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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Movie Discussion: The Hobbit: How Bolg should have died…: Edit Log

Grey Havens

May 2 2022, 11:11pm

Views: 64052
How Bolg should have died…

Just rewatched Bo5A, and had a fun thought. Imagine if you edit out Legolas stabbing Bolg in the head, and instead Legolas tricks Bolg by collapsing the tower they’re on, causing him to fall…

Then we see Bolg on the floor twitching and still alive… cut to back Thorin and Azog fighting…

Cut back to Bolg slowly getting up and noticing Tauriel is still alive, he hobbles back toward the battle.

Cut back to Thorin and Azog, the eagles arrive…

Bolg is about to go for Tauriel (or Legolas) but then…
Beorn swoops in and rips him to shreds.

This way both Legolas and Beorn would have satisfying conclusions.

I feel like one day CGI will be good enough that fans will be able to make something like this happen in a fan edit. It would only require a couple of very brief vfx shots and some smart editing.

Just imagine the troll in this clip is Bolg - https://youtu.be/hOQBWuPtx3M

(This post was edited by AshNazg on May 2 2022, 11:14pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by AshNazg (Grey Havens) on May 2 2022, 11:14pm

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