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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power: The relationship between a writer and their writings: Edit Log

Michelle Johnston

Oct 30 2024, 6:09am

Views: 2391
The relationship between a writer and their writings

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Whereas the LOTR took 12 years to write were published and are the author's final thoughts on the matter. It may have scholastic interest and Christopher believed he was authorised to do so, but I could never see JRRT wanting me to read his early drafts.

I would think that as a teacher of English language and literature, these would be a good example for the evolution and freedom of thought, the writing process, and development of story. Surely as a professor he would not hide his process to the detriment of learning.

Writers are very happy to share the strange and curious way in which their stories evolve but they are equally fastidious and have a sense of vulnerability when the manuscript goes to press, worrying that some element could still be improved upon. The professor was profoundly frustrated by changes and mistakes that were made in early editions.

I know of no writer who wants the evolving process and all the missteps and errors catalogued.

Mr Tolkien apart from the occasional read (The Fall of Gondolin) separated out his professional life from the things going on at home.

I know of no letter, of anything in his official biography or from students at Merton or relatives (Both of whom I have met in a professional capacity) who would have expected early drafts of the LOTR to be published. The publication of the Silmarillion is entirely different Father and Son discussed it.

Other may know differently, but I stand by knowledge of authors. These days an author will submit to a major, gain acceptance and be told the names, the title and the word count has to be halved, this is deeply frustrating when you own a piece of your own creative imagination that you have toiled over for years. That kind of ownership does not want drafts out in the public.

Lecturing and extemporising yes but not actual manuscripts which an author has a profound sense of vulnerability over.

And remember whatever I say; is the reason the Silmarillion was not published in his lifetime is because he could not solve its many, to him, problems. Why would a man so determined to get things right want his drafts published.

My Dear Bilbo something is the matter with you! you are not the same hobbit that you were.

(This post was edited by Michelle Johnston on Oct 30 2024, 6:13am)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Michelle Johnston (Gondor) on Oct 30 2024, 6:10am
Post edited by Michelle Johnston (Gondor) on Oct 30 2024, 6:13am

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