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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit: Probably studio decision to have more Leggy: Edit Log

Grey Havens

Oct 24 2022, 7:54pm

Views: 58841
Probably studio decision to have more Leggy

Some people loved the “Leggy moments” I don’t know who they are, but I’m sure the studio demanded Legolas get more screen-time and Beorn got the axe as a result :( - I think they should have given Thranduil a Leggy moment and have Legolas look at him like “Wow I wish I could do that”, like a small character arc for him Laugh

Also possible that they reduced Beorn’s screen time because of the actor’s behaviour - he was involved with the police and found with drugs at the time of production, so perhaps that complicated things.

I’d love to at least see the scripts of what could have been. Apparently there was a very funny scene, looking for the secret path to Rivendell, before they turned it into a warg chase.

(This post was edited by AshNazg on Oct 24 2022, 7:56pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on Oct 24 2022, 7:56pm

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