradox, that which ends life, and demands the surrender of all, and yet by the taste (or foretaste) of which alone can what you seek in your earthly relationships (love, faithfulness, joy) be maintained, or take on that complexion of reality, of eternal endurance, which every man's heart desires.

--J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter #43, to his son Michael


Feb 19 2007, 1:15am

Post #43 of 666 (181571 views)
Hello New TORN [In reply to] Can't Post

My first post on the new boards. I answer to either Morwen or Peggy. I started lurking on TORN back when the movies were in production and everyone was discussing who would play who, was Arwen really going to be at Helm's Deep, and other deep issues of the day. I believed that I was much too shy to post my own thoughts and opinions on a public message board, but, before I knew it, a very compelling discussion in the RR sucked me right in, and I never really went away.

I've returned to regular posting recently after a long period (imposed by RL responsibilities) of posting only occasionally. In real life, I'm an advocate for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Oklahoma, but I love reading (many kinds of fiction), movies and dark chocolate, among other things.

Altaira, Mr. Altaira and Inferno-- I've said it already, but thanks again for the very cool Cool new boards.


Feb 19 2007, 2:04am

Post #44 of 666 (181564 views)
Another long-time Buckeye here [In reply to] Can't Post

OK, first of all, Alcarcalime and Ohio Hobbit, if you live 40 miles south of Akron you must live with my mother in Millersburg, the county seat of Holmes County, Ohio! I lived there off and on from 1967-1974, attended Denison and graduated from Ohio State. I've also done time in Chicago and Boston, and now I live in Los Angeles where I'm a law professor.

I first visited TORn the summer before TTT came out. I read the books in the mid-1960's and obsessively thereafter, but I paid little attention to PJ's movies at first (despite my husband being a film critic) because I'd been fooled before. But as I slowly caught on to this here internet thingy it occurred to me that there might be online communities devoted to JRRT (d'uh) and stumbled onto TORn and its wonderful people and its truly remarkable Reading Room. Even though I don't spend as much time here as I did for a while, TORn and the people I've met here (and in RL at Marquette, in Los Angeles, in San Diego, in Toronto, in Chicago) have changed my life.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Registered User

Feb 19 2007, 3:50am

Post #45 of 666 (179139 views)
Hello from MN [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm Nicole and I've been around since '03. I live with my new husband, got married April 29th '06 and work as a surgical tech. I don't post very often (not sure why) but I'm here about everyday. I love this place and hope it stays as great with the new boards. I know it'll take me awhile to learn how to navigate. I'm so glad there is the option to view in flat or threaded mode. I have a hard time reading the flat mode. Glad to meet you all!
Attachments: 130redo.jpg (294 KB)


Feb 19 2007, 3:58am

Post #46 of 666 (186151 views)
Hello Lalaith [In reply to] Can't Post

Another Minnesotan... How did you like the LOTR Symphony?

DJ Mix for Inaugural Celebration at:

no longer just aMagpie... I'm now *the* Magpie


Feb 19 2007, 4:25am

Post #47 of 666 (176323 views)
Hi from Virginia [In reply to] Can't Post

It is so fun to see so many old newbies, new newbies, formerly-lurking oldies and newbies, new oldbies...someone should slap me before I keep this up much longer!!!

I'm Mary, in RL. My old nick on Torn was "an seileachan" because I was working out something in Gaelic at the time I registered, and it's the name of a pretty little wildflower, and so I registered and have regretted it ever since. But I got stuck with it, shortened it to a.s., and voila! here I am. I signed on right after the Oscars sweep for ROTK, thanks to a photo of PJ in People magazine where he was sporting a WEE LITTLE lapel button that said "The One Ring . Net". I couldn't resist checking it out, and have been glad ever since. It's my favorite spot on the net.

I'm a nurse with many years experience in maternal-child community health, the last decade or so in case management of children with special needs. However, I just got a new job! (yay, me!) and am going back to prenatal/birth to two to coordinate a program for moms at high risk of poor outcomes (poor, no access to health care, etc). I am also a wife and mom to three lovely daughters, ages 16, 20, and 25. I'm a former Navy wife who grew up in the Washington DC area but has lived in Tidewater Virginia for the last 20 years and loves it here!

I am a very active community volunteer for various disability related groups, currently working on housing options and etc. I am very interested in bioethics and the ramifications of medical policies on marginal groups.

In my "spare time", I read. A lot. Please, if you aren't a regular, check out the weekly "What have you been reading this week?" thread in the Off Topic folder on Wednesdays! We have lots of readers here, and you will get great recommendations.

I also like bluegrass and "alt country/Americana" and traditional Irish music.

Whoa, this is way too long. So happy to be here. I can be found mostly in the RR. If you haven't been to the RR, please come by.

a.s. (no pictures, but I look just like my avatar...heh heh heh) Wink

"an seileachan"

The Lost Mod Power: An Elegy (with apologies to Wordsworth)

What though the mod power which was once so bright
Be now FOREVER taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the stats, of glory in the power,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.


Feb 19 2007, 4:37am

Post #48 of 666 (178101 views)
I'm still RosieLass [In reply to] Can't Post

I still live in Denver, Colorado.

And we still have snow...

Although it's been 40 all weekend, so it feels like we're having a tropical heatwave...

(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(")signature to help him gain world domination.

Gorgeous avatar by Aravanye!

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Feb 19 2007, 5:24am

Post #49 of 666 (232869 views)
Found my way here, finally! [In reply to] Can't Post

More than 24 hours after registering, editing my profile, posting, trying out formats, smilies, etc., I finally stumbled across the introduction thread. Typical me.

I'm Jennifer, known as Finding Frodo or FF (not to be confused with the other FF's -- Fantasy Fan, Far From Home, or...hmm....I know there's another.) Anyway, I first read The Hobbit in 4th grade, finally got through all of LotR in 7th grade, and have been reading them yearly ever since, as far as I can remember. Now I'm a part-time music teacher, wife and mother of 3, and devote unrealistic amounts of time to TORn because it has so enriched my Tolkien life. I found the message boards after FotR came out, but only lurked and didn't register until after RotK came out. Some great things I've gotten to do were attending the first ORC, Indymoot and a Tom Shippey lecture, as well as leading discussions in the RR and Movie boards.

In real life I live in Iowa, and I've never lived more than 80 miles from where I grew up. I'm a part-time music teacher, a wife and a mother of 3. I have a need to read. Some other favorite authors are Jane Austen and Laura Ingalls Wilder. And I always have chocolate in the house, the darker the better.

Here's a picture of me from two years ago. I look the same. If you knew me in third grade, you'd recognize me.

Where's Frodo?

Tol Eressea

Feb 19 2007, 8:18am

Post #50 of 666 (176988 views)
*peeks in* [In reply to] Can't Post

Okay, I'll try this out. So many familiar faces, but the furniture is all strange!

Let's see...I'm Ro. I probably look something like the picture below (provided I managed to attach it successfully, of course). I have an inordinate fondness for pointy-eared bow twangers, and I'll never say no to chocolate. Occasionally I have Random Thoughts, which I suppose is better than having no thoughts at all. I have just been read a passage from "The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune", and no, I have no idea what it's about either. I think it's in Middle English.

I suppose that's enough of a (re-)introduction. It's nice to be here!
Attachments: greyhorse.JPG (19.5 KB)

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