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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: Off Topic: Late to the party this week...: Edit Log

Greenwood Hobbit

Oct 12 2024, 5:00pm

Views: 1977
Late to the party this week...

I hope those of you who are not feeling 100% perk up very soon! I'm creaky today, hands arms and shoulders especially, after using my old, heavy drill to put up a trellis panel on a rendered wall - not a big job, but needs a masonry bit and hammer action. My grip is not what it was! Still, the job's done. Two more things to do, but I can't do those on my own so they'll have to wait until I have help.
I did actually see some Northern Lights on Thursday night; not like the glorious technicolour displays so often seen in heavily manipulated long-exposure photos, but with the naked eye I was able to see a flush of red spreading up the sky with the merest hint of green in its wake. The pattern was confirmed by photos others had taken. The solar maximum may yet offer more chances - I'm greedy, I want more now!
Last night I went to the photographic society meeting; the speaker was a woman whose speciality was sewing on photos - very unusual and time-consuming! She punches the holes first with a needle fixed in a cork, then sews, to avoid tearing the paper. I could sense the traditionalists flinching as she showed off her work. If the link works, you can see some of the things she does. If it doesn't (what is it with me and links?!) here it is.


I found some of it ugly, but there were some beautiful pieces as well.
Enjoy the changing season; the autumn leaves are flying today, in a squally wind. It's home-made soup weather... Cheers, folks!

(This post was edited by dernwyn on Oct 12 2024, 6:18pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by dernwyn (Forum Admin) on Oct 12 2024, 6:18pm

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