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Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
Well, it's bound to be subjective...:
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The Shire
Oct 4 2022, 8:52am
Views: 608
Well, it's bound to be subjective...
The only reason I put Treebeard in the post was (a) being gently ironic because there were no other casting problems in LOTR, the nearest was David Wenham as Faramir who does seem to have a problem when he's asked to play anybody who isn't Australian and (b) because I really hate what PJ has done with Treebeard, and I will go on and on about it till somebody gets a rifle and shoots me. The person who no doubt would have created casting problems never made the cut in the film, i.e.Tom Bombadil, and I ask you just to have a minute's silence and ask yourself what Peter Jackson would have done to bring him to life. It fills you with dread, doesn't it :-) I will give you Elendil and Kit Harington. Elendil could no doubt grow into the person who leads the Last Alliance against Sauron, although the film-makers will surely go off-canon, not for the first time, and give that particular role to Galadriel. Kit Harington - I know what you mean, he does feel like a Poundland Aragorn to some extent, but to be fair he does what it says in the book, and the book is boring anyway. I think Emilia Clarke is first-class at portraying Daenerys and I think you are in the minority :-)
'There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world'
(This post was edited by thursday_next on Oct 4 2022, 8:54am)
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Post edited by thursday_next
(The Shire) on Oct 4 2022, 8:52am
Post edited by thursday_next
(The Shire) on Oct 4 2022, 8:54am