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Oct 13 2024, 1:14pm

Views: 2473
TIME - October 13

Today in Middle-earth

October 13, 2941 (S.R. 1341)
1. Bilbo, Fili, Kili and Balin scout up to River Running and go part way toward the Front Gate.
(determined from text – referencing Karen Wynn Fonstad, The Atlas of Middle-earth)

..."Before setting out to search the western spurs of the Mountain for the hidden door, on which all their hopes rested, Thorin sent out a scouting expedition to spy out the land to the South where the Front Gate stood. For this purpose he chose Balin and Fili and Kili, and with them went Bilbo. They marched under the grey and silent cliffs to the feet of Ravenhill. There the river, after winding a wide loop over the valley of Dale, turned from the Mountain on its road to the Lake, flowing swift and noisily.... ...they could see in the wide valley shadowed by the Mountain's arms the grey ruins of ancient houses, towers, and walls.
..."There lies all that is left of Dale," said Balin. "The mountain's sides were green with woods and all the sheltered valley rich and pleasant in the days when the bells rang in that town." He looked... ...grim as he said this: he had been one of Thorin's companions on the day the Dragon came.
...They did not dare to follow the river much further towards the Gate; but they went on beyond the end of the southern spur, until lying hidden behind a rock they could look out and see the dark cavernous opening in a great cliff wall between the arms of the Mountain. Out of it the waters of the Running River sprang; and out of it too there came a stream and a dark smoke. Nothing moved in the waste, save vapour and the water.... ...The only sound was the sound of the stony water, and every now and again the harsh croak of a bird. Balin shuddered.
..."Let us return!" he said. "We can do no good here! And I don't like these dark birds, they look like spies of evil."
..."The dragon is still alive and in the halls under the Mountain then---or I imagine so from the smoke," said the hobbit.
..."That does not prove it," said Balin, "though I don't doubt you are right. But he might be gone away some time, or he might be lying out on the mountain-side keeping watch, and still I expect smokes and steams would come out of the gates... ...the halls within must be filled with his foul reek."
...With such gloomy thoughts, followed ever by croaking crows above them, they made their weary way back to the camp."

October 13, 3018 (S.R. 1418)
1. Frodo crosses the bridge.
(from the appendices)

..."...Next day, early in the morning, they came down again to the borders of the Road. Sam and Strider went forward, but they found no sign of any travellers or riders. Here under the shadow of the hills there had been some rain. Strider judged that it had fallen two days before, and had washed away all footprints. No horseman had passed since then...
......They hurried along with all the speed they could make, and after a mile or two they saw the Last Bridge ahead, at the bottom of a short steep slope. They dreaded to see black figures waiting there, but they saw none. Strider made them take cover in a thicket at the side of the Road, while he went forward to explore.
...Before long he came hurrying back. 'I can see no sign of the enemy... ...and I wonder very much what that means. But I have found something very strange.'
...He held out his hand, and showed a single pale-green jewel. 'I found it in the mud in the middle of the Bridge,' he said. 'It is a beryl, an elf-stone. Whether it was set there, or let fall by chance... ...it brings hope to me. I will take it as a sign that we may pass the Bridge; but beyond that I dare not keep to the Road, without some clearer token.'
...At once they went on again... ...Strider turned aside, and soon they were lost in a sombre country of dark trees winding among the feet of sullen hills... ...As they went forward the hills about them steadily rose... ...they caught glimpses of ancient walls of stone, and the ruins of towers: they had an ominous look. Frodo, who was not walking, had time to gaze ahead and to think. He recalled Bilbo's account of his journey and the threatening towers on the hills north of the Road, in the country near the Troll's wood where his first serious adventure had happened. Frodo guessed that they were now in the same region...."

2. Glorfindel backtracks from his pursuit of the Black Riders searching for the Company.
(not from the appendices-no text)

3. Gandalf makes his way to Rivendell.
(not from the appendices-no text)

October 13, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
1. Gandalf and the hobbits make their way to Bree.
(not from the appendices - no text - a drabble)

... Gandalf found a soft nest of moss under the tree he rested against. He sat quietly smoking in the evening's camp and delighted in the humorous banter between Merry and Pippin as they debated whatever topic would appear. He marvelled at Sam's intuitive care for preparing the camp and meal while keeping a subtle eye on Frodo who sat wrapped in a blanket quietly watching the campfire. Softly blown smoke rings rode the night air as he pondered Sam's devotion to Frodo. He shook his head to himself.
..."Their return to the Shire will decide much. Who can know what will follow?"


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar

(This post was edited by grammaboodawg on Oct 13 2024, 1:15pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by grammaboodawg (Immortal) on Oct 13 2024, 1:15pm

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