Nov 2 2022, 3:55am
Views: 5490
I think it's a Firefox thing
Coming in late to the conversation.. I experience the same thing sometimes when using Firefox. Ethel, is that the browser you use? I like using Firefox because it provides icons that automate things you would otherwise have to use markup to accomplish, such as links, quotes and embedding pictures. However, I think some of the updates made to Firefox don't always synch with the board software. A good example is it seems like for months now, to get a paragraph break to 'take' in Firefox, one must hit 'Shift' and 'Enter' together. Otherwise there's no paragraph break. When I get the message you showed in the screen shot, I first try refreshing my screen (Ctrl F5 on a windows machine, or the round circle with an arrow at the top left of your screen). Often, the reply box appears and I can continue. If not, I go back to the main board menu and drill down to the post I want to reply to, refreshing it as I go. So - go back to the main board menu and refresh - go to the forum the post is in and refresh - go to the post you want to reply to and refresh - hit 'reply to post' That seems to work for me 9 times out of 10. If it doesn't, I switch to Chrome or try again later.
(This post was edited by Altaira on Nov 2 2022, 4:00am)